White Plains–The Blue Brigade Band
Welcome Back!
We are looking forward to a wonderful year for The Blue Brigade Band. The Marching Band is already off to a great start with our 2012 Field Show: Footloose! Now, we are ready for all other band members to get started.
What do I need?
All Blue Brigade Band members need to order a Band shirt-$15 by Friday, 8/31. Parents and family are welcome to order one as well. Please make this check payable to WPHS. All checks written to the schools MUST include a Driver’s License Number.
**If you are in 6th grade, you will need your instrument and any items that go with your instrument ( Reeds, neckstrap, maintenance items, etc.) Instruments will be delivered from Gadsden Music Friday, August 28th at 6pm to the WPHS Bandroom. Students will also be able to pick up their band books and any needed accessories that night. This will also be a brief parent meeting for ALL Beginner Band parents. You can buy instrument Accessories through Gadsden Music at anytime, please just order through Mrs. Etter. You will have a concert band fee of $30. This will cover your book and costs for buying sheet music and classroom materials. This fee needs to be paid by Friday, August 31st. Please make any check you write to the band payable to WPMS. You will also need a 3-ring binder with 30 clear sheet protectors for sheet music & a pencil. Finally, every student needs to come equip to band class with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!
** If you are in Intermediate- 7thgrade band, you will need to bring your instrument, pencil, and your band notebook ( 3-ring binder with clear sheet protectors for sheet music). You will have a concert band fee of $30. This will cover your book and costs for buying sheet music and classroom materials. This fee needs to be paid by Friday, August 31st. Please make any check you write to the band payable to WPMS. Finally, every 7th grade band member needs to bring a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to band class.
** All 8-12 grade band members are in the High School Concert Band. Each of these members will need to bring your instrument, pencil, and your band notebook ( 3-ring binder with clear sheet protectors for sheet music), along with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to band class. You will have a concert band fee of $30. This will cover your book and costs for buying sheet music and classroom materials. This fee needs to be paid by Friday, August 31st. Please make any check you write to the band payable to WPHS.
Dropping Band- All Band members may only drop at the end of a school year. This is a terrible tragedy, but sometimes unavoidable. Please remember, it takes every single individual in the band to make it work & sound properly, missing people are missed greatly. Besides, could you play a trombone with out the slide part? Of course not! The band doesn’t work the same without YOU!!! We want you in band, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make band work for you!
Grades & Requirements
All students in the band ( all levels) will be given a grade for band class, the grade will be determined as follows:
- 60 %- Class Participation, 10%- Practice Sheets and written assignments (Homework), 10%- Playing tests, 20 %- Performances
- All concerts are required performances for band students. The director may call mandatory afterschool rehearsals if necessary- in which students are required to attend.
- All Marching Band rehearsals & performances are MANDATORY for all Marching Band members ( including managers)
- All Jazz Band rehearals & performances are MANDATORY for all Jazz Band members.
Marching Band- We have already begun the 2012 marching season. If you are not a member of the marching band, we are in need of band managers ( 7th grade band members)
Jazz Band- We will have sign up for Jazz band after fall break, and if needed, Auditions. Any students, grade 8-12 are eligible for Jazz Band. Please keep in mind the instrumentation for jazz band: Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, Percussion, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboard, & Vocalist. If you do not play one of these instruments ( i.s. flute, clarinet, French horn, tuba) you are encouraged to learn another instrument so that you may participate. There is a $35 fee for Jazz Band. This will be due after Jazz Band Begins( November) This will cover your T-shirt, Method Book, Music, Solo & Ensemble fees.
Marching Band: All football games, scheduled contests, parades, and other scheduled community events.
Concert Band: Christmas Concert, State MPA Festival, March Concert, Spring Concert
Jazz Band: Selected Basketball Games, solo & ensemble, Scheduled venues.
There are also many honor band opportunities available throughout the year including District & All-State Band, Calhoun County Honor Band, and JSU Honor Band. There will also be a Solo & Ensemble festival in the Spring. If there is a specific college honor band that you are interested in, I encourage you to attend those as well, as long as it does not conflict with previously scheduled White Plains Band events.
In-Class passoffs will be assigned.
Take your horn home every night & practice for at least 20-30 minutes outside of band class.
**Practice sheets will be given out to 6-7 grade students for a grade. 8-12 will have a rehearsal outline that is not graded, but individual practice is expected.
If you have any questions or comments, please let Mrs. Etter know.
Contact Info:
(770)362-6741-cell(256)741-7811- high school
Websites: Band: ID#: 1173
Let’s make this year………………The BEST YET!!!!!!!!!
Additional Forms
Manager Sign-up: We encourage our 7th grade members to be Band Managers for the marching band.
Please see the calendar at for season information.
My Child, ______has permission to be a manager for THE BLUE BRIGADE marching band. I realize that he/she is needed at every practice and performance unless told otherwise by the director.
Parent Signature ______Date ______
T-shirt order form: (Please return with payment by Friday 8/31) All band students will need a band shirt. Parents may order a shirt too. Each shirt is $15.
Student Name ______Size ______
# of Additional shirts:______Additional Shirt Sizes: ______
Payment type: Cash ______Check ______
*All checks must have a Drivers License number.