Welcome to the Interlake Saints Marching Band

Dear Interlake Band Students and Parents,

Welcome to the award-winning Interlake Saints Marching Band! This letter provides important information about the program.


Early Week 2014 is August 11-15 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Interlake High School. This is a fun-filled week of marching, learning the music, and meeting other band members. Each student will also be fitted for their marching band uniform. The week is completed with a BBQ lunch at noon on Friday. Attendance at Early Week is mandatory. Meet in the Band room (FYI incoming freshmen - go through the front door of the school, past the main office towards the cafeteria kitchen, then take a right).

Bring the following to Early Week:

·  Lunch and snacks

·  Water bottle that can be refilled

·  Marching band instrument

·  Sunglasses and Sunscreen

·  Comfortable shoes to march in

·  A positive attitude -- be ready to have fun!

Freshmen – please spread the word about Early Week among your friends from middle school band who will attend Interlake!

Uniform Sizing– A key function of band week is to fit students for their marching band uniform, so that alterations can be completed before the first performance on September 12. Please fill out the uniform info sheet found on the Band page at www.interlakemusic.org, and send the completed form by August 1, 2014 to Kathryn Pecha at . A uniform fee of $50.00 must be paid to the accountant in the Interlake High School main office. Please pay before Early Week, or by 9am Monday, August 11, and bring your receipt to Early Week.

Band Camp Barbeque. On Friday, August 15, we will have our traditional BBQ lunch after marching practice. Parents, you are invited – this is a great way to meet the Band directors and other Band parents! The BBQ is provided by the Interlake Music Parents Association at no cost. Please RSVP how many will attend from your family, other than your band student, to Kathryn Pecha at . Let us know if you would like a hamburger, hotdog, or garden burger, and if you can help with the BBQ by providing a salad, participating in setup or cleanup, or even grilling! We would like to thank the Golden Steer butcher shop for donating hamburgers and hotdogs for the BBQ. Stop by the Golden Steer at 15255 Bel-Red Road, see their products, and say thanks!


All students who are signed up for band are also in the Marching Band and the Pep Band. The Marching Band performs at all home football games and at three parades. There are five regular-season home football games this year. In addition, there is the possibility of playoff games. The IHS Band marches in the following parades:

Issaquah Salmon Days October 4, Macy’s Holiday November 28, and Ballard May 17.

2014 – 2015 Home Football Games

9/11 Thursday 2:30 to 3:15 Rehearsal after school

9/12 Friday 5:45 Football Game

10/2 Thursday 2:30 to 3:15 Rehearsal after school

10/3 Friday 5:45 Football Game

10/16 Thursday 2:30 to 3:15 Rehearsal after school

10/17 Friday 5:45 Football Game

10/30 Thursday 2:30 to 3:15 Rehearsal after school

10/31 Friday 5:45 Football Game

11/6 Thursday 2:30 to 3:15 Rehearsal after school

11/7 Friday 5:45 Football Game

The Pep Band performs for select home basketball games in January and February. This schedule will be announced as soon as it is determined. There is also the possibility of playoff games.


The following fees for the 2014-2015 academic year must be paid to the IHS accountant:

Uniform fee $50 cleaning, repair, etc of uniforms

Music Fee $25 pays for sheet music

Transportation Fee $25 transportation to any local events by school bus

Equipment Fee $50 (only if using a school instrument)

Jazz Band $25 must be paid only if student becomes a member of Jazz Band

Payment for fees will be accepted at the accounting office. Call the main office at 425-456-7200 or check the Interlake High School website to confirm office hours.


For those students planning to be in Jazz Band, it begins on the first day of school and meets in the Band room during zero period from 6:30 to 7:25 a.m. The first two weeks of Jazz Band will involve auditions and placement into one of the two Jazz bands. Information about procedures, and signup sheets for Jazz Band auditions, will be available at Early Week. Information will also be distributed regularly by email through the IMPA VP of Jazz Bands (Mali Vassdal


The Interlake Music Parent Association (IMPA) provides support and funding to the Interlake music program. IMPA meets monthly during the school year, usually on the third Wednesday of each month. All music parents are members, and are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings! The meeting schedule will be posted at the beginning of the year.

There is a mandatory parent meeting on Wednesday, September 10 at 7 p.m. in the Interlake Commons. At least one parent should attend the meeting. The directors will go over the expectations of the year for the Band program. Please plan for the meeting to run until about 8:30 p.m.

Communications – The Interlake Music Parents Association (IMPA) communicates primarily by email. During the school year, Music Notes is sent out weekly, usually on Wednesdays. If there is an urgent message to get out, emails may arrive at different times. Be sure to subscribe to Music Notes by visiting our website www.interlakemusic.org and clicking on the signup button. Please specify student’s name, class year (i.e., class of 2014), parent or guardian names and VERY IMPORTANT - all the applicable music ensembles (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Orchestra). This way we can make sure you are on all applicable email lists.

Parent volunteers – The music program needs parent help in many ways. If you are interested in helping please e-mail Katie Callaghan (), or Kathryn Pecha at . We will provide more information on needed volunteer assistance at the first IMPA meeting.

Fundraising–One of the goals of IMPA is to meet the gap in funding for the music program. Funds raised in the past have paid for clinicians, new instruments, instrument repair and maintenance, sheet music, festival fees, and travel costs to festivals. Our fall fundraising plans currently include, the football concession stand sales, cookie dough sales and Entertainment Coupon Books. The cookie dough and Entertainment Book sales are expected to begin in early September and last about two weeks. We encourage your help with these important fundraisers. Remember that your employer may match your donations when making a cash donation to the IMPA-take advantage of your gift matching program if available! A list of employers providing matching funds can be found on the Donations page at www.interlakemusic.org.

If you have any questions about the Band program or IMPA, please email Katie Callaghan, IMPA President, at , or Kathryn Pecha, IMPA VP for Band, at

David Kim Paul Gillespie

Director of Bands Director of Bands

425-456-7300 425-456-6454