P.O. Box 25966, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 ~ (719) 278-9135, ext. 4
Email: / Web site:
~ A ministry serving home educating families since 1997~
High Country Christian Academy is an independent school that provides private school enrollment for students who are taught at home by their parents. HCCA satisfies the requirements of a private school for purposes of home schooling according to Colo. Rev. Stat. 22-33-104(2)(b).
• Private school enrollment(no notice of intent required for a school district)
• Academic record-keeping
• High school transcripts and diploma
• Annual achievement testing grades 3 – 11 (Odd grades only)
• Home school / curriculum consultation
• Graduation Ceremony available (additional fee required)
• Easy transfer of records
• Home School Legal Defense Association membership discount
• Official record of grades for “Good Student” car insurance discount
“Training Up Children for a Higher Calling”
July 11HCCA office re- opens after summer break and registration for current school year begins
In-person registration for parents enrolling a high school student for the first time (call for appointment)
15Early bird registration ends
31Registration deadline for current school year
30End of First Quarter
10Deadline for receiving first quarter reports
20-31HCCA office closed for Christmas break
31End of Second Quarter
1-2HCCA office closed for Christmas break
3Registration for mid-year enrollments begins
3Registration for testing begins
10Deadline for receiving second quarter reports
19Registration deadline for testing.(subject to change)
19Registration deadline for mid-year enrollments
31End of Third Quarter
Spring Break-Admin office closed
10Deadline for receiving third quarter reports
TBAAchievement Testing
TBAHigh Country Graduation
May 15-31HCCA Office closed for summer break
1-15HCCA Office closed for summer break
30End of Fourth Quarter
Deadline for receiving fourth quarter reports
End of school year
High Country Christian Academy believes that God holds parents ultimately responsible for the education and spiritual training of their children. HCCA was established to support Christian families in raising their children according to Deuteronomy 6 and to assist and encourage them in their calling to educate their children at home.
Families have the advantage of a private school confirming their course of study, do not have to report achievement test scores or file a notice of intent with the local school district, easy transfer of records to another school, and have more flexibility than traditional correspondence schools. The elementary program provides report cards upon request and the High School Program provides official transcripts and a private school diploma with graduates eligible for college scholarships for home educators. Numerous high schools and colleges have accepted HCCA transcripts.
High Country Christian Academy is one of the three branches of High Country Home Educators. The two partner branches are High Country Support Group and High Country Enrichment Classes.
Members of the Academy board include the following families.
~Kevin & Brandee Knowles-Brandee serves as the Vice President of the board
~Cal & Jan Masey-Cal & Jan serve on the HCHE corporate board.
~Wayne & Violet Bowers-Violet is the Academy secretary
~Brandon and Jenny Vanaman-Brandon serves as the Academy President and Jenny is the Administrator of the Academy. Brandon and Jenny also serve on the HCHE corporate board.
*We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. It, alone, is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. We believe in one God, co-equal and co-eternal in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
*We believe Jesus Christ is God the Son. On earth, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man; the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was conceived by God the Father, through the Holy Spirit, in the Virgin Mary's womb. The blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross is sufficient to cleanse man of all sins. He was physically resurrected from the dead three days after His death and will visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His kingdom.
*We believe repentance is the commitment to turn away from sin in every area of our lives and to follow Christ. *We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human effort.
*We believe one day all believers and unbelievers will be physically resurrected. Heaven is the eternal dwelling place of believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The unbelievers will be judged by God and sent to hell where they will be eternally tormented.
The policies have been established by the HCCA Board and apply to all families whose children are enrolled in High Country Christian Academy. Each family, by signing the Parental Agreement Form, is stating that they have read these policies, acknowledge their responsibility to the school, and obligate themselves to fulfilling these policies.
Application for enrollment in High Country Christian Academy is open to Christian home schooling families who are committed to Jesus Christ and are in agreement with our statement of faith. A student is considered to be home schooled if the majority of the child's academic education is provided at home by the parents. *HCCA does not discriminate in regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin; however, the board does reserve the right to deny enrollment based on religious beliefs and affiliations.
High School Parents – parents enrolling a high school student for the first time need to have an in person meeting. Please email the HCCA office at or call (278-9135, ext. 4) for an appointment time email preferred. The administrator will go over your paperwork and explain high school credits, the procedure for filling out quarterly reports, hour logs, and completed course of study forms.
