KPTC – Committee Meeting Minutes –14 February 2017
Present Jeff Byrne, Elizabeth Byrne,Steve Close, Peter Budd,Gayle Powell, Don Simpson, Jan Christie,
Apologies: Ben Liu,Warren Booth, Debra Fairy
Minutes of the previous meeting- held on 13December 2016 at 7.30 pm were approved
New action itemsarising from this meeting (see details in the matters considered):
```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````~~~~~~~~~~~ / Lead / Due Date1.Court upgrades: It was decided to take a detailed proposal to the AGM. Jeff to lead a group to formulate the costings and options. JB SC J Stute (possible). Report progress at Apr meeting / J Byrne / Apr meeting
- Banners:Warrento provide a written report for nextmeeting.
- Membership registration:–Suggest individual reg only, get Eliz on the list as membership convenor – Peter to follow-up with Jamie. Jeff to email to Tennis Vic. Report at the next meeting
- BBQ area- Peter/Jeff to draw up a spec to give to Ern/ Ray for completion. Committee members and other members to assist with construction. Report at the next meeting
- Sunshades – possible concreted in umbrella holder. Don to put posts in and report at the next meeting
- Social tennis day
- Junior committee progress
Action items completed:
Advertising in the newspaper was considered too expensive
Action items still to be completed (carried over):
- Membership registration with Tennis Vic – – Suggest individual reg only, get Eliz on the list as membership convenor – Peter to follow-up with Jamie. Jeff to email to Tennis Vic.
- Sunshades possible concreted in umbrella holder. Don to put posts in and report at the next meeting.
- BBQ area Peter/Jeff to draw up a spec to give to Ern/ Ray for completion. Committee members and other members to assist. Report at the next meeting
- Capital expenditure
Peter outlined the current quotes for the fence replacement behind courts 1-5. Atlas Rodek Fencing $15,494. Diamond Fencing $17490.
Discussion took place regarding the pros and cons of replacing 2 courts 8-9 with synthetic.
No watering required, attract different type of member. Reputation improvement. Plexi cushion is soft. Suits players who are too lazy to water and bag courts. Can play in wet conditions. Attractive to people who are used to playing on synthetic courts and may encourage new members.
$40K per court approx. including base. Potential 11 yr life (for some surfaces) vs 33 yrs for current. It was decided to take a detailed proposal to the AGM. Jeff to lead a group to formulate the costings and options. . JB SC J Stute (possible). Report progress at Apr meeting.
- Coaching report
Dylan tabled a coaching report and discussed its highlights.
- Advertising Banners: Warren was playing tennis during the meeting soWarren to provide a written report for next meeting.
- Social tennis day
It was decided to hold another social tennis day on Sunday 2 April. Possibly start the club champs. Doubles round robin, Leader newspaper ad. Dylan Peter Deb Jeff to organise.
- Trivia night
Peter discussed the possibility of another trivia night. Possible dates in August.
- Junior committee progress
This topic was delayed as Deb was absent. Jeff to approach Deb/ Mark Walsh.
The December Treasurer’s report was accepted Don to follow-up with Flash Tennis Courts re recent bills.
238 paid members.
Mid-week ladies
Close to end of season with 3 possible finals teams. Made$500 at the Xmas function.
No report
1 team only this season
ERT Sat/Night tennis:
ERT Sat afternoon teams making good progress.
Don has almost completed the requirements of the night tennis membership of each team.
Mid-week masters comp:
4 teams this season and season has just begun.
The club was broken into this week. Door was damaged and will be fixed by Council.
Thanks to Val and Don for responding to the event.
$300 for 4 benches for the table. – approved.
Replace the planks on some of the damaged seats near the courts.
Chinese advertising needs further investigation – next meeting discussion.
Ben to take the lead on membership especially during Don’s absence.
Next Committee Meeting
Next meeting14 Marchat 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 9:50 pm
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