Things you need to know about READ180

Lexile: Is your reading level. The goal is to get this up as high as possible by the end of the year. Once we know your lexile, we will set a goal for you.

SRI: Is the test that you take to determine your lexile.

Reading log: You will use these for every book you read. It is like your bookmark- you will keep track of the date, and what page you are on every day. Not completing this log will hurt your grade.

Stickers in the books: When you come to a sticker in a book, this is telling you to stop and answer a question in your worksheets.

Rubrics: Every week, you will be given a grade based on your participation, classwork and behavior in class. The highest grade you can receive in any section is 4. This means that you are doing everything that is required of you.

Things that may hurt your rubric grade: Talking without raising your hand, not participating, being disrespectful, not reading, fooling around on the computer, not being prepared for class, not following directions, etc.

Rotations: There are four rotations in class- Whole Group, Small Group, Computers, and Modeled and Independent Reading. Each rotation is 20 minutes long, and one of the teachers will tell you when to rotate. You should always rotate around the room in the correct direction.

Read 180 Classroom expectations:

-  All books and personal belongings go on the bookshelves by the door.

-  You will need a pen or pencil for class.

-  There is no gum, food, or drinks allowed in the room at any time.

-  You are expected to be respectful of others and follow directions.

-  Bathroom privileges are limited to two times per week, and you should wait until you are not in Small Group Instruction to ask to go.

-  Be on time to class!

Whole group and Small Group expectations:

-  Upon entering the classroom, you should get the books and folders for your table.

-  Participate!

-  Raise your hand if you have a question or comment- don’t call out.

-  Follow along with the class.

-  When rotating to your first station, you should stack your book neatly with the others and bring along your folder.

-  Always rotate in the correct direction around the room.

-  Rotate quietly.

Computer Station expectations:

-  Log onto the Read180 software and actively participate in the work.

-  Do not “click through” Ty. He is there to guide you.

Modeled and Independent Reading expectations:

-  Get your book and read for 20 minutes

-  Once you pick a book, you must finish it- you can not change books in the middle.

-  Keep track of your progress in your book on your reading log. (Don’t forget your book number at the top- always use the same book every time.)

-  When you are finished your book, work on the worksheets that go with the book.

-  When you are finished your worksheets, you must hand them in to Ms. Siciliano and choose a new book.

-  Check the book with Ms. Siciliano before you start.

-  When you are finished with your book or CD/CD player, they must be put back properly, in the place that you found them. When reading an audio book, you MUST listen to the CD that goes along with it.