Applications will be accepted July 11 – August 31 and January 3 – February 19, only Emergency enrollments at other times will be considered. This will be on a case by case basis.
To apply for enrollment at HCCA, the following must be submitted with the application:
- A copy of immunization record or a signed waiver. (First time only and then updated records)
- A copy of the last administered achievement test scores or evaluation results (students entering grades 4 through 11)(If you are coming from a state that does not require testing, please disregard this)
- Completed Curriculum List
- A check for tuition and application fee
After review of your application, you will be emailed a confirmation letter of your acceptance. If for any reason HCCA cannot accept your application, you will be notified by mail and your check returned.
HCCA requires a minimum of 172 days of study per school year. Our school year begins in July and ends in June. Parents may choose their own school schedule.
If you are transferring your child to HCCA from another school, you will need to complete the Release of Records form and include it with your application. We will notify your child’s previous school to send us the cumulative folder. Acceptance of your application may not be given until prior records have been received and reviewed. If HCCA cannot accept your application, your child's records will be returned to the school that sent them.
When transferring from HCCA to another school or moving out of the area, it is the parents' responsibility to notify HCCA in writing. Do not notify the new school and tell them you are home schooling. Your children are enrolled in High Country Christian Academy; therefore, you should tell the school officials you are transferring your student from a private school. Please note: we must have all attendance and progress reports up to date in order to complete your transfer of records.
Upon acceptance of your registration, one copy of the quarterly progress report for each quarter will be e-mailed to you. You will need to make copies for the number of students you will be teaching. Reports must be returned to HCCA by the date indicated on each report. If a quarterly report is not received by the due date and you have not contacted the HCCA office, your child may be disenrolled. These reports are required for enrollment and are a helpful record-keeping tool for you as the teacher. The reports constitute your student’s academic record, so accurate reports are very important. Please call the HCCA office before the due date if there are extenuating circumstances. (Report forms are also available at our web site:
HCCA requires that students take an achievement test or evaluation at the end of 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades. HCCA will be administering Achievement Teststhe last Thursday and Friday in April at New Life Church for grades 3 through 11. Testing registrations will begin in January. Academy families, however, are not required to test on site. Parents may use the test of their choice and submit the scores to the academy. If you have a child you prefer to be evaluated in lieu of testing, these results will be accepted in place of test scores. High school students – ACT and/or SAT scores will be accepted in lieu of achievement testing.
Registration fees must be paid in full at the time of application. Due to processing expenses, once we accept your application no refunds will be given. All registrations expire on June 30th.
If you move, change your phone number or change your email address, please notify us of your new address as soon as possible. You must go to HCHE.org under Independent School, ‘Change my Information’ and update any changes. The email address we have on file is how we will communicate important information throughout the school year.
If you have questions, please call the academy office at 278-9135, ext. 4 or email . Please leave a detailed message and your call or email will be returned. Email is the best form on contact for the Academy. Please email the office at . Note from HCCA Board: Please respect the administrator’s privacy and do not call her home outside of regular business hours M-F 9-6. Thank you!
Academic requirements for private schools differ from those for home schools. The curriculum being used by the student must demonstrate that the student is receiving a “basic academic education”. This includes providing instruction in the required subjects of the Constitution of the United States, reading, writing, speaking, math, history, civics, literature, and science. Colo. Rev. Stat. 22-33-104.5 (3)(d).
Parents are free to choose the curriculum and style of home schooling that best suits their family. Parents may change curriculum during the school year if they find a course of study isn’t working for their student. Please note - the administration carefully reviews the Curriculum List, especially at the high school level. HCCA reserves the right to deny credit if a course of study does not meet high school level work.
- High Country Christian Academy provides a legal option to families for meeting compulsory attendance requirements in Colorado. Students enrolled at HCCA are no longer under the Colorado Home School Statute since they are enrolled in a private school (CRS 22-33-104(2)(b). This means you will not have to file a Notice of Intent to home school with your local school district. If you have been filing a NOI in the past, once your children have been accepted at HCCA you will need to notify your school district they are now enrolled in a private school. Should your children no longer be enrolled at HCCA, you will need to contact your school district and begin filing a NOI again.
