March 23, 2009
Dear Parents,
We have begun studying the Solar System in science. In conjunction with our studies, each student will be required to complete a Solar System Project which includes: a written report, a physical project, and a short summary oral report. This assignment is an at home student project. Students will need your support and help obtaining resources, but should be allowed the satisfaction of completing this project on their own, as much as possible. Please proofread your child’s project.
We have included a suggested schedule to help your child take the steps to complete this project on time. Don’t wait until the last minute! Any part of the project turned in late will result in a lower grade.
Below you will find important information pertaining to the requirements of this project. If you have any questions about the information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for encouraging your child to take personal responsibility and invest the effort needed to produce a high quality project. Expect Excellence!
Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Orr
A. Assignments requirements
1. Written Report (due April 9): The subject of the report should be one specific planet. The report should be either 3½-4 pages hand-written, (in best cursive- skip lines) or 2 pages typed, double-spaced, using 12 to 14 point font, with standard margins. Your report should include, on a separate page, a bibliography of all resources used. Bibliography guidelines are attached to this letter. The report must also include at least one picture or illustration. The picture may either be a print from one of your resources or a drawing created by the student.
2. Solar System Physical Project (due May 4): Students will physically create a Solar System Project. The project may either be one planet or the entire Solar System. The project may be a planet chart, a planet diorama, or a scale model solar system.
a. Make sure your project is labeled (Ex: “Mars—The Red Planet”)
b. Include information about your project. You must display at least five facts or statements about your planet or solar system (Ex: Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is ______million miles from Earth).
c. Project must reflect your child’s best work. All projects will be on display on May 4th.
3. Short Summary Oral Report (due May 4): Students will prepare a 2-3 minute oral report on their chosen planet to summarize findings and present their physical project to the class. The oral report should be planned and practiced in advance, so the content, presentation, and length meet requirements. Students are allowed to write some facts on 3x5 cards, but they may not write their entire oral report on note cards, nor read their report from the cards during the presentation. The oral reports will be presented to the class on May 4th.
B. How assignment will be graded
1. The Written Report will be graded like any other writing assignment. Using the attached rubric, the teacher will evaluate the report’s title, spacing, margins, complete sentences, indenting, topic sentence, concluding sentence, neatness, bibliography, content, length, inclusion of a picture, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
2. The Solar System Physical Project will be graded, using the attached rubric, on the accuracy of the model, creativity, neatness, project label, display of at least five facts, spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
3. The Short Summary Oral Report will be graded, using the attached rubric, on content, length, voice volume, eye-contact, proper use of note cards, enunciation, posture and expression.
C. Suggested schedule and order for completing assignments (check off each step as it is completed)
¨ Choose a planet to write your report on by March 26.
¨ Between March 26 and March 30, research your planet using the internet, books, encyclopedias, class worksheets, etc. You should have at least three sources. Using 3x5 cards, take notes, in your own words. On one side of the card, summarize important words, main ideas, facts, statistics, definitions, information and examples about the subtopic that you may want to include in your report. There should be one subtopic per card (for example: the atmosphere of your planet). You do not need to use complete sentences on these note cards. The completed cards should allow you to easily organize your report into paragraphs. On the back of the card, write down your source information to be used later on the bibliography page.
¨ Complete a brief outline for your report, by March 31
¨ Write the first page (1½ -2 pages, if handwritten) of your rough draft, using your note cards, by April 1
¨ Write the second page (1½ -2 pages, if handwritten) of your rough draft, using your note cards, by April 4
¨ Edit and revise your rough draft by April 5 (ask your parents to proofread too)
¨ Write or type your final draft and complete the bibliography, by April 7
¨ Turn in your completed written report on Thursday, April 9
¨ On April 9-10, plan and practice a 2-3 minute oral summary. Write facts on 3x5 cards. Continue to practice your oral report periodically, so you are well-prepared to give your oral report on May 4.
¨ April 9-May 2, plan steps, gather materials, and complete your physical project. It must be turned in on Monday, May 4.
¨ May 4 Bring completed Solar System Project to school, for a grade. Present Oral Report Summary, for a grade.