PPE Donning (Annual) – F.H. Entry: “FC-004”
STANDARD: / NFPA 1001 / TASK(S): / 1.  Donning of PPE in less than 60 seconds
2.  Donning of SCBA in less than 60 seconds
3.  Donning of SCBA mask prior to entry in less than 30 seconds
PERFORMANCE OUTCOME: / The firefighter shall be able to properly don their PPE and SCBA in appropriate time frames.
CONDITIONS: / Given PPE and an SCBA the firefighter shall demonstrate the ability to:
Training Hours: 2 / Training Categories: Fire
# / Task Steps


Task # Training Objective Completed Y/N

1. / Firefighter will inspect and place PPE in a manner ready for donning.
2. / Firefighter will don all PPE correctly in less than 60 seconds.
3. / Firefighter will be inspected to ensure PPE has been donned correctly.


Task # Training Objective Completed Y/N

1. / Firefighter will inspect SCBA prior to drill.
2. / Firefighter will don the SCBA utilizing the over-the-head method in less than 60 seconds.
3. / Firefighter will be inspected to ensure SCBA has been donned correctly and that there is no exposed skin or air leaks from mask.
4.  / Firefighter will don the SCBA utilizing the coat method in less than 60 seconds.
5.  / Firefighter will be inspected to ensure SCBA has been donned correctly and that there is no exposed skin or air leaks from mask.
6.  / Firefighter will don the SCBA while seated in the apparatus. Primary focus is to ensure that the firefighter is still seatbelted in while donning SCBA.
7.  / Firefighter will simulate preparing for entry into a structure while waiting for their Captain to do a walk-around. Firefighter will “mask up” and be breathing air in less than 30 seconds.