Tasmanian Institute of Learning and Teaching (TILT)
Faculty of Education
College of Arts, Law & Education
Foundations of University Learning and Teaching
Semester 1, 2018
Unit Outline
Dr Andrea Adam
Important note on HEA recognition: The University’s accreditation with the Higher Education Academy to award recognition through our taught programs (ELT501 and the Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching) is undergoing periodic review. Therefore, we cannot confirm until the commencement of teaching in 2018 that this recognition process will occur as drafted in this document.
© The University of Tasmania 2015
Contact details
Unit coordinator
Unit coordinator:Dr Andrea Adam, FHEA
Campus:Sandy Bay
Email: *(preferred communication mode)
Phone:03 6226 7116
Room location:TILT Offices, TUU Building (access off French Street)
Consultation hours:If you would like a meeting, please email me to arrange a time and meeting mode (Skype, webconference, phone, or on- campus).
I work part-time.
Unit administration
Graduate Certificate Administration:Mrs Tamzen Jeanneret
Campus:Sandy Bay
Phone:03 6226 7251
Contact times:Business hours, Monday to Friday
© The University of Tasmania 2017
What is the Unit About?
Unit description*
Intended Learning Outcomes*
Graduate Quality Statement
Alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)
Alterations to the unit as a result of student feedback*
Prior knowledge &/or skills
How will I be Assessed?*
Assessment schedule*
Assessment details*
How your final result is determined*
Submission of assignments*
Academic referencing*
Academic misconduct*
What Learning Opportunities Are There?
Further information and assistance
Continuing professional learning
Unit schedule
Appendix A Assessment rubrics
Page 1ELT501 Foundations of University Learning and Teaching
What is the Unit About?
Unit description*
ELT501, Foundations of University Learning and Teaching, is designed to provide information and a collegial environment to support you in developing a rich and integrated understanding of university learning and teaching issues, with reference to the UTAS context.
You will explore the theories, principles and practice of university learning and teaching. There is an emphasis on discussing and applying constructive alignment, strategies to promote deep learning and integrating technology into the learning and teaching environment.
This is the foundation unit in the Graduate Certificate of University Learning and Teaching, and consequently introduces a range of topics that will be developed further in other units. It also acts as a primer for new UTAS staff. ELT501 is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). Eligible ELT501 students completing the approved study sequence in the unit may gain recognition as an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) on successful completion of the unit. The UK HEA Fellowship scheme enables recognition of quality and excellence in the practice of teaching and supporting learning.
Intended Learning Outcomes*
Foundations of University Learning and Teaching fulfils two roles. It is the foundation unit in the Graduate Certificate of University Learning and Teaching. It also acts as a primer for new UTAS staff.
The unit is designed to provide information and a collegial environment to support you in developing a rich and integrated understanding of university learning and teaching issues, as described in the following intended learning outcomes. The key dimensions of the UKPSF covered and assessed within ELT501 are included after each ILO. (Additional dimensions less core to the unit are included in brackets.)
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Design constructively aligned units or programs of study. A1, A3, K1, K2, K4, V1, V2 (A4, A5, K3, V3)
- Use evidence to support good teaching. A5, K1, K2, V1, V2, V3 (K3)
- Reflect on the role of university educator. K2, K3, V4 (A5, V1, V2, V3)
Graduate Quality Statement
Successful completion of this unit supports your development of course learning outcomes, which describe what a graduate of a course knows, understands and is able to do. Course learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Education with Professional Honours (Higher Education), for which ELT501 is a core unit, are available from the Course homepage. Course learning outcomes are developed with reference to national discipline standards, Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), any professional accreditation requirements and the University of Tasmania’s Graduate Quality Statement.
The University of Tasmania experience unlocks the potential of individuals. Our graduates are equipped and inspired to shape and respond to the opportunities and challenges of the future as accomplished communicators, highly regarded professionals and culturally competent citizens in local, national, and global society. University of Tasmania graduates acquire subject and multidisciplinary knowledge and skills, and develop critical and creative literacies and numeracies and skills of inquiry. They demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in changing circumstances. Our graduates recognise and critically evaluate issues of social responsibility, ethical conduct and sustainability, are entrepreneurial and creative, and are mindful of their own wellbeing and that of the community. Through respect for diversity and by working in collaborative ways, our graduates reflect the values of the University of Tasmania.
Alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)
Study within ELT501 is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). The UKPSF, developed by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the UK, has international recognition and support.
