provision for deferred incometaxes should be made with respect to the141
sections which relate to deferred incometaxes. He believes that the245
for deferred incometaxes are omitted as a result of the expectation293
disregarded in making provision for deferred incometaxes.APB 2: Accounting for the "Investment Credit"433
accounting recognition to deferred incometaxes, disclosure should be4251
Deferred IncomeTaxes4337
23. Provisions for deferred incometaxes may be computed either (a)4349
technique in measuring the current cost of deferred incometaxes is13047
related deferred taxes should disclose (1) the composition of income…14137
deferred currently and allocated to incometax expense of future14539
Amortization of these deferred taxes to incometax expense in future14559
should not record deferred incometaxes recorded by an acquired28459
deferred credit and should be amortized systematically to incomeover28565
Board concluded that deferred incometaxes should not be accounted for37531
Opinion No. 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes, but deferred modifying38423
amount of deferred incometaxes of the parent attributable to38955
Opinion for over 50% investors (no deferred incometaxes) and in APB39731
parent in determining deferred incometaxes on undistributed earnings39903
becomes a subsidiary, the deferred incometaxes previously accrued by40337
providing for deferred incometaxes contrary to APB Opinion No. 11,40453
d. Unearned and deferred incomeconsisting of (i) the estimated70135
and deferred incomeincluded in net investment, as described in70193
Unearned and deferred income(Schedule 3,76195
Unearned and deferred income9,929 76275
Unearned and deferred income29,663 76315
Less: Unearned and deferred income(67,632) (93,878 76679
Unearned & Deferred Income….76917
…incomeInvestment Deferred less76935
Unearned and deferred income27,450 77099
deferred incometax, and other accounts that involve translation of129991
deferred incometaxes--require procedures not described in paragraphs130491
Deferred incomeX 130741
Deferred IncomeTaxes130981
at historical rates of deferred incometax charges or credits137067
an amount of deferred finance incomeequal to estimated acquisition139921
61. Comprehensive interperiod incometax allocation by the deferred183593
deferred method of incometax allocation described in paragraphs 19191519
…incometax allocation by the deferred method (paragraphs 29-32 of that191529
Deferred incometaxes that otherwise relate to current period pretax191541
Deferred IncomeTax Credits 211823
163. One view of deferred incometax credits--the liability211835
Deferred incometax credits are neither liabilities nor reductions of211865
deferred tax accounting or interperiod incometax allocation.211903
credits differ from deferred incometax credits in lacking a211935
characteristic of liabilities that deferred incometax credits may211937
of deferred incometax credits. 213809
Deferred IncomeTax Credits222421
240. One view of deferred incometax credits--the liability222433
Deferred incometax credits are neither liabilities nor reductions of222463
deferred tax accounting or interperiod incometax allocation.222501
differ from deferred incometax credits in lacking a characteristic of222533
liabilities that deferred incometax credits may have: deferred222535
of deferred incometax credits.225065
the taxable incomeof the year in which the credit arises.587
taxable income(which affect the computation of taxes payable on641
taxable incomeof the period) and credits to be applied to reduce643
taxes otherwise applicable to such taxable income(which do not enter645
the computation of taxable incomeand income taxes payable in a14007
the computation of taxable income and incometaxes payable in a14007
loss" of one period to be deducted in determining taxable incomeof14033
10. Certain items includable in taxable incomereceive special14049
transactions affect taxable incomeand the periods in which they enter14207
f. Permanent differences. Differences between taxable incomeand14221
the determination of taxable incomein another period, (2) deductions14237
taxable incomein a period but which do not enter into the14247
the transactions affect taxable incomeand the periods in which they14387
a. Revenues or gains are included in taxable incomelater than they14401
b. Expenses or losses are deducted in determining taxable income….14413
c. Revenues or gains are included in taxable incomeearlier than14427
d. Expenses or losses are deducted in determining taxable income…14439
determination of pretax accounting incomein relation to taxable14565
included in taxable income. The differences between incometax14585
accounting incomeand taxable income which are permanent9 because14643
accounting income and taxable incomewhich are permanent9 because14643
…incomeand taxable income which reverse or turn around in later14651
income and taxable incomewhich reverse or turn around in later 14651
when recurring differences between taxable incomeand pretax14733
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income would lead to a material14785
taxable income and pretax accounting incomewould lead to a material14785
income tax on differences between taxable incomeand pretax accounting14793
the amount of taxable incomedoes not, in their opinion, nullify the14907
differences between pretax accounting income and taxable income…14955
33. Some differences between taxable incomeand pretax accounting15049
items entering into the determination of taxable incomewhich are not15063
earlier or later than they become determinants of taxable income…15099
pretax accounting incomeand taxable income arise and in the periods15103
pretax accounting income and taxable incomearise and in the periods15103
of the transaction creating the difference between taxable incomeand15135
