Tuesday 18 April 2006
10:00h, FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen
Robin Cook (Chairman)
Ron Stagg
Colin Moffat
Trevor Hastings
Bill Turrell
John Armstrong
Morag McCall
Pamela Reid
Carey Cunningham (ex officio observer)
Alastair Johnstone (Secretary)
1. Introduction and apologies
2. Action points from meeting on 21 March 2006 (Refer to attached action point list)
3. Finance, HR and Administration: (Pamela Reid/Morag McCall)
(a) Finance Report (MB060437)
(b) Priority recruitment bids (MB060438)
(c) Dependence on key staff
(d) Special Bonus Scheme (MB060439)
(e) Asbestos Strategy costings
(f) Health and Safety Committee meeting (MB060453)
4. Update on capital procurement projects: (Ron Stagg; MB060440)
(a) FRV Alba
(b) Building project
(c) EDRM
5. Project Management System Option Appraisal (Robin Cook; MB060441)
6. Risk Register (Robin Cook; MB060442)
7. FRS Senior Management Away Day action points (Robin Cook; MB060443)
8. Science Cross-Cutting Initiative Monthly Highlight Report – March 2006 (Carey Cunningham; MB060444; MB060445)
9. Directors’ monthly reports (Papers MB060446 to 51 )
10. Quality Management Quarterly Progress Report (Colin Moffat; MB060452)
11. Balanced Scorecard (Ron Stagg; MB060454)
12. AOB
13. Next meeting: Tuesday 16 May 2006, FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen
18 April 2006
List of Meeting Papers
MB060437 Finance Report (Pamela Reid)
MB060438 Priority recruitment bids (Morag McCall)
MB060439 Special Bonus Scheme (Pamela Reid)
MB060440 Report on Progress of Major Capital Projects (Ron Stagg)
MB060441 Project Management System Requirements and Option Appraisal (Scott- Moncrieff report, Feb 2006; previously circulated in paper MB060331; Robin Cook)
MB060442 FRS Risk Register (Alastair Johnstone)
MB060443 FRS Senior Management Away Day Action Points (Alastair Johnstone)
MB060444 Science Cross-Cutting Initiative Monthly Highlight Report – March 2006 (Carey Cunningham)
MB060445 FRS Science Cross-Cutting post job description (Carey Cunningham)
MB060446 Directorate Report (Robin Cook)
MB060447 SS Report (Pamela Reid)
MB060448 AE Report (Colin Moffat)
MB060449 AAAH Report (Trevor Hastings)
MB060450 FL Report (John Armstrong)
MB060451 FM Report (Bill Turrell)
MB060452 Quality Management Quarterly Progress Report (Gavin Grewar)
MB060453 Health and Safety Committee meeting (Ron Stagg)
MB060454 Balanced Scorecard (Ron Stagg)
Actions carried forward:
1. Nick Bailey/Alastair Johnstone to complete detailed analysis and disseminate results of the 2005 FRS Customer and Stakeholder Survey by April 2006.
2. Pamela Reid and Ron Stagg to identify two new targets from the Customer Survey by 30 April 2006.
Action Points from FRS Management Board meeting 21 March 2006
(excluding actions for later delivery)
1. Programme Directors to provide priority recruitment business cases to Morag McCall by 31st March 2006.
2. Hilda Stewart to arrange a meeting with David Keay, Bill Turrell, Colin Moffat, Pamela Reid and Alastair Johnstone re ICT/ERDM accommodation.
3. Alastair Johnstone to prepare a paper outlining the major FRS accommodation issues by end June 2006.
4. Pamela Reid to establish the situation regarding Defra payment in relation to the EU data collection regulation.
5. MB members to read the Scott-Moncrieff project management report and be prepared to commit to one of the options at the April Board meeting.
6. Pamela Reid to issue a staff notice on the Intranet outlining the interim arrangements for dealing with Health and Safety issues.
7. PDs to make nominations for the ICES annual science conference to Robin Cook by March 31st