The UKPSF aims to support the initial and continuing professional learning of all staff engaged in teaching and supporting learning, and provide a mechanism for recognition of quality and innovation in teaching and learning practice. The University’s Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and the Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching (Grad Cert ULT) are all aligned to the UKPSF. The University’s commitment to the UKPSF is a signal to students, staff and other stakeholders of the standards of quality and professionalism supported at the institution.
The HEA provides an fellowship scheme which enables staff to be recognised, depending on their role and experience, as an Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the Academy.
Eligible ELT501 students completing the approved study sequence in the unit will gain recognition as an Associate Fellow of the HEA (AFHEA) on successful completion of the unit. Fellowship of the HEA (FHEA) will be awarded on successful completion of the approved study sequence in the Grad Cert ULT.
The three interrelated dimensions of practice outlined in the UKPSF are the Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values:
Areas of Activity
A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of studyA2 Teach and/or support learning
A3 Assess and give feedback to learners
A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices
Core Knowledge
K1 The subject materialK2 Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme
K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/ disciplinary area(s)
K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional Values
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communitiesV2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development
V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice
How ELT501 supports you to meet Descriptor 1 of the UKPSF (Associate Fellow HEA)
ELT501 supports your learning and practice in relation to a number of key dimensions of the UKPSF and assesses your demonstration of meeting Descriptor 1 of the UKPSF (AFHEA). Many aspects of your activity, knowledge and values are addressed in the unit. The unit has been designed to align with the UKPSF across all dimensions, but with a particular focus on selected Areas of Activity [A1, A3, A5], Core Knowledge [K1, K2, K4] and Professional Values [V3] to meet the requirement of Descriptor 1. The Professional Values [V1, V2] underpin the University of Tasmania’s policies and values, within which you operate. These dimensions of the UKPSF are the core areas of development in learning activities and are explicitly assessed through the assessment tasks of the unit.
Core knowledge [K3] and the professional values [V1, V2 and V4] are also explicitly introduced and developed in ELT501, to allow complementary development and assessment for Descriptor 2 in later units of the course.
In completing ELT501 you will present an understanding of specific aspects of effective teaching, learning support methods and student learning and demonstrate the elements of Descriptor 1:
Elements of Descriptor 1:
/Addressed in ELT501:
D1.1Successful engagement with at least two of the five Areas of Activity. / A1, A3, A5D1.IISuccessful engagement in appropriate teaching and practices related to these Areas of Activity. / supported by references
D1.IIIAppropriate Core Knowledge and understanding of at least K1 and K2. / K1, K2, K4
D1.IVA commitment to appropriate Professional Values in facilitating others’ learning. / V1*, V2*, V3
(*all of your plans and proposals are required to be consistent with the University’s values, policies and plans, which are discussed in the unit, including the: UTAS Statement of Values; Assessment Policy; Open to Talent Plan and Social Inclusion Plan.)
D1.VRelevant professional practices, subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities. / The use of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning literature to shape and support your ideas about teaching demonstrates your emerging engagement within this area.
D1.VISuccessful engagement, where appropriate, in professional development activity related to teaching, learning, and assessment responsibilities. / Your participation in ELT501 is evidence of your commitment to continuing professional learning. This is supported by evidence from your references about your commitment to improvement in your practice.
For more information about the operation of the HEA program, including the role of our External Advisor, please consult the Grad Cert ULT Course Handbook.
Alterations to the unit as a result of student feedback*
In response to student feedback from 2016, the following changes to the learning opportunities and assessment in ELT501 have been made:
- additional learning opportunities have been introduced during the semester to facilitate ongoing engagement with the content, the UKPSF and with colleagues.
- structured template for assessment task 2.
- additional time in the oral presentation component of assessment task 2.
- incorporating a clear opportunity for all students to be able to refine their assessment submissions and to best demonstrate their attainment of the ILOs
For more information about the quality assurance processes in this unit and the Grad Cert ULT, please see the Grad Cert ULT Course Handbook.
Prior knowledge &/or skills
In most cases, you need to have completed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. You also need to be committed to self-improvement in your teaching and other educational activities, and be willing to engage colleagues in this process. You will need to have access to a Unit Outline, preferably for a unit in which you teach. If you are not teaching into a unit, you may need to request to use an outline written by a colleague. If you are unsure about whichUnit Outline to use, please discuss with Andrea.