result in differences between taxable incomeand pretax accounting15219
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income may not reverse until an15229
taxable income and pretax accounting incomemay not reverse until an15229
commonly deducted in the determination of taxable incomein the period15329
loss is so applied, pretax accounting incomeand taxable income (after15409
loss is so applied, pretax accounting income and taxable income(after15409
losses which were more than offset by taxable incomein subsequent15555
years, and (b) future taxable incomeis virtually certain to be large15557
items included in the determination of taxable incomemay be presented15679
determining taxable income(for example, capital losses, contribution15761
in the determination of taxable incomeand that used in the15935
between pretax accounting income and taxable incomebe disclosed.16191
taxable incomein a different period should be reported in the income16207
taxable income in a different period should be reported in the income…16207
include reductions in taxable incomearising from net operating loss16915
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income as either timing38551
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeas either timing38551
Permanent differences are "Differences between taxable incomeand38565
however, the initial differences between taxable incomeand pretax38577
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income originates in one period38591
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeoriginates in one period38591
11. The tax effect of a difference between taxable incomeand38851
13) also apply to tax effects of differences between taxable income…39071
pretax accounting income is based. Thus, taxable incomeand pretax39127
are includable in taxable incomeof later years only if the bad debt39147
22. Some believe that a difference between taxable incomeand39187
23. The Board concludes that a difference between taxable income…39233
provide for the exclusion from taxable incomeof a stock life39333
excluded from taxable incomeand designated as policyholders' surplus39341
are includable in taxable incomeof later years if the company elects39343
27. Some believe that a difference between taxable incomeand39361
taxes on the difference between taxable incomeand pretax accounting39371
28. The Board concludes that a difference between taxable income…39415
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income attributable to amounts39431
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeattributable to amounts39431
differences between taxable incomeand pretax accounting income in any39587
differences between taxable income and pretax accounting incomein any39587
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income attributable to an40229
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeattributable to an40229
9. The tax effect of a difference between taxable incomeand pretax40301
compensation that is deductible in computing taxable incomebut is not40897
of taxable incomeand the corresponding charge, if any, in determining41791
differences between pretax accounting incomeand taxable income shall70153
differences between pretax accounting income and taxable incomeshall70153
accounting income(or loss) and taxable income (or loss) for the year70201
accounting income (or loss) and taxable income(or loss) for the year70201
4 50.4% of difference between taxable income(loss), Schedule 2,77061
and taxable income(or loss) for77279
which transactions affect taxable incomeand the periods in which they135983
activities enter into the determination of taxable incomeand pretax183567
determining taxable incomewhen incurred but which, for successful183573
that enter into the determination of taxable incomeand pretax183601
especially those relating to the accounting for incometaxes and to921
principles governing accounting for assets and liabilities and income….2511
accounting recognition to deferred incometaxes, disclosure should be4251
Footnote 1--Accounting Research Bulletin No. 32, Incomeand Earned12531
time.)APB 11: Accounting for IncomeTaxes13657
of accounting for incometaxes. These conclusions include significant13795
they relate to accounting for incometaxes:13835
8. The principal problems in accounting for incometaxes arise from14001
…incomefor financial accounting purposes in one reporting period and14005
13. Terminology relating to the accounting for incometaxes is14161
c. Pretax accounting income. Incomeor loss for a period,14191
pretax accounting incomearising from transactions that, under14223
the determination of pretax accounting incomein one period and into14235
determination of pretax accounting incomeof that period. A permanent14249
c. Accounting for incometax expense requires measurement and14315
entering into the determination of pretax accounting incomecreate14467
accounting incomefor the period. The amount of income taxes14475
accounting income for the period. The amount of incometaxes14475
determination of pretax accounting incomein relation to taxable14565
accounting incomeare accrued currently. The taxes on components of14579
pretax accounting incomemay be computed at different rates, depending14581
accounting incomeand taxable income which are permanent9 because14643
accounting income and taxable incomewhich are permanent9 because14643
accounting incomegive rise to an indefinite postponement of an amount14735
depreciation in determining pretax accounting incomebut an14761
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income would lead to a material14785
taxable income and pretax accounting incomewould lead to a material14785
income tax on differences between taxable incomeand pretax accounting14793
determination of pretax accounting incomefor the period even though14879
