Module Costs and Entry Deadlines for Examinations

in June 2016

Deadline for entries for June 2016
Requests and fees to Mrs. Ainsworth by
12:00 on Monday 14 December
Any requests received after these deadlines will incur late entry fees.

FEES 2015/2016

AQA / Chemistry / £14.05
Communication Studies / £21.90
English Language & Literature
English Literature
Religious Studies
French / £21.05
FRE2V/GER2V/SPA2V / £63.15
EDEXCEL / Mathematics / £16.15
History / £23.35
Italian / £28.10
DT / £44.00
OCR / Art / £22.30
Ancient History
Business Studies
PE / £30.90
Biology / £17.10
Music / £26.40
WJEC / World Development / £21.40

Please complete the form on the back of this sheet and return it to Mrs AinsworthIN PERSON,

together with a cash payment or cheque made out to Aylesbury Grammar School for the correcttotal amount.

However, should you wish to pay by ParentPay please circle the option overleaf and we will arrange for the amount to be added to your account.

Request for GCE Module Resits

To request a module resit you must complete this form and take it to Mrs. AinsworthIN PERSON. Use your statement of results/sheets outside Exams Office to get the information about subject module codes. Do not expect your teachers to make the arrangements for you – this is your responsibility.

Fees for resits are payable to the school at the time of the request. Cheques should be made payable to Aylesbury Grammar School and have your name and tutor group on the back.. Please note that no action will be taken until you have paid for the service. If you miss the deadline the service may no longer be available or may cost considerably more. If you have any questions see Mrs. Ainsworth, Examinations Officer as soon as possible.

Students are asked to fill in the details of all resits in all subjects before consulting their subject teachers. Please consult with each of your subject teachers and ask them to sign the box indicating that theywill supportyou resitting that module in their subject.

No resits requests will be actioned until you have consulted your subject teachers.

Candidate Name:
Candidate Number: / Tutor Group:
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact E-mail:

Please enter me for the following modules in June 2016:

Edexcel/WJEC) / Module Title / Module Code / Fee / Subject Teacher’s Signature
Total to Pay

Candidate Signature: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………………

Please fill this in:(Cheques should be made payable to AylesburyGrammar School)

Please print candidate’s name and form on back of cheque

Payment method:Cash/Cheque/ ParentPay(Please circle)

Cash enclosed: £ ………………………………….

Cheque No: Sort Code:

Account No:Account Name:

ParentPay, please provide an email address and we will advise you of the amount required.

**No funds are required until you have received the email**

Parent e-mail: ………………………………………………………………………………


Name ______Tutor Group ______

Amount received ______Chq/Cash/ParentPayReceived by ______Date ______