Monday Mobo Move Updates provide information on the move to our
new center in the Galleria as well as other news about our Sangha.
CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Construction crews are making good progress on our new center on the Galleria’s second floor. Below is the floor plan, which includes a large meditation hall (marked as Hall 1), a second meditation hall/classroom (Hall 2), library, office, kitchen (marked as Break Room), and two all-gender bathrooms. The Move Team estimates that we’ll have a move-in date sometime in February.
MESSAGE FROM ISC TREASURER, MAGGIE COLLINS: Just a brief reminder that January is our month to pledge our support for Insight Santa Cruz. Our goal is to have pledges totaling $70,000; based on the data I have now, we need to secure pledges for an additional $56,880.
It is from the pledges and the donations that follow that we make our budget for the year. With our soon-to-be new, larger space we will have a larger rent payment. And of course, we want to provide support for the teachers who help us with both inspiring words and practical practices.
If you have not already made a pledge, paste into your browser. This takes you to the Survey Monkey pledge form. Or pick up a pledge form from between the dana baskets, fill it out, and drop it in a basket. The next step is to click on this link to the ISC donations page and select your method of giving. Monthly donations help very much, but if you would rather give a lump sum for the year, that is also good. On the donation page, you will find descriptions of ways to give and a link to Network for Good where you can make one time or monthly donations via credit card.
Thank you so much for your pledge!
With metta,
THANKS TO ISC WINTER SHELTER VOLUNTEERS: Alice Tarail extends her deep thanks to the large, wonderful group from ISC that helped out serving at the Winter Shelter over the holidays. This was the first, large-scale ISC participation of this type in the Santa Cruz community, and The Association of Faith Communities, which sponsored the Winter Shelter this year, are very grateful to us.