Dear Parents,August 15, 2016

We as a school are so happy to offer our continuing and new extra-curricular activities to your students this year. Most clubs are starting during the week of September 12th. We are having an overwhelming response, and the students and sponsors are so glad there has been such an amazing interest! I am looking forward to hearing of some great enrichment that your students will have as the year progresses. We have some many gifted volunteers and staff who are bubbling with ideas for their clubs.

We do need you to be aware, however, that after-school clubs and activities are privileges for those students who keep their grades up in all subjects as well as in conduct. Our students also must have good behavior and manners while they are participating in our clubs as well. Therefore, please be aware that the following policy is in place regarding students’ continuation in extra-curricular activities:

  1. All students must be making at least a C or S in all subjects and conduct by the end of each grading period. If a student makes lower than a C or S in any area, they will not be allowed to return to the club until they have brought their grade up for the next grading period. At that time the student may return to the club, if the nature of the club is not contingent upon the students’ attendance. (Certain clubs may not be able to bring your child back into the club due to the nature of the “team” effort.)
  1. If a student exhibits negative behavior (disruption, rowdiness, disrespect, etc.), our sponsors and helpers will follow this general plan:
  • First, they will give the student “time out” at a location away from the group but in same the room.
  • If the student persists at the same meeting or any following club meetings, then the sponsor will make a parent contact to ask for assistance in reinforcing their child’s improved behavior in the club. This will be the final warning before the student will not be allowed to continue in the club.
  • If the student persists in negative behavior, the student will not be allowed to return to the club due to ongoing insubordination.

Also, the following safety, pick-up, and communication policies apply:

  • If you have club inquiries or need to communicate with the sponsor, parents are to directly contact the club sponsors who should give parents his/her cell phone number.
  • As always, students should be picked up PROMPTLY from their club meetings, OR they will be escorted and checked in to aftercare in the Youth Room, ONLY if they are previously registered with after-school care.
  • All club sponsors are in charge of their students in their clubs, even if there is a late pick-up. Late pick-ups will be charged $1.00 per minute past the pick-up time.
  • Until 5:00, the aftercare students in the Youth Room can be picked up by an approved adult either using the keypad on the front school door and walking through the school to the youth room OR by entering through the downstairs church administration building located behind the sanctuary in the circular drive.

Parents, thank you in advance for your help in keeping our clubs fun, safe, and enriching places to be. We are anxious to do some great things in the afternoons to enhance your children’s educational experience!

Christ’s Love and Blessings to You and Your Families!

Dr. Richelle Sampl, Principal

First United Methodist School, Kissimmee