Kingdom Schools

English Department

Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: …………………..


Exercise 1: Write Sabove each singular noun, Pabove each plural noun, and poss.above each

possessive noun. P

1. Beautiful white snow covered the mountain’s flanks.

S poss. P S

2. The audience enjoyed the speaker’s anecdotes about the hike.

3. Kentucky’s pastures produce many fine thoroughbreds.


4. Alaina received three scholarships after her audition.

S poss. S

5. Did your puppy run under Mrs. Swenson’s porch?


6. The parakeet squawks while the canary sings.


7. Our excursion to the park was shortened by warnings of an approaching tornado.


8. Driving hurriedly through the countryside, Jaleel seemed careless about avoiding potholes.


9. The committee’s decision to suspend the rules gave Adam more freedom to present his proposal.


10. The figurine on the trophy cracked when the cheering teammates broke the shelf.

Exercise 2: Write con.(concrete) or abst.(abstract) above each underlined noun.

1. Kwang showed his affectionfor his sister Annette by writing her three poems.

2. The soundof singing birds makes one’s spirits rise.


3. Olaf had not yet reached the peakof his abilities.

4. Hateis a dangerous emotion.


5. I was not impressed with his singing during the student choir concert.


6. One of Americans’ most prized possessions is freedom.


7. Sherri’s urgencycaused Kim to make more mistakes than she normally would have.

8. His cold feet were soothed by the warmthfrom the evening campfire.

9. Throughout the entire kingdom, none was as brave as Sir Lancelot, the famous knight.

10. Making the team and passing English were two of Ping’s goalsfor this semester.


Exercise 1: Label each underlined noun as prop.for proper, com.for common, or col.for collective.

Assume the collective nouns are also common nouns.

1. The international sports festivalknown as the Olympic Gamesbegan in ancient Greece.

2. These games, which started in the eighth centuryB.C., were held every four yearsfor centuries.

com. com. prop

3. The ancient Greeks used the gamesto salute their god Zeusand to honor their cities.

4. They included competitionin music, oratory, and theater as well as sport.


5. Abandoned for several centuries, the gameswere revived in 1894 by an international committee.


6. Today that commission, the International Olympic Committee, bases itself in Lausanne,Switzerland.

. com.

7. The original governing boardconsisted of fourteen members.


8. Each participating countrymust have a National Olympics Committeeto sponsor the team and physically manage it.

com. com. prop

9. By 1992, the Winter Olympicsalone boasted 2,174 athletic colleaguesfrom sixty-three countries.


10. The Olympiadshave not always been successful in keeping politicsand prejudices outside their events.

11. The games were revived to salute the collective athletic talentsof the familyof nations.


Draw one line under each personal pronoun and two lines under each possessive pronoun.

1. Does she have the stamina to climb to the top of the cathedral tower?

2. You are the best friend anyone could ask for.

3. Ms. Kowalski signed her autograph on this theater program.

4. Franklin, does that incident have anything to do with your shyness?

5. If Stella asks, just say that I quit for today but will be back tomorrow to finish the job.

6. Did you say this blue and gold notebook was hers?

7. The dog shook its wet fur and splattered water over the entire room.

8. Manny and John have their own version of what happened yesterday at the game.

9. Our substitute teacher, Mr. Pennyworth, told us about his archaeological experiences.

10. Will you give him a helping hand if he asks you for your help?

11. Dad, how long will it take us to reach the first rest area?

12. Mr. Ramirez showed us how to fix a flat tire on a motorcycle.


Exercise 1:Draw one line under each interrogative pronoun and two lines under each relative pronoun.

1. Is Pat the person who parked in the principal’s reserved space?

2. I never thought that you would say such a thing.

3. Bill is a friend on whom you can always depend.

4. Whom did the sheriff want to see?

5. For her birthday Jenny got a calculator that prints out its results.

6. Aunt Carey, who is my mother’s sister, will visit us next week.

7. What do you mean?

8. May I take whichever I choose?

9. A long nap is what I need right now.

10. The accident that had happened three years ago left her with a severe limp.

Exercise 2:Write ind.above each indefinite pronoun and dem.above each demonstrative pronoun.


1. Waking suddenly, I heard something in the hallway.

2. How expensive are those?

3. Please save some for Mandy.

4. As far as problems are concerned, we have few with your son because he is so well behaved, Mrs. Windsor.

5. Place that on the end table, please.

6. I know how disappointed he felt, but I liked neither of the movies he rented.

7. When the meeting adjourned, everybody headed for the soda shop across the street.

8. These are the types of problems that make me want to scream.

9. Some days it seems that everything goes wrong.

10. Take several of these so that you won’t run short on your trip tomorrow.