RMC Meeting minutes - San Diego meeting Feb 11, 2002

Summary AAQG RMC meeting - agenda items:


Don Buehler – GEAE (Chair RMC)

Hollie Last - Standards Council of Canada

Colin Clarke Bombardier

Ed Bayne - Boeing

Barb O’Dell - Boeing

Will Tate - Vought

Jay Park – Northrup Grumman

Peirre Salle – IAAR & Kema

Reg Blake – IAAR & BSI

Randy Dougherty – RAB

Leone Donofrio UTC P&W

Mike Roberts – Boeing

Jay Myers – SAE

Guilherme Brondi – Embraer

Scott Richter – RAB

Tony Marino – Boeing

Cindy Miller – RAB

Forest Stull - BSI

1.)Review action items from 1/15/02 meeting

AI– (1) Randy, Leone, Reg,& Pierre to work how registrars review process works - Continue with what we are doing & Invite registrars to June meeting

AI– (6) All RMC Member Companies to perform their reviews and evaluations, and bring their results to the September 10th RMC meeting before the Washington DC AAQG meeting

AI– Don Buehler to establish action item log

2.)Review of IAF peer review of RAB - the process, not the results. Colin Clarke

AI – Barb & Don to present to IAQG Oversight Team to begin discussions with the Leadership of the IAF as to how we can use their system and processes to give the aerospace industry additional confidence in the "other party system"

3.)Incorporation of SCC & INMETRO in AAQG RMC.

Agreement: A prospective AB would have to petition the RMC to be included. The prospective AB would have to evaluate all requirements in AIR5359A and IAQG 104 as they related to ABs. After a self analysis of their system (which would be reviewed by a designated prime member of the RMC); the AB would make a report to the RMC showing how their policies and procedures meet the requirements. A short description of the requirement and the method of meeting the requirement – including references to their documented system would be presented to the entire RMC. The RMC voting members would then make a decision as to include the new AB in the system or not.

Agreement – Procedure required to define how an AB becomes “approved”

AI – Don Buehler to create procedure required to define how an AB becomes “approved”

Agreement: - Once a registrar is approved by one accepted accreditation body, the RMC will not want to vote on it again for another AB

AI – Randy to incorporate into RMC resolution log

4.)Review of Other party data base info - H. Luijdt questions.


One database at IAQG level with ability to sort by sector

Single point of access for data retrieval

Access from multiple places but single database – use links

Single point of data entry

Independent verification of data entry is required. Need to discuss OEM & AB control. Also the audited supplier will be checking this.

Database security: group or individual entrance rights? Need accountability of who entered – limits of actions allowed (who has read, write, & edit authority) individual approval process needed

Users: IAQG-members only and NTA’s, NAB’s, Certification Bodies/Registrars, Suppliers? All, but with different levels of authority.

Must database management reflect IAQG/Sector Management System Structure? We do not want to be directly involved in the management of the database.

Info: Dale Gordon presented an AAQG Web site data entry potential.

Don & Dale to set up email to H. Luijdt describing

5.)Changes to 5359A

Detailed review of proposed changes. Notes captured by Don Buehler

AI – Mike Roberts to cross reference to 104 in the training requirements

AI - Randy & Will to establish the voting rules & meeting rules for 5359

Decision on voting rules wording agreed to Tuesday morning

Discussion on Approval vs Accreditation

Hollie stated that accreditation bodies can not delegated their authority

Recognize Approval of Accreditation bodies

AI - Mike & Hollie to sort through AIR5359, sanitize the words approval vs accreditation vs recognized vs certified and forward for comment

6.)We need to review Randy’s wording of the resolutions and approve or modify them:

AI – Don to send list to Gretchen for posting on Web Site

7.)We need a policy on record retention for RAB & CRB auditor qualifications - also actual audit results

8.)Policy on interpretations of AAQG & IAQG documents

9.)RAB auditor certification process- Scott Richter

Question Does aerospace industry require the technical review process that includes contacting references??

Decision: Registrar requirement to validate auditor qualifications needs to be added to 5359 – Registrar process to address the auditor interview process

AI – after changes to the Criteria Document AAC 1.3 , RAB will submit to RMC for concurrence.

10.)Boeing presentation on Prime OEM Oversight of CRBs

Decision: RMC agreed to charter a sub-team to establish process for OEM oversight. Team makeup to be GEAE (Don Buehler), Vought (Will Tate), RR (Dale Gordon), Boeing (Tony Marino-Lead), Bombardier (Colin Clarke), CRB (Reg Blake) AB (Randy Dougherty)

Report out status in June Boston meeting

11.)Review proposal on RMC WEB

12.)Auditor Approvals and any other approvals needing to be brought before the RMC - Randy Dougherty

13.)Official RMC documents - can we keep them on the SAE WEB in a private section of the AAQG WEB? - with access to IAQG members only.

Process Check


Computer hook up with screen

Visual engagement

Mini Team assignments

Boeing Presentation with options included


Assigned Facilitator may help

Have all standards RMC deals with on a machine for the ability to review when questions arise

Need for improvement:

Start in morning instead of afternoon

Agenda too long

Target times to agenda items

Provide synopsis of agenda items in advance for review

More up front staff work