Inbound Call Seller Script: Set for Acquisitions Manager/You

YOU: Hello, WeBuyHouses, Inc. Sally speaking, may I help you? (WFA)

SELLER: Hello, yes, I got this postcard in the mail from you, how’s this all work?


YOU: Oh, great, I can tell you all about that. Again, my name is Sally Smith, what’s your name?

SELLER: Bob Jones

YOU: Thanks.


YOU: In case we get disconnected, Bob, what telephone number are you calling from?

SELLER: (Gives you their phone number)

YOU: Thanks. Is that your home phone, work phone or your cell phone number?

SELLER: Cell phone



YOU: I wonder if you could help me out and do me a favor. We do a lot of marketing and advertising, and we need to track what’s working and what’s not. Could you tell me, how did you find us?

NOTE:(WFA, clarify as precisely as you can the exact marketing campaign. Fill out Seller Script and Property Info Sheet)

YOU: (Follow up if necessary: Did you receive a letter or did you see one of our newspaper ads?)

YOU: Our company buys [insert your number] houses each month in the greater (your city/county) area.

Tell me Bob, do you have a house for sale? (WFA)

SELLER: Yes, I do.


YOU:So I can better serve you, Bob, what’s the property address?

And what city is that in? Thanks.

NOTE: Is this property in your sweet spot? Does it qualify for you to go see it?

If yes continue; if not, go to “No Qualify” script.


YOU: Tell me this, Bob, if you had a professional appraiser conduct an appraisal on your house, what do you think the vaue would come in at?

Thanks. What do you base that value on? …Comps, an appraisal, a guess, realtor?

NOTE:If it was an appraisal, ask:

YOU: Was that a “refi” appraisal?

NOTE: If no skip to “selling”

YOU: Bob, the reason I ask is that current research shows that refi appraisals tend to be a bit inflated for loan purposes. How much do think it’s really worth; you know, if a new buyer were to come in and pay cash? (WFA)

Got it.


YOU: Bob, tell me, have you tried to sell the house before?

NOTE:If “yes” continue below. If “no,” move to (PIS: NOT LISTED) section.


YOU:Is it on the market now? (WFA)With an agent? Or For Sale By Owner? (WFA)

NOTE: If BOB says “yes,” then you know he wants to sell because he is trying to sell already and stop the foreclosure. Plus, you already know the property is in your sweet spot from questions above. Continue and obtain the rest of his information and find hot buttons. Then get the appointment.

NOTE:If Bob says “no,” then skip to LIST LISTED section below.

YOUBob, what’s the agent’s name and number, in case I need to contact them?

SELLER:Susie Smith at Remax, 555-1234 OR it’s no longer listed.

YOUOh, it was listed with an agent but not anymore. Why was the listing stopped? Cancelled? Expired? (WFA)

Bob, how did the agent do at selling the house? Any showings? Or offers? (WFA)

YOU: Well Bob, your house sounds like something we might be interested in potentially seeing and buying and if we did, we could close quickly. It’s great that your property is listed because we can work directly with your agent. I may be interested in coming out to see the property.


(PIS: NOT LISTED section)

NOTE:Answered “no” above, on the question about trying to sell the house.

YOU:OK Bob, you haven’t tried to sell it yet. Were you thinking of listing it? (WFA, then continue)


YOU: Tell me, Bob, do you have a mortgage on the property, or is it free and clear?

SELLER:I have a mortgage on it;OR I don’t.(WFA)

NOTE:If there is a mortgage on it, continue. If not, go to PIS: PRICE, below

YOUAnd what’s that amount Bob? (WFA)


YOU:Is there a second mortgage as well? (WFA)


If yes: What’s that amount?

YOU:Other than that, are there any other mortgages or liens on the property that you know of?(WFA)



YOU:Tell me Bob, are the payments current right now? (WFA)

NOTE:If no, continue, otherwise go to PIS: PRICE SECTION below.

YOU:No, they’re not? Ok. Bob, have you received a foreclosure notice from your lender yet? (WFA)

When was your last payment on that mortgage? (WFA)

YOU:What date was the foreclosure filed? (WFA)

Bob, have you done anything so far to try to stop the foreclosure? (WFA)

Ok, just so I can get a better understanding of the situation, I am going to ask you a short series of questions so I can get a better understanding of your loans, which will help figure out how I can help you.

