Separation of photosynthetic pigments by chromatography
This lab will be assessed on Conclusion & Evaluation and Manipulative Skills.
The photosynthetic pigments can be separated and identified by chromatography. The relative distances travelled by the various pigments depend on which solvent is used.
· To separate and identify the photosynthetic pigments present in various plants.
· To compare the photosynthetic pigments present in these plants.
- Cut a strip of chromatography paper so that it fits into a gas jar.
- Rule a pencil line across the strip of paper 3cm from one end.
- Using a mortar and pestle, grind up fresh leaves in pure propanone, producing as concentrated a pigment solution as possible. Filter the solution.
- Using a very thin capillary tube or the head of a pin, place a drop of the pigment solution at the centre of the pencil line. Allow it to dry and place a second drop on the first. Repeat this until you have built up a small concentrated spot of pigment.
- Pour some solvent into the gas jar to a depth of approximately 1.5-2cm. Place a lid over the gas jar so that the atmosphere inside becomes saturated with vapour.
- Place the bottom edge of the chromatography paper into the solvent so that it is just touching. Make sure that the pigment spot is not immersed.
- The solvent front will rise up the paper and separate the pigments. When the solvent is close to the top of the paper, remove the strip and rule a pencil line to mark the distance travelled by the solvent. Dry the paper.
- Identify the pigments by their colours and their Rf values.
· Carry out the method described above on the leaves of 3 different plants.
· Record the raw data in an appropriate manner and present it clearly, allowing for easy interpretation.
· Process the raw data and present it appropriately.
· Draw valid conclusions and compare your results with literature values.
· Evaluate the procedure used and suggest improvements to the method.
Conclusion and Evaluation (CE) / Concluding / Evaluating procedure(s) / Improving the investigationc = 2 / States a conclusion, with justification, based on a reasonable interpretation of the data. / Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. / Suggests realistic improvements in respect of identified weaknesses and limitations.
p = 1 / States a conclusion based on a reasonable interpretation of the data. / Identifies some weaknesses and limitations, but the evaluation is weak or missing. / Suggests only superficial improvements.
n = 0 / States no conclusion or the conclusion is based on an unreasonable interpretation of the data. / Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and limitations. / Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Criteria / Aspect 1 / Aspect 2 / Aspect 3 / Grade
Manipulative Skills (MS) / Following instructions: / Carrying out techniques: / Working safely:
c = 2 / Follows instructions accurately, adapting to new circumstances (seeking assistance when required). / Competent and methodical in the use of a range of techniques and equipment. / Pays attention to safety issues.
p = 1 / Follows instructions but requires assistance. / Usually competent and methodical in the use of a range of techniques and equipment. / Usually pays attention to safety issues.
n = 0 / Rarely follows instructions or requires constant supervision. / Rarely competent and methodical in the use of a range of techniques and equipment. / Rarely pays attention to safety issues.