How will I be Assessed?*
Assessment schedule*
Assessment task / Date due by / Percent weighting / Measures Intended Learning OutcomesEligibility assessment for AFHEA / 09/02/18, 2pm / - / eligibility for AFHEA
AT1: Learning Outcomes Critique
Post 1.1Submit proposed ILOs
Post 1.2 Comment on peers’ ILOs
Post 1.3ILOs & justification / 12/02/18, 2pm
19/02/18, 2pm
05/03/18, 2pm / 15% / 1, 2
AT2: Learning design
Part A
Part B / 06/04/18
30/04/18 / 65% / 1, 2, 3
AT3: Teaching philosophy / 04/06/18 / 20% / 2, 3
References for AFHEA candidates / 18/06/18, 2pm / - / eligibility for AFHEA
Assessment details*
Assessment task 1: Learning Outcomes Critique (15%)
Task description / The purpose of this assessment task is for you to develop and demonstrate your skills in designing good intended learning outcomes (ILOs). This task is designed to give you an opportunity to share and reflect on your practice, and experience giving and receiving constructive peer feedback on teaching.This assignment will take the form of a series of discussion posts in MyLO.Post 1.1
You will share draft ILOs that you propose should be used for your unit/module. You will also include a maximum of two sentences to explain the context of the unit/module to your peers (e.g., year level, discipline, role in the course).
Post 1.2
Provide constructive feedback to your peers on their ILOs, supporting your position with reference to the recommendations of Biggs and Tang (2011) and UTAS (2015) ILO guidelines.
The aim of your feedback is to explain to your peers the ways in which their ILOs reflect good practice. You may make constructive suggestions for modifications to the proposed ILOs to meet guidelines and/or recommendations. (Maximum 250 words each reply.)
Post 1.3
You will propose a set of ILOs to use in your unit/module, plus a 500-word justification for why they are good. This justification will use at least Biggs and Tang (2011) and UTAS (2015; 2016) guidelines.
For information about how to label your posts for assessment, please see the Learning Outcomes Critique Instructions Content Topic in the ELT501 MyLO site.
Criterion / Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1 / Evaluate your colleagues’ ILOs (Use Biggs and Tang, 2011, and UTAS guidelines to support your evaluation.) (Post 1.2) – 33.33% / 2
Criterion 2 / Propose ILOs in line with guidelines, and principles and theories of teaching and learning (Post 1.3) – 33.33% / 1
Criterion 3 / Justify your final ILOs (Post 1.3) – 33.33% / 2
Task length / approximately 1200 words (justification 500 words)
Alignment with the UKPSF / Assessment Task 1 will allow you to demonstrate your ability to design modules or units of study [A1: Criterion 2]. You will bring your understanding of your discipline and your context [K1: Criterion 2, Criterion 3] to this design activity. The theory of constructivism incorporated into the constructive alignment framework will underlie your approach to developing intended learning outcomes written from the perspective of what the students will do, rather than your own actions as a teacher [(K3): Criterion 2]. You will use evidence, from Biggs and Tang and the University’s guidelines, to support your proposals for better design [V3: Criterion 1, Criterion 3]. In this assessment you will show that you can use the knowledge you have acquired about the way students learn and good learning design to present good ILOs [(A5): Criterion 2] and to advocate for better teaching practice by presenting your argument [(A5): Criterion 3].
Due by date / Post 1.1: Monday 12/08/18, 2pm
Post 1.2: Monday 19/02/18, 2pm
Post 1.3: Monday 05/03/18, 2pm
Assessment task 2: Learning Activity and Assessment Design (65%)
Task description / The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your understanding of good teaching and assessment practice. You will demonstrate this through describing the design of a learning activity and the design of an assessment task that reflect good practice and are constructively aligned to develop and measure the ILO(s) of the unit. You will support your claims with evidence from Higher Education literature and reflections from your own practice on what has or has not worked well in the past.This task will include:
Part A (written; template provided)
- List of good ILOs for the unit/module
- Description of a learning activity and a description of an Assessment Task (see template in MyLO)
- Justification for the learning activity and assessment task. This justification should include:
- an explanation of how this activity and task are aligned in the unit: how the learning activity develops the students’ skills, knowledge and/or understandings described in the ILO(s), and how the assessment task measures attainment of the ILO(s).
- evidence that the learning activity and the assessment task are demonstrative of good practice, in line with the UKPSF, sourced from the Higher Education literature; reflection on your past practice; and UTAS policy and guidelines.
- You may choose to present Part B as a written submission or oral presentation[1].
Criterion / Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1 / Description of a learning activity and an assessment task that are demonstrative of good practice / 1.Design constructively aligned units or programs of study.
