OGC 03/2015
Name of the RFP: Four-Axis Motorized Retrofit for an Exercise Machine
NEW WALK THRU MEETING WILL BE 5/26/17 at 1:00pm in FH025
Due Date /Time: 06/12/2017 2:00pm
Issued Date: 05/18/2017
Mailing Address:
Cleveland State University
Purchasing Department
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Hand Delivery or Courier Address:
Cleveland State University
Purchasing Department
2258 Euclid Avenue
Suite 118
Cleveland, OH 44115
Mike Eames
216.687. 3604 (phone)
216-687-9361 (fax)
Proposals must be received by the due date/time specified above. Proposals received after the due date/time will be returned unopened to the supplier
Please refer to the attached sheets for Instructions & Information. Proposals must be submitted on the form(s) provided and signed by an authorized representative in ink in the proper spaces. Vendors are cautioned to read this entire document carefully and to prepare and submit their Proposal providing all requested information in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
RFP #4771ME
Cleveland State University (“CSU” or “University”) is accepting competitive sealed proposals (“Proposals” or singular “Proposal”), from qualified companies (“Proposers” or singular “Proposer”) for design, fabrication and assembly of a motorized exercise machine with four motion axes and position and force sensors.
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on May 25th, 2017 at 10:00 AM. Proposals will not be accepted from Proposers who do not attend this pre-proposal meeting. Proposers will have an opportunity to ask questions about the RFP during the pre-proposal meeting. All questions and answers will be recorded and posted on the Purchasing Department website. Any written materials distributed at the pre-proposal meeting, as well as a summary of the proceeding, will be posted as part of an Addendum on the Purchasing Department website. All questions are to be faxed to the Purchasing Department at 216-687-9361. All questions must be received by June 1st, 2017 at 2 PM.
Following the pre-proposal meeting, a tour of the University/site will be provided to Proposer representatives in attendance. This will be the only opportunity for Proposers to tour the University/site.
Proposals are due and must be received no later than June 12, 2017 at 2 PM at which time they will be opened publicly:
Michael Eames
Purchasing Manager
Cleveland State University
2258 Euclid Avenue, Suite 118
Cleveland, OH 44115
In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP a revision will be provided by the Purchasing Department to all Proposers, in writing, via an addendum.
Each Proposer must submit 2 hard copies, one marked “Original” and other(s) marked “Copy”. An electronic version of the Proposal is also to be provided on a cd or thumb drive.
RFP Questions Due:
Proposers must submit questions by June 1st, 2017 at 2PM. All questions are to be submitted via fax to: 216-687-9361. Questions will be answered and posted to the CSU Purchasing website within 48 hours after the question due date/time. All Proposers are responsible for posted answers, which are incorporated into this RFP by this reference.
CSU encourages and invites MBE/EDGE suppliers to respond to the RFP
RFP #4771ME
RFP Schedule of Events
CSU will make every effort to adhere to the schedule detailed below:
RFP Issued: 05/17/2017
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting & Walk-Through: 05/25/2017 10:00pm
RFP Questions Due: 06/01/2017 2:00pm
CSU Responds to RFP Questions: 06/05/2017
RFP Due Date/Time: 06/12/2017 2:00pm
Attachment E
RFP #4771ME
Background Information/Project Overview
The requested machine will be used in research projects involving exercise and rehabilitation using innovative powered machines.
This research project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the CSU Center for Human-Machine Systems:
The Center has 10 faculty members from Engineering and Health Sciences. This project will be directed by Dr. Hanz Richter, Dr. Eric Schearer and Dr. Douglas Wajda.
The machine will be operated at the Control, Robotics and Mechatronics Lab at Cleveland State University. This is also the location of the pre-proposal meeting. The lab is located in Fenn Hall, room 025.]
Attachment F
RFP #4771ME
Scope of Services, Specifications, Deliverable, and Contract Award
The objective is to design, select and acquire components and fabricate custom parts to build a motorized exercise machine with four degrees of freedom. The design will use an existing exercise machine frame (a Nautilus Freedom Trainer, with the weight stack removed). The existing frame includes hinges and rotating arms, two on each side. The machine is freestanding (not attached to the floor or walls).
The system to be built should include four electric motors and necessary transmission elements such as belts. Sensors for arm position in all four degrees of freedom and handle forces should be provided, as well as torque-mode servo amplifiers for the motors.
The following engineering design services, parts, fabrication and assembly are requested:
a. In consultation with CSU, design concepts should be generated (motor mounting, type of transmission, etc.). This requires the proposer to hold in-person meetings at CSU to discuss the designs.
b. According to specifications given by CSU (force and velocity), the proposer must perform design calculations and component selection and sizing of custom brackets and transmission elements, on the basis of a design concept agreed upon in 1.
c. The proposer may provide parts such as motors, gears, belts and sensors and bill CSU. CSU will also have the option of procuring parts if it is more cost effective. Off-the-shelf components and custom machined brackets are estimated to cost $15,000 or less.
d. The proposer may fabricate the required custom mounting brackets and other machined parts and bill CSU. CSU will also have the option to machine components according to drawings provided by the proposer.
e. The proposer will mount the components on the existing frame and test the system. Development of control software is not required.
f. Design, fabrication and assembly is expected to require 450 hours or less. The machine should be finally assembled and tested by November 30, 2017.
Attachment H
RFP #4771ME
Selection Criteria
All Proposals received by the University by the RFP due date/time will be evaluated by a committee designated by the University, who will be responsible for the selection of the successful Proposer(s) to which a contract may be awarded. If an award of contract is made, the Proposal that, in the sole opinion of the University, represents the best overall value to the University will be selected. Proposals are judged not only on price; lowest price will not necessarily be selected. All Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Technical suitability of proposed design concept, as judged by requester. 10%
2. Overall budget (source of funding has allocated up to $46,000 based on estimated overall costs) 20%
3. Evidence that proposer can comply with requirements (a) to (f) above 30%
4. Experience of proposer with building similar equipment 30%
5. Ability to hold on-site meetings for consultation with CSU team] 10%