John Dinan

Department of Politics and International Affairs

Wake Forest University

Winston-Salem, NC 27109


B.A. (1990), M.A. (1994), Ph.D. (1996), University of Virginia


Professor, Department of Politics and International Affairs, Wake Forest University, 2011-

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Wake Forest University, 2003-2011;

Acting Chair, Fall 2005

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Wake Forest University, 2001-03

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Davidson College, 2000-01

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Politics, Wake Forest University, 1996-2000

Instructor, University of Virginia, Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1994-1996


The Virginia State Constitution, 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2014)

The American State Constitutional Tradition (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2006; paperback edition with a new foreword, 2009)

Keeping the People’s Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as Guardians of Rights (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998)


“Policy Provisions in State Constitutions: The Standards and Practice of State Constitution-making in the Post-Baker v. Carr Era” (forthcoming in Wayne Law Review)

“State Constitutional Amendments and Protection of Rights in the Twenty-First Century” Albany Law Review 76, 4 (2013): 2105-2140

“Shaping Health Reform: State Government Influence in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 41 (Summer 2011): 395-420

“State Constitutional Amendment Processes and the Safeguards of American Federalism,” Penn State Law Review 115 (Spring 2011): 1007-1034

“Contemporary Assertions of State Sovereignty and the Safeguards of American Federalism,” Albany Law Review 74, 4 (2011): 1637-1669

“The Political Dynamics of Mandatory State Constitutional Convention Referendums: Lessons from the 2000s Regarding Obstacles and Pathways to their Passage,” Montana Law Review 71 (Summer 2010): 395-432

John Dinan and Jac Heckelman, “Convergence and Divergence in State Political Behavior, 1970-2004,” Social Science Journal 47 (September 2010): 689-698

John Dinan and Shama Gamkhar, “The State of American Federalism 2008-2009: The Presidential Election, the Economic Downturn, and the Consequences for Federalism,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 39 (Summer 2009): 369-407

“Accounting for Success and Failure of Southern State Constitutional Reform, 1978-2008,” Charleston Law Review 3 (Spring 2009): 483-524

“Patterns of Subnational Constitutionalism in Federal Countries,” Rutgers Law Journal, 39 (Summer 2008): 837-861 (reprinted in Antonio Moreira Maues, ed., Federalismo e Constituicao: Estudos Comparados [Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2012]: 1-21)

“The State of American Federalism, 2007-2008: Resurgent State Influence in the National Policy Process and Continued State Innovation,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 38 (Summer 2008): 381-415

“The Adoption of Criminal Disenfranchisement Provisions in the U.S.: Lessons from the State Constitutional Convention Debates,” Journal of Policy History 19 (Fall 2007): 282-312

“Court-Constraining Amendments and the State Constitutional Tradition” Rutgers Law Journal 38 (Summer 2007): 983-1039

“The Meaning of State Constitutional Education Clauses: Evidence from the Constitutional Convention Debates,” Albany Law Review 70, 3 (2007): 927-981

“The Original Intent and Current Operation of Direct Democratic Institutions,” Albany Law Review 70, 3 (2007): 1035-1043

Tim Conlan and John Dinan, “Federalism, the Bush Administration, and the Transformation of American Conservatism,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 37 (Summer 2007): 279-303

Jac C. Heckelman and John Dinan, “Voting on Voting with the Feet: A Cross-County Analysis of the Tennessee Popular Referenda to Secede from the Union,” Constitutional Political Economy 18 (June 2007): 83-97

John Dinan and Dale Krane, “The State of American Federalism 2005: Federalism Resurfaces in the Political Debate,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 36 (Summer 2006): 327-374 (reprinted in William Lasser, Perspectives on American Politics, 5th ed. [New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008])

John Dinan and Jac C. Heckelman, “The Anti-Tobacco Movement in the Progressive Era: A Case Study of Direct Democracy in Oregon,” Explorations in Economic History 42 (October 2005): 529-546

“Strengthening the Political Safeguards of Federalism: The Fate of Recent Federalism Legislation in the U.S. Congress,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 34 (Summer 2004): 55-83

“Consequences of the Rehnquist Court’s Federalism Decisions for Congressional Lawmaking,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 34 (Spring 2004): 39-67

“The Pardon Power and the American State Constitutional Tradition,” Polity XXXV (April 2003): 389-418

“Congressional Responses to the Rehnquist Court’s Federalism Decisions,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 32 (Summer 2002): 1-24

“Rights and the Political Process: Physician-Assisted Suicide in the Aftermath of Washington v. Glucksberg,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 31 (Fall 2001): 1-21

“‘The Earth Belongs Always to the Living Generation’: The Development of State Constitutional Amendment and Revision Procedures,” Review of Politics 62 (Fall 2000): 645-674

“The State Constitutional Tradition and the Formation of Virtuous Citizens,” Temple Law Review 72 (Fall 1999): 619-672