- Because of conflicting public opinion and the inconsistency of legal statutes, High Country Christian Academy cannot insure that families enrolled in its program will never be subjected to legal scrutiny. HCCA wants each family to be aware of the legal liability that they may face. We highly encourage families to consider membership with Home School Legal Defense Association (HCCA members receive a 15% discount). HSLDA provides experienced legal counsel and representation by qualified attorneys to their member families who are challenged by government officials in the area of home schooling. All attorneys’ fees and costs are paid in full directly by the Association. Applications for HSLDA may be obtained by contacting HSLDA at P.O. Box 3000, Purcellville, VA 20134; phone (540) 338-5600 or their web site:
New Family Application Fee (payable one time only)$25.00
Tuition - grades K-12, per family(Early bird: Jul. 11– Aug. 15)$75.00
(Registrations postmarked Aug. 16 – 31)$100.00
(Mid-year registrations Jan. 3 – Feb 19)$100.00
- grades 9-12, per student (in addition to family tuition)$50.00*
*Students enrolling in the high school program after 9th grade will be charged an additional fee of $50.00 for each grade level a transcript must be created for. Example: an 11th grade student enrolling who needs a transcript for grades 9 and 10 will be charged a $100.00 fee in addition to the $50.00 high school tuition per student for the current year.
Allow 4-6 weeks to process applications
~ Private school enrollment~ academic record keeping
~ HSLDA membership discount~ parental support
~ High school transcript & diploma~ achievement test score repository service
ADDITIONAL SERVICES:Enrolled Families Non-enrolled families
Curriculum consultation (per hour)0 up to 3 dedicated hours, $30.00
Achievement Test Score Repository $25pr hr for more than 3 dedicatedhours
Service (per year, per family)(Included with Tuition)$10.00
The purpose of the High School Program is to provide students with academic validation through a level of accountability while allowing parents the freedom to educate their children in their own style.
High school students must complete a minimum of 22 credits to receive a diploma and graduate from High Country Christian Academy. At least 7 of these required credits must be completed while enrolled with HCCA. Credits do not have to be in consecutive years.
High Country Christian Academy offers two options to earn credits. Parents may choose one option or a combination. You need to indicate which option you’ve chosen for each subject at the time of registration.
• Carnegie Credit Unit – a minimum of 120 hours of study per subject equals one credit (60 hours = ½ credit / 30 hours = ¼ credit). This would be approximately 42 minutes per day for 172 days. Classes may include labs, research, and independent reading relating to the subject. Hour logs must be submitted following the completion of the course showing the total hours studied. An hours log is available and will be online.
• Course of Study – you may fill out this worksheet detailing the course objectives, requirements, and grading standard. One copy is included in the enrollment sheets. A Completed Course of Study worksheet must be submitted after the requirements have been met detailing the completed study. A Completed Course of Study worksheet will be included with your acceptance packet.
Concurrent courses taken through a private or public high school, a tutor, a correspondence course, or community college must be documented with a completed course of study for such course work to appear on HCCA's transcript. We will need at minimum an unofficial transcript from any of the previous organizations.
One of the benefits of the High School Program is the formal transcript that the student will receive through HCCA. A copy of the transcript can be provided anytime to the parents during the high school course of study at no charge. Multiple copies (three or more) will be charged a fee of $2.00 each. Requests for a transcript will take up to seven business days to process. If a transcript is needed in less time, a $20.00 fee must accompany the request. These requests require a 24-hour notice to process.
Each student is under the instructional supervision of their parents, although High Country Christian Academy is responsible to oversee that students are getting a “basic academic education”. Grades issued for work completed will be given by the parents and turned in to HCCA on the quarterly reports. To maintain consistency as a school, HCCA’s grading scale must be used. Parents need to submit a percentage grade and a letter grade on progress reports. Colleges require that students have a GPA. Parents should have a plan for assigning grades before school begins.
High Country Christian Academy does not dictate how parents are to issue grades. Following are a few suggestions of how this may be accomplished.
- Give the student quizzes and tests, grading each one using HCCA’s grading scale, and then add all of the grades together and divide by total number of tests to get an average grade for the quarterly reports.
- Base the grade on a point system for the entire year. Example:
Chapter reviews -15 points each (10 chapters)= 150 points
Quizzes - 20 points each (5 quizzes)= 100 points
Semester tests - 50 points each (2 tests)= 100 points
Research projects 25 points each (2 projects)= 50 points
Total - = 400 points
The grade is then based on the percentage of points earned out of the total possible. If a student earned
300 points, the grade would be determined by dividing 300 by 400, which would be 75%. On HCCA’s