Alfreton Nursery School

First Aid Policy

(includes administration of medicines – see also H&S Policy)

At Alfreton Nursery School the health and safety of all children is of the highest importance to all staff.

This policy explains the practices in place to address the health needs of all which may be as a result of accidents or medical conditions.

We have a duty of care under The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 to promote the health, safety and welfare of all pupils, school personnel and school visitors by providing adequate first aid equipment and school personnel qualified in first aid.

We will ensure that under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) that all accidents resulting in death, major injury or the prevention of the injured person undertaking their normal work for more than three days will be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Our Aims

  • To provide adequate first aid provision and medical care for pupils and school personnel.
  • To have in place qualified first aid personnel who are aware of hygiene and infection control procedures.
  • To have in place adequate first aid equipment.
  • To have in place excellent lines of communication with the emergency services and other external agencies.

The school has 4 x paediatric first aiders who are responsible for dealing with any serious first aid matters and can be called upon to offer help and advice whenever required. It is also their responsibility to check on a weekly basis that all First Aid boxes are correctly stocked.

Paediatric First Aiders

  • Louise Ashmore
  • Tracey Carlin
  • Laura Dolby
  • Sandra Meakin

In addition to the paediatric first aiders the school has a responsibility to ensure that basic first aid training is carried out in line with current Health and Safety recommendations and that this qualification is updated every two years.

Up-to-date First Aid qualifications are added onto our EVOLVE form and continuously up-dated.

First Aid Trained Other Staff
  • Katie Cresswell
  • Louise Housechild

Both members of staff hold a ‘First Aid at Work’ accreditation.

Role of the Governing Body

It is the role of the Governing Body to:

  • nominatemembers of staff to take charge of first aid arrangements, this role is carried out by the school’s designated first aiders
  • delegate powers and responsibilities to the Head Teacher to ensure the school complies with The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR);
  • nominate a link governor to visit the school regularly, to liaise with the nominated person and to report back to the Governing Body;
  • be responsible for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy

Role of the Head Teacher

  • It is the Head Teacher’s responsibility to :
  • ensure the school complies with The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR);
  • ensure that the nominated people aresuitably trained, have sufficient time to undertake their role and an adequate budget to purchase first aid equipment;
  • monitor and evaluate this policy.

Role of the Nominated People

  • The nominated people will:
  • hold a valid certificate of competence;
  • ensure that there are adequate stocks of first aid equipment;
  • position and maintain first aid boxes at appropriate locations around the school;
  • ensure that any medicines such as Epi-pens, piriton, spare inhalers are correctly labelled and stored safely
  • conduct with the Health and Safety Co-ordinator annual risk assessments;
  • ensure all accidents and injuries are recorded on the correct documents and reported to the required departments;
  • ensure that parents are informed of any accident especially head injuries and of any first aid administered either by letter, phone or verbally;
  • ensure any injuries, marks past or present are correctly recorded and reported to the appropriate people;
  • ensure that all school personal are aware of the identity and needs of any pupils with identified medical problems;
  • provide guidance and support to all school personnel;
  • keep up-to-date with new developments and resources ensuring all school personnel are aware of any changes in policies;
  • review and monitor procedures and documents
  • annually report to the Governing Body and Head Teacher on the success of this policy.

Role of School Personnel

  • It is the responsibility of the school personnel to:
  • be aware of first aid arrangements;
  • be suitably trained in identifying pupils with expected medical problems;
  • report any concerns they have on the medical welfare of any pupil;
  • undertake training in first aid,
  • be aware of the schools policy for administration of medicines and awareness of medical problems any pupil may have;
  • report and record all accidents and first aid treatment administered.
  • record and report all injuries/marks past or present to appropriate persons (see Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy).

Role of Parents

  • It is the responsibility of parents to:
  • inform the school of their child’s medical history that may be a cause for concern;
  • complete the necessary paper work about allergies in order for the school to take all necessary precautions;
  • ensure that any essential medication such as Epi-pen, Piriton and Inhalers are provided to the school in its original container for emergency use;
  • Ensure that a written permission is given by completing the Medication consent Form;
  • Ensure that all medicines provided are labelled with the child’s name and given to an appropriate adult for correct storage.

Role of Children

  • Childrenencouraged to report all accidents.
  • Children who need assistance with toileting or removing of wet/soiled clothing must be encouraged to act as independently as possible and to undertake as much of their own personal care as is practicable.

Recording Accidents and Injuries

  • All accidents and injuries will be:
  • recorded in the Accident Book for minor injuries with all details given
  • recorded in the serious injuries folder for head, mouth or bone injuries
  • reported to parents in person, by letter or phone
  • All accidents involving the loss of life, major injury or preventing the injured person undertaking their normal work for more than three days must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
  • See ‘Accidents and Emergencies’ policy.

First Aid Resources

  • The school must provide a designated place for first aid to be administered as well as:
  • a first-aid container which will be fully stocked in accordance with HSE recommendations;
  • disposable gloves;
  • disposable plastic bags;
  • hand washing facilities.

Hygiene and Control of Infection

It is recommended that any member of the school personnel who has a cut or abrasion or a skin condition on their hands, arms or face should avoid contact with blood.

School personnel who come into contact with blood or other bodily fluids such as vomit, urine and excreta must:

  • wear disposable gloves when cleaning any bodily fluids;
  • soak up the spillages using paper towels;
  • clean the area with hot water containing soap or detergent;
  • clean the area with a disinfectant solution;
  • flush solids down the toilet;
  • dispose of dressings and gloves in sealed plastic bags;
  • take care when removing contaminated gloves;
  • wash their hands thoroughly with hot soapy water;
  • put any items of clothing that becomes contaminated into a plastic bag, sealed and labelled;

Administering Medicines

We acknowledge that under the standard terms and condition for the employment of teachers there is no legal duty for school staff to administer or supervise a child taking medication.

  • Here at Alfreton Nursery School we do not administer general medicines on a daily basis.
  • Only staff who have been correctly trained to administer medicines will carry out that procedure in an emergency ie for severe reactions where Piriton or an Epi- pen is required.
  • Children who have Asthma will be supported with use of an inhaler as required.
  • On educational visits a fully qualified first aider will attend in order to administer any first aid necessary;
  • The following information must be supplied to the school by the parent/carer:

Name and date of birth of the child

Name and contact details of the parent/carer

Name and contact details of GP

Name of emergency medicines.

  • As a general rule, school staff should not administer medicines to children.
  • This is the responsibility of parents and carers who may come to school in the course of the school day to administer medicine if necessary.
  • In exceptional circumstances, where a dose of medicine is required and the parent or carer is unable to come to school, then school staff may administer the medicine.
  • This arrangement – once agreed - must be confirmed with school by parents or carers in writing.
  • All medicines in school – apart from inhalers – must be stored securely
  • The school staff who are authorised to administer medicines when necessary are all the designate first aiders.

Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Policy

  • the effectiveness of this policy will be reviewedevery 3 years, or when the need arises, and the necessary recommendations for improvement will be made to the Governing Body and Head Teacher