Criterion 2 / Explanation of how the learning activity and/or the assessment task ensures the unit is constructively aligned / 1. Design constructively aligned units or programs of study.
Criterion 3 / Use of evidence, including reflection on practice and literature, to justify your arguments / 2. Use evidence to support good teaching.
3. Reflect on the role of university educator
Task length / Part A – no limit (approx. 2 pages)
Part B - ~2000 words or 20 minute presentation (~15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes cross-examination)
Alignment with the UKPSF / In Assessment Task 2, you will present a learning activity that supports the attainment of the ILO(s) in an existing unit. The learning activity will be designed or chosen by you to fulfil the design needs of the unit, meeting the requirements of constructive alignment [A1: Criterion 1, Criterion 2]. You will use your knowledge of your discipline and context and how students learn in your discipline and context to plan an appropriate activity [K1, K2: Criterion 1, Criterion 3]. You will consider the value of different technologies, to select an appropriate technology for the activity in the context of your unit [K4: Criterion 1].
To justify the activity, you will use evidence from a range of sources. One source of evidence will be your own learning experiences and teaching practice. You will use these reflections to identify features of good activity design, and to plan an activity that is appropriate for your students and context. You will also engage with the literature in higher education, and use this to shape your understanding of, and explain how the activity will support student learning and is appropriate for your context [A5, V3: Criterion 3].
In justifying a good assessment task, you will actively reflect on your current teaching practice, particularly in relation to your assessment and feedback practices [A3: Criterion 1, Criterion 2]. Your analysis will reflect your understanding of and work to improve the constructive alignment of the unit [A1: Criterion 2].
Your reflection on what is working and what could be improved in your teaching and/or assessment practice will be informed by your discipline knowledge and context, and an explicit consideration of appropriate teaching practices for your discipline and/or context [K2: Criterion 1, Criterion 3]. Your sources of evidence to support your analyses and proposals will include reflection on practice and higher education literature [V3: Criterion 3].
Your assessment design will provide equitable and fair measures of student learning, as required by the University’s Assessment Policy, to ensure equitable access to learning for all of your students [V1, V2: Criterion 1, Criterion 3].
Due by date / Part A: Description of Learning Activity and Assessment Task due by Friday 06/04/18, 2pm.
Part B: Justification (Written) due by Monday, 30/04/18, 2pm, Or
Part B: Justification (Oral presentation) to be held between 30/04/18 and 11/05/18 (Dates in Calendar in MyLO).
Assessment task 3: Teaching Philosophy (20%)
Task description / Your personal Teaching Philosophy will be developed during the semester, and is designed to provide a foundation from which you can compare both the theory and practice of tertiary teaching.A teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about being a teacher and about learning and teaching. In addition to general comments, your teaching philosophy should discuss how you put your beliefs into practice by including some examples of what you do or anticipate doing in your unit(s).
This reflective task (written from the first person perspective) involves developing a statement describing your philosophy of, or understanding and approach to, learning and teaching in your particular higher education context. You may make reference to relevant higher education literature, however, it is not a requirement that you use references in this assessment task.
Keep in mind that the teaching philosophy is a document in progress. As your teaching changes and your professional identity grows, your teaching philosophy will also change and grow. So revisit it periodically and rewrite it as your beliefs and experiences progress and change.
Criterion / Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1 / Identify your core beliefs about teaching and learning (10%). / 3. Reflect on the role of university educator
Criterion 2 / Reflect on your personal beliefs about teaching and learning, within the wider context of higher education(50%). / 3. Reflect on the role of university educator
Criterion 3 / Analyse how you apply your teaching beliefs in practice (40%). / 3. Reflect on the role of university educator
2. Use evidence to support good teaching.
Alignment with the UKPSF / In Assessment Task 3, you will reflect on the development of your beliefs about teaching, including how your understanding of how students learn, generally, and within your discipline, has shaped your teaching philosophy [K3: Criterion 3]. You will also demonstrate your awareness of the wider context of higher education, by placing your own beliefs within this frame [V4: Criterion 2]. You will reflect on how your practices support the learning of an increasingly diverse cohort of students [(V2): Criterion 3], and how the ‘student’ is represented within your beliefs [(V1): Criterion 2]. You will reflect on how your teaching philosophy has been shaped by agendas affecting the higher education landscape [V4: Criterion 2].
Task length / 1,000 words (plus references)
Due by date / 04/06/18, 2pm
Assessment of eligibility for AFHEA (no summative weight)