CCPTP Executive Board Meeting, Mid-winter Pre-conference

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa, Lost Pines, TX

Mina Room

2012-2013 Executive Board

Mark Leach, University of Louisville—Chair

Kathie Chwalisz, Southern Illinois University—Past Chair

Marty Heesacker, University of Florida—Chair-Elect

Bill Hoyt, University of Wisconsin-Madison—Secretary

Arpana Inman, Lehigh University—Chair Elect-Designate

Johanna Nilsson, University of Missouri Kansas-City—Treasurer

Donna Thomas, Louisiana Tech University—Awards

Liz Welfel, Cleveland State University—Communications

Sally Stabb, Texas Woman’s University—Secretary-Elect

Eric Sauer, Western Michigan University, Awards -Elect

8:00am – Breakfast At some point midmorning:

10:00-10:15am – BreakDebbie Nolan will present potential 2014 Conference Sites

12:00pm – Lunch

2:00-2:15pm – Break

4:00pm – Adjourn

5:30pm – Greet New TDs, with facilitators Eve Adams & Cindy Juntunen, atFirewheel Cafe

6:00pm – Executive Board Dinner atStories Fine Dining Restaurant

Items of Business:

  1. Welcome, Greetings, and Breakfast Together
  2. Review/approve Outgoing and Incoming EB meeting minutes at APA 2012.

Motion to approve minutes 8/3/2012 BH/AI 10-0-0

Motion to approve minutes 8/5/2012 BH/LW 10-0-0

  1. Thanks to the 2013 Midwinter Conference Program Committee
  1. Go over conference schedule; consider logistics and/or additional agenda items for business meeting; prep folders.

Information only; no action items

Discussion of how to organize large-group decision-making items re: internship

  1. EB Officer Reports/Liaison Reports (informational: no minutes)
  2. Mark (Chair, BEA/CCTC)
  3. Kathie (Past-Chair, SCP)

Discussion of SCP encouragement to programs seeking training grants; ways CCPTP can support those wishing to apply

  1. Marty (Chair-Elect, ASPPB)

Ongoing efforts to increase portability of licenses;

  1. Johanna (Treasurer, ACCTA): midyear report

Treasurer reports substantial proportion of programs in arrears with dues payments (both current year and previous year). Some information from past-Treasurer is still pending. Discussion of procedures for delinquent programs:

-Listserv access restricted to dues-paid members starting April 1, 2013 (Johanna will notify)

-Portion of website with conference proceedings: move to member-only access. Liz will check with Greg on establishing password, to change annually.

-Next year conference registration fee will include dues for those who have not yet paid. Dues deadline: Nov 1; late notifications Dec 1, reminding members that listserv and conference participation will be restricted to those who have paid their dues.

Motion (JN/MH): Initial dues deadline Nov 1, starting 2013 10-0-0

Motion (KC/LW): Conference registration only for dues-paid members 10-0-0

Plan to require dues payment by April 1 of 2013 from current delinquent programs, to avoid loss of member privileges (e.g., voting privileges; listserve access).

Treasurer also is considering hiring an accountant recommended by Debbie and Greg who will be consistent over time (as opposed to new Treasurers hiring local tax preparer). Discussion of options for tax preparation (including TurboTax).

  1. Donna (Awards, MCAC)

MCAC is currently reviewing 16 CCPTP member programs based on the new accreditation standards.

  1. Liz (Communications)—
  1. Joint conference March 6-8 2014 (SCP/CCPTP/ACCTA) Atlanta GA

Motion (KC/JN) EB meeting Wed afternoon March 5

CCPTP Bus Mtg Thurs afternoon March 6 (~2 hours)

EB meeting Sunday morning March 9


  1. Any other pressing issues for discussion/update?
  2. Desk Review of Master’s Program in Jamaica (Mark)
  3. CPY representation on Internship Toolkit (Mark)

Two questions:

  1. Can we agree on only allowing students from accredited programs to participate in the match?
  2. Can we agree on minimal standards for internship readiness?

Drafted a possible resolution (common expectations for readiness for internship) for consideration by membership (Friday 11 and Saturday 4 pm).

  1. CoA Request for Public Comment (Kathie)

Reviewed 20 questions from CoA for Phase II of the Road Map (G&P revisions), and discussed process for seeking input from membership on an organizational response.

  1. Adjourn