Where do and did the wheels on the bus go?
What do Aliens think of life on planet Earth?
Core Subjects / English
- Description for specification
- Structured narrative (beginning, middle, end)
- Drama – role play familiar narrative
- Performance poetry
GaP / Mathematics
Inspire Maths Units:
- Division
- Time
- Numbers to 100
- Money (1)
- Money (2)
Scientific Enquiry
- Recording data
- Identify and name a range of materials
- Compare and group according to physical properties
- Differentiate between the object and the material
- Describe physical properties of materials
Foundation Subjects / History
Chronological Understanding
- Awareness of past
- Identify similarities and differences
- Answer questions about the past
Skills & Fieldwork
- Locality study
- The UK
- Identify the equator, north and south pole on a globe or atlas
- Weather and seasonal changes
- Name key features associated with a town and village
- Gather and sort materials
- Changing a photo
- Form ideas independently
- Use pictures and words to plan
- Explain ideas
- Evaluate ideas and products
Algorithms and Programs
- Create a set of simple instructions
- Record a route
- Plan and test the journey of a programmable toy
How do religions welcome new members?
- Forest Schools
- Family Circle
- P4C
- Reflect (Spiritual)
- Offers reasoned views; investigate moral and ethical issues (Moral)
- Use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work (Social)
- Appreciate cultural influences; participate in cultural opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity (Cultural)
- Playing tuned instruments musically
- Say how music makes you feel
- Specialist coach
- Hit a ball with a bat
Key First Hand Experiences
- Coventry/Gaydon Transport Museum
- Look at vintage cars
- Observing closely
- Asking questions
- Finding out answers to our own and others’ questions using different sources
- Recording findings in different ways
- Alien’s Love Underpants
- 100 Decker Bus
- The Naughty Bus
- Poetry
- Write own version of ‘The Naughty Bus’
Enterprise Project
Sponsored Walk
Sports Afternoon
Golden Assembly
Transition work
Summer Fayre
Coventry/Gaydon Transport Museum
Look at vintage cars
Road Safety with WCC
Visit a Gurdwara
Core Values Examples
Learning Comes First
(Rule of Law)
- Road Safety
- Community rules
- Making improvements to vehicles
- Making choices about religion
- Community rules
- Visit place of worship
- Changing vehicles/technology and how they affect us