transactions included in pretax accounting incomefor that period.14895
differences between pretax accounting incomeand taxable income14955
differences between pretax accounting income and taxable income….14955
components of pretax accounting incomein any period. (Examples are15065
enter into the determination of pretax accounting incomeeither15097
pretax accounting incomeand taxable income arise and in the periods15103
pretax accounting income. The resulting incometax expense for the15137
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income may not reverse until an15229
taxable income and pretax accounting incomemay not reverse until an15229
loss is so applied, pretax accounting incomeand taxable income (after15409
loss is so applied, pretax accounting income and taxable income(after15409
relationships between incometax expense and pretax accounting income,16177
between pretax accounting incomeand taxable income be disclosed.16191
between pretax accounting income and taxable incomebe disclosed.16191
accounting incomefor one period but affecting the determination of16205
The Opinion entitled "Accounting for IncomeTaxes" was adopted by16287
Accounting for IncomeTaxes, paragraph 13), the acquiring corporation28503
c. The effect of adopting the new accounting principle on income…34103
continued. The effect of the accounting change on incomeof 1971 and36035
continued. The effect of the accounting change on net incomeas36123
accounting purposes and incometax purposes of discount or premium37615
Accounting for IncomeTaxes.37621
Opinion No. 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes, but deferred modifying38423
the practices of accounting for incometaxes in five special areas38425
accounting for taxes on incomefrom investments in corporate joint38489
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income as either timing38551
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeas either timing38551
pretax accounting incomearising from transactions that, under38567
accounting incomerelated to the transactions may not reverse until38579
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income originates in one period38591
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeoriginates in one period38591
subsidiary2 in the pretax accounting incomeof a parent company,38785
pretax accounting incomeattributable to losses of a subsidiary should38853
and pretax accounting incomeattributable to earnings of corporate39073
pretax accounting incomeis based. Thus, taxable income and pretax39127
pretax accounting income is based. Thus, taxable incomeand pretax39127
accounting incomeof an association usually differ.39129
section, represents pretax accounting income(a) adjusted for reversal39167
22. Some believe that a difference between taxable incomeand39187
pretax accounting incomeattributable to a bad debt reserve that is39189
and pretax accounting incomeattributable to a bad debt reserve that39235
pretax accounting incomeattributable to amounts designated as39363
and pretax accounting incomeattributable to amounts designated as39417
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income attributable to amounts39431
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeattributable to amounts39431
32. The conclusions of the Board on accounting for incometaxes on39519
The Opinion entitled "Accounting for IncomeTaxes--Special Areas"39567
differences between taxable income and pretax accounting incomein any39587
Opinion its conclusion on appropriate accounting for taxes on income…40089
taxable incomeand pretax accounting income attributable to an40229
taxable income and pretax accounting incomeattributable to an40229
accounting incomeattributable to losses of an investee should be40303
12. The conclusions of the Board on accounting for incometaxes on40397
The Opinion entitled "Accounting for IncomeTaxes--Investments in40423
Opinion No. 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes. However, he disagrees40447
33 and 34 of APB Opinion No 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes, as a40916.
Accounting for IncomeTax Benefits. An employer corporation may41367
APB Opinion No. 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes), and (c) specifies45465
Opinion No. 11, Accounting for IncomeTaxes.47973
Year 20X1 and Accounting Changea Net Income(Loss)56107
…Incomebefore extraordinary item and accounting change $ 1.8757521
…Incomebefore extraordinary item and accounting change $ 1.73 57549
accounting change shall be made either on the face of the income…59743
an adjustment to net incomefor purposes of Accounting for61575
differences between pretax accounting incomeand taxable income shall70153
accounting income(or loss) and taxable income (or loss) for the year70201
the requirements of APB Opinion No. 11, "Accounting for IncomeTaxes,"70755
accounting incomeand the tax loss for the year,76391
Pretax accounting income9,929 76403
column 4, and pretax accounting income(loss), Schedule 3, column 5.77063
accounting income(or loss) 77275
on pretax accounting income…..77417
accounting stabilizes reported incomeand avoids erratic variations154293
recognized in the statement of incomeas the effect of an accounting173321
accounting incomein different periods. A principal example is183569
accounting incomein different periods.183603
…incometax accounting practices in preparing their financial185687
statements; incometax accounting is a variation of successful efforts185689
the incometax accounting treatment under which intangible development186211
owned exploration companies follow federal incometax accounting187631
accounting incomeneed not be recognized to the extent of offsetting191543
deferred tax accounting or interperiod incometax allocation.222501
All-Inclusive - Income
Comprehensive- Income
Available - Income