“Framing a ‘People’s Government’: State Constitution Making in the Progressive Era,” Rutgers Law Journal 30 (Summer 1999): 933-985

“The Rehnquist Court’s Federalism Decisions in Perspective,” Journal of Law & Politics 15 (Spring 1999): 127-194

“State Government Influence in the National Policy Process: Lessons from the 104th Congress,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 27 (Spring 1997): 129-142 (reprinted in Laurence J. O’Toole, ed. American Intergovernmental Relations 3rd ed. [Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2000]: 130-142)

“Can State Courts Produce Social Reform? School Finance Equalization in Kentucky, Texas, and New Jersey,” Southeastern Political Review 24 (September 1996): 431-450


“State Constitutionalism” (forthcoming in Mark Tushnet, Mark Graber, and Sanford Levinson, eds., Oxford Handbook of the United State Constitution [Oxford University Press])

“Relations Between State and National Governments” (forthcoming in Donald Haider-Markel, ed., Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government [Oxford University Press])

“The Past, Present, and Future Role of State Constitutions,” in Richard Niemi and Joshua Dyck, eds., Guide to State Politics and Policy (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2014): 19-32

“The Consequences of Drafting Constitutions for Constituent States in Federal Countries,” in Michel Seymour, ed., Multinational Federalism: Problems and Prospects (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012): 231-244

“State Constitutions and American Political Development,” in Michael Burgess and G. Alan Tarr, eds., Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems: Sub-national Perspectives (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2012): 43-60

“Les processus de modification des constitutions infranationales: Tendances et evolutions [Patterns and developments in subnational constitutional amendment processes],” in Eugenie Brouillet and Louis Massicotte, eds., Comment changer une constitution? Les nouveaux processus constituants [How to change a constitution? New Processes for Constitution-Making (Quebec City: Laval University Press, 2011): 41-64

“Ideas, Interests, Institutions, and the Development of American Federalism,” in Richard A. Harris and Daniel J. Tichenor, eds., A History of the U.S. Political System: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions, 3 vols. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2010), vol. 1: 163-174

“School Finance Litigation: The Third Wave Recedes,” in Martin West and Joshua Dunn, eds., From Schoolhouse to Courthouse: The Judiciary’s Role in American Education (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009): 96-120

“The Development of the Virginia Constitution,” in George E. Connor and Christopher W. Hammons, eds., The Constitutionalism of American States (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2008): 384-400

“United States of America,” in Katy Le Roy and Cheryl Saunders, ed., Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries (Toronto: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006): 316-343

“Congressional Power and the States: The Context and Consequences of the Supreme Court’s Federalism Decisions,” in Katy J. Harriger, ed., Separation of Powers: Documents and Commentary (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2003): 132-148

Martha Derthick and John J. Dinan, “Progressivism and Federalism,” in Sidney M. Milkis and Jerome M. Mileur, eds. Progressivism and the New Democracy (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999): 81-102


John Dinan and Shama Gamkhar, special issue editors, “The State of American Federalism 2008-2009,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 39 (Summer 2009)

Special issue editor, “The State of American Federalism 2007-2008,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 38 (Summer 2008)

Tim Conlan and John Dinan, special issue editors, “The Bush Administration and American Federalism,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 37 (Summer 2007)

John Dinan and Dale Krane, special issue editors, “The State of American Federalism 2005,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 36 (Summer 2006)


“State Constitutions” and “State Constitutions, Bill of Rights,” in Stephen L. Schechter, ed., American Governance (Cengage Press, forthcoming)

“State Constitutional Developments in 2012,” in The Book of the States, 2013, vol. 45 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2013): 3-18

“State Politics” and “The U.S. Constitution,” in David Coates, ed., Oxford Companion to American Politics, 2 vols. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012): 1:228-235; II: 326-333

“State Constitutional Developments in 2011,” in The Book of the States, 2012, vol. 44 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2012): 3-17

“State Constitutional Developments in 2010,” in The Book of the States, 2011, vol. 43 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2011): 3-18

“American Constitutions: Natural Law and Constitution-Making in the Founding Era,” Witherspoon Institute Project on Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American Constitutionalism, July 2011,

“State Constitutional Developments in 2009,” in The Book of the States, 2010, vol. 42 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2010): 3-16

“State Constitutions,” in Michael Kazin, ed., Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History, 2 vols. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010): 2:777-781

“State Constitutional Developments in 2008,” in The Book of the States, 2009, vol. 41 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2009): 3-18

“State Constitutional Law,” in David S. Tanenhaus, ed., Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States, 5 vols. (New York: MacMillan, 2008)

“State Constitutional Developments in 2007,” in The Book of the States, 2008, vol. 40 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2008): 3-16

“State Constitutional Developments in 2006,” in The Book of the States, 2007, vol. 39 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2007): 3-16

“U.S. State Capitols Take on Policy Making,” Federations 5 (October/November 2006): 27-29

