American History II
Mr. Jerry Riggs
Room D09
(252) 453-0014 Ext.3076
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has mandated that American History I and II be required courses for graduation. Currently there is a state mandated test that will count as the final exam. This test will count as 20% of the student’s overall final grade.
American History IIis designed to cover from Gilded Age onthrough to the present day. It is a reading intensive course with many individual and group projects will be assigned. This course goes beyond memorization of facts to the development of higher level thinking.
Grading Policy
Nine Weeks Average will be calculated based on a point system.
Each assignment will be worth a certain number of points. Each project based assignment will be accompanied with a rubric informing students how the assignment will be scored. The final nine weeks average is calculated by adding up the total number of points earned and dividing it by the total number of points possible.
In accordance with state law, all students will now be on a 10-point grading scale.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% and below = F
Materials Needed
- 3-ringed binder (at least 2” wide) with divisions.
- Writing utensil (pencil or pen with blue or black ink only) and loose leaf paper.
- Chromebook charged and brought to class daily.
Academic Honesty
Tests and Quizzes should be completed individually without assistance from other students, nor are students allowed to give assistance. Students are not allowed to use notes or other materials unless otherwise stated.
Group Work means just that. The group must complete to work not just one or two individuals. All group members are responsible for understanding the information.
Students will be expected to follow the honor code of Currituck County High School.
Absentee Policy and Make-Up Work
Students can miss no more than 7 days in a semester in order to receive credit for the course. This policy includes excused absences and unexcused absences. (See student handbook for further information). Students must bring a note signed and dated by a parent upon their return from an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to check with their teacher for any missed assignments. Late assignments will be accepted according to the school policy. (See Student Handbook)
1 day late = 90
2 days late =70
3 days late =50
No work accepted after 3 days late
Classroom Expectations
- Students are expected to be on time for class. The tardy policy will be strictly enforced. The definition of tardy is being in the classroom before the bell starts ringing. (See student handbook.) Three unexcused tardies will result be counted as an absence and will receive a P.I.T. referral.
- Students should have appropriate materials: writing utensil, notebook paper.
- Listen to directions and raise your hand to be recognized before speaking out.
- RESPECT - yourself and others.
- All homework/class work should be completed individually. Copying another student’s work will result in both students receiving zeros.
- Failure to put your name on work turned in will result in a 10-point grade reduction.
Restroom Breaks
No one can leave to go to the restroom during the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class. No one is going to leave to go to the restroom while I am giving instruction to the class. I normally give a restroom break half way through class.
In addition to class work, students will be required to blog about a topic in American History. A topic will be issued each week. The student must post their response on the class blog each week before Sunday at midnight. Each blog is worth 10 points and will be added to each week.
Parent Communication
Parents can check on their child’s grade at any time using PowerSchool. This is an online tool that allows you to view my grade book at your convenience. Moreover, progress reports are handed out every 4½ weeks or upon request. These reports include missing tasks as well as the student’s current grade in the class and on each assignment. Parents may call me at (252) 453-0014 ext. 3076 between 7:45-8:00 am or 3:10-3:50 pm. Parents may also contact me for an electronic progress report at get an update.
In order to be successful in this course you must complete all reading assignments.
I have read and understand the rules and procedures for Mr. Jerry Riggs’American History II class.
Parent Printed Name
Parent’s Signature Datebest # to reach you
Parent Email address – PLEASE PRINT
Student’s SignatureDate