Bob tell me more about the 1st mortgage? Who is your lender? (WFA)

Bob do you know what type of loan is it? (WFA)

Interesting, let me ask what you owe on your first mortgage? (WFA)

How many payments are you behind? (WFA)

Bob, about how much are your payments? (WFA)

Bob, do you know if you have PMI on the 1st mortgage? (WFA)

And Bob, how about the 2nd mortgage? Who is that with? (WFA)

How much do you owe on that? (WFA)

When was your last payment on that mortgage? (WFA)

Lastly Bob, any additional liens on the property? (WFA)

NOTE:If yes, gather information on the liens.


YOU:Bob, tell me, what are you most interested in doing: selling your house or keeping it? (WFA)


NOTE:They qualify IF…..They are currently in foreclosure or about to be (which you found out above) AND the property is in your sweet spot (which you found out above), then the property qualifies and the goal is to get the appointment.

YOU:Bob, if we paid all the closing costs, took your house “as is” and closed quickly, would you sell your home for what you owe on it? (WFA)

If “yes,” skip down to summary of value vs. mortgage debt below; if “no,” then continue with price question below


YOU Bob, let me ask you a question. If we could close quickly and you could move on the date of your choice, what’s the least amount you would consider for your house? (WFA)

NOTE:The property qualifies for an appointment if it’s in foreclosure and if it’s in your sweet spot regardless of if there’s equity or not, go on the appointment. If the property is current and he wants to know a price you’ll pay, then you need to find out if he has equity. What does he want you to pay (you found this out from the price question above) vs. the value (you found that out at the beginning of the conversation in the “VALUE” section)? The property also qualifies for an appointment if he is current or has no mortgage and has $30,000 in equity. Then set the appointment.


NOTE: If they qualify, continue; otherwise, go to “No Qualify” script.

NOTE: The person or the property does not qualify, if the property is current and there’s no equity OR if the property is in foreclosure and not in your sweet spot.

YOU:Bob, can you hold for a quick moment while I grab the schedule? Thanks.

YOU: Hi Bob, I’m back. Are you there? Good. Just a few more quick questions…


YOU:Do you know what year the house was built? What type of house is it?(WFA)

And the approximate square footage?(WFA)


How many bedrooms and baths?(WFA)


Does your house have a basement? Is it finished or unfinished? (WFA)


YOU: Ok Bob, thanks for the information so far. Just a few more final questions. When did you buy the house? (WFA)

What did you pay for it? (WFA)


How did you pay for it? (WFA)


Bob, did you and Mary put any money down when you bought it? (WFA)

Tell me a little more about the mortgages? Are they ARMs or 30-year fixed? (WFA)

Ok great thanks.


YOU:By the way, Bob, why are you selling…what’s your situation?

If he have told you, then re-check:

YOU:So Bob, just to clarify, the main reason you want to sell this house quickly is ______(feed it back and check for understanding)


YOU:Bob, now I’m going to ask you about the condition of your house. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being high, how would a first time visitor to your home rate the outside appearance as they drive up to your house for the very first time?(WFA)

OK, and what needs to be fixed to make it a 10?(WFA)

If we hired a professional contractor, how much do you think that would cost?(WFA)

Same for the inside. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being high, how would a first time visitor rate the inside of your home?(WFA)

NOTES:(If they balk, ask about carpet and paint. If they have kids, they need at least that much, if not more.)

YOU:OK, and what needs to be fixed to make it a 10 on the inside?(WFA)


Bob, if we hired a professional contractor to spruce up the inside, how much do you think that would cost?(WFA)

Ok, great.

Last question and thanks for your patience.

YOU:Are you the sole homeowner, or do you have a partner? (WFA)

NOTE:If sole owner, skip the next questions.

YOU:Other than you and [partner], is there anyone else on title? (WFA)

I’ll see about getting you on our schedule so we can come out and look at your house and leave you with a written offer and explain your options and create a game plan to avoid the foreclosure. Bob, what’s the earliest hour both you and Mary are home during the day?(WFA)

Let’s see, we’re pretty much booked up for the next week or so. How’s [future day] the [future date)]look to you?(WFA)

That is a ways off isn’t it? Hmm, let me see…

Wait a minute, [my acquisitions manager/I] will be in your neighborhood looking at some houses (sooner day/sooner time).

I might be able to squeeze you in then. Would [day] between [x:00] and [x:00] work for both you and Mary?(WFA)

NOTE:If yes, skip to recap appointment information, otherwise:

OK, How about _____ day at around ______?(WFA)