“State Constitutional Developments in 2005,” in The Book of the States, 2006, vol. 38 (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2006): 3-16

“Contemporary Debates about the U.S. Presidency and Congress: The Electoral College, Legislative Gerrymandering, and Enumerated Powers,” in Raoul Blindenbacher and Abigail Ostien, eds., Dialogues on Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries (Forum of Federations, 2006): 35-38

“State Constitutions,” in Joseph R. Marbach, Ellis Katz, and Troy E. Smith, eds., Federalism in America: An Encyclopedia, 2 vols. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006): 2:588-593

“Civil Liberties,” in Ronald Gottesman and Richard Maxwell Brown, eds, Violence in America: An Encyclopedia (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999): 1: 254-259

“The Marginalization of Republican and Populist Voices in Constitutional Discourse,” The Good Society 7 (Winter 1997): 57-60


Review of Emily Zackin, Looking for Rights in all the Wrong Places: Why State Constitutions Contain America’s Positive Rights (forthcoming in Perspectives on Politics)

Review of John E. Stealey III, West Virginia’s Civil War-Era Constitution: Loyal Revolution, Confederate Counter-Revolution, and the Convention of 1872 (forthcoming in Journal of Southern History)

Review of Sotirios A. Barber, The Fallacies of States’ Rights, Publius: The Journal of Federalism 43 (Spring 2013): 1-4

“Independence and Accountability in State Judicial Selection” (Review of Jed Shugerman, The People’s Courts), Texas Law Review 91 (February 2013): 633-650

Review of Gerard Magliocca, The Tragedy of William Jennings Bryan: Constitutional Law and the Politics of Backlash, American Historical Review 117 (April 2012): 541-542

“Review of Joseph F. Zimmerman, Horizontal Federalism: Interstate Relations, H-Law, H-Net Reviews, (December 2011),

“The Rehnquist Court’s Federalism Decisions” (Review essay), Publius: The Journal of Federalism 41 (Winter 2011): 158-167

“State Constitutional Politics” (Review essay), Tulsa Law Review 45 (Summer 2010): 797-806

“Review of Edward F. Mannino, Shaping America: The Supreme Court and American Society, H-Law, H-Net Reviews, (Feb. 2010), www/

Review of Classics of American Political and Constitutional Thought, ed. Scott Hammond, Kevin Hardwick, and Harold Lubert, Journal of Southern History 74 (November 2008): 1041-1042

Review of Christian G. Fritz, American Sovereigns: The People and America’s Constitutional Tradition before the Civil War, H-Law, H-Net Reviews (April 2008), URL:

Review of Rebecca E. Zietlow, Enforcing Equality: Congress, the Constitution, and the Protection of Individual Rights, American Historical Review 112 (October 2007): 1219

Review of Steven Harmon Wilson, The Rise of Judicial Management in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, 1955-2000, Journal of American History 91 (June 2004): 316

Review of Randall G. Holcombe, From Liberty to Democracy: The Transformation of American Government, Economic History Services, May, 2003. URL:

Review of Martin H. Redish, Money Talks: Speech, Economic Power, and the Values of Democracy, Law and Politics Book Review 11 (November, 2001): 528-531

Review of Robert S. Chang, Disoriented: Asian Americans, Law, and the Nation-State, Journal of Asian and African Studies 26 (2001): 307-308.

Review of Laura J. Scalia, America’s Jeffersonian Experiment: Remaking State Constitutions, 1820-1850, Journal of American History 87 (March, 2001): 1480

Review of Paul F. Campos, Jurismania: The Madness of American Law, H-Pol, H-Net Reviews, (April, 2000)

Review of G. Alan Tarr, Understanding State Constitutions, Journal of American History 86 (March, 2000): 1762-1763


2013: University of Texas Law School; Wayne State University Law School

2012: James Madison Program, Princeton University; Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy, University of Virginia

2011: Rose Institute of State and Local Government, Claremont-McKenna College; Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy, University of Virginia; Jack Miller Center Summer Institute

2010: Program in Law and Public Affairs/Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, Princeton University; University of Montana Law School; Penn State University Law School

2009: Charleston Law School; North Carolina History Project and North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law; Laval University; University of Quebec at Montreal

2008: Emory and Henry College; Jack Miller Center Summer Institute; University of Kent

2007: 18th Annual State Constitutional Law Lecture, Center for State Constitutional Studies, Rutgers University-Camden


Editorial Board, State and Local Government Review (2013-2015)

Editorial Board, Publius: The Journal of Federalism (2005-2009)

Chair, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section of the American Political Science Association (2010-2012)

Executive Council, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section of the American Political Science Association (2008-2010)

Member, Martha Derthick Book Award Committee, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section of the American Political Science Association (2005, 2008)

Chair, Martha Derthick Book Award Committee, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section of the American Political Science Association (2009)

Member, Daniel Elazar Distinguished Scholar Award Committee, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section of the American Political Science Association (2010)