Yavapai College Staff Association (YCSA)

Spring 2014 General Meeting

January 31, 2014


Prescott: Building 19-223

Verde: Building G-103

  1. Welcome – Andrea Annibale
  2. Member Introductions
  3. Review August 2013 Minutes
  4. Summer pay/compensation study – Rose Hurley
  5. December holidays – Andrea Annibale
  6. Update on budget – Andrea Annibale
  7. Review bylaws – Andrea Annibale
  8. Service Excellence Program – Andrea Annibale
  9. YCSA Newsletter – Andrea Annibale
  10. Service and Giving Program – Andrea (Prescott) & Teresa (Verde)
  11. Yearly event calendar
  12. Open call for nominations (VP, Alternate, New Hire Liaison)
  13. Q&A-Forum on website – Alice Burroughs
  14. Open Discussion

President – Andrea Annibale (Prescott), x2050

Vice President – Erin Elsner (Prescott Valley), x7984

Secretary – Teresa Schwickerath (Verde Valley) x6575

Web Designer – Alice Burroughs (Verde), x6579

Alternate Representative – Ruth Alsobrook-Hurich (Prescott), x2076

YCSA Meeting Minutes


Members Present: Joni Westcott; President, Teresa Schwickerath; Secretary, Ruth Lilly; Web Designer, Andrea Annibale; HR Liaison, Marcia Byrd, Daintry Donovan, Ken Schoch, Cathy Gertsch, Nick Alexander, Catherine Trapp, Alice Burroughs, Connie Riordan, Diane Mazmanian, Karen Leja, Leslie Sparkman, Lucy McGuire, Kirsten Adaniya, Jim Voska

Absent: Erin Elsner; Vice-President. Ruth Alsobrook-Hurich; Alternate

Introductions & Updates - Joni /
  • Joni stated that the board is working on a new strategy for YCSA. We have a voice and want to share staff concerns with college Administration. Joni is committed to taking a more active role in representing staff this year.

Approval of Minutes /
  • Daintry Donovan moved to accept meeting minutes, Marcia Byrd seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Election Results – Cathy Gertsch /
  • Cathy announced that Joni Westcott was elected President; Alice Burroughs elected web designer.

Professional Development/First Friday Trainings – Andrea Annibale /
  • Kirsten Fanning has taken over for Cheryl Moreno and has a schedule out for October. Please email Kirsten or Andrea with ideas or proposals for staff trainings.

New Hire Program – Andrea Annibale /
  • Kelli Jones has taken over the new hires. Andrea still gives new hires a YC mug filled with goodies to welcome them to the college.
  • There was discussion of new employee orientation process—primarily consists of an online PowerPoint. Catherine Trapp stated that she had been involved with a group who had worked on new employee orientation information which is now on the HR webpage. She said the work is done and on the HR website, but there may be other areas we could work on improving.
  • A mentor program for new employees was suggested. Catherine Trapp volunteered to be involved in a mentor program for new employees. She will get together with Kelli Jones to talk about a mentor program for new employees; Andrea Annibale and Connie Riordan volunteered to work with Catherine on this.

Survey Results - Joni /
  • Summary of results: People know about YCSA but have no idea what the group does.
  • One drive last year was the Gratitude Challenge which employees seemed to like. Daintry suggested bringing the program back for a month at some point during the year.
  • Over half respondents don’t attend the meetings. A summer meeting was suggested as staff work all summer. Others also suggested additional meetings during the regular semester. YCSA summer retreat/meeting to attract more participation. (Daintry volunteered to get together door prices to attract more staff). Cathy suggested a meeting on Friday afternoons of First Friday training.
  • YCSA could engender enhanced relations between staff and administration by representing staff and bringing issues forward.
  • Professional development funding is now approved through Dr. Ewell. Joni suggested YCSA get a renewed confirmation on professional growth money availability and the process for getting it.
  • More communication was one issue.
  • Summer pay of 32 hours per week. Administration gave staff suggestions to deal with the lower pay in the summer—take a vacation day per week, save the extra money we get in the fall & spring semester. The administration needs to know that this doesn’t work well for most non-exempt staff. Joni will send out an email with results of survey and concerns discussed today.
  • YCSA would like to put out a newsletter to aid in college-wide communication.
  • Joni encouraged everyone to go back and talk to other staff to get more YCSA participation.

  • Marcia moved to adjourn and Cathy seconded the motion. The motion carried.