ARIEH BROSH partly update September 2015
I. Personal
1943Born in Israel
1957 - 1961High school in Kibbutz Dafna
1961 - 1964 Military service
Marital status: Married + 3 children
II. University Education and Additional Training
1971 Graduated as Teacher of Natural Sciences, Oranim Teachers’ College.
1976-77B.Sc. in Biology and Teaching, at the Haifa University, and School of Education
of the Kibbutz Community.
1978Research work at Tel Aviv University.
Subject of study: The black Bedouin goats: Ruminal microorganism activity
in goats that drink intermittently.
1980Direct course for Ph.D. in the Zoology Department at Tel Aviv University.
1980 -1986Teaching assistant, Zoology Department at TelAvivUniversity, courses on Animal Physiology.
1986 Ph.D. in the Zoology Department at Tel Aviv University.
Title of thesis: Metabolic effects of infrequent drinking and low-quality feed on
Bedouin goats
Supervision: Prof. A. Shkolnik & Prof. H. Neumark.
1992-1993 Sabbatical leave at the Department of Animal Production, Gatton College,
University of Queensland, Australia, with Prof. Bruce A. Young.
Research subject: Monitoring heart rate as a means for energy expenditure
2000-2001 Sabbatical leave at the Department of Animal Science University of California,
Research subject: Estimation of diet composition.
III. Positions Held and Academic Status
1971-1982Biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry teacher in secondary and high School.
1978-1985Teaching assistant, Department of Zoology,TelAvivUniversity.
1983 -2000 Physiology teacher, LevinskyCollege, Tel Aviv.
1986 -2010Research Scientist at the ARO, Newe Ya’ar ResearchCenter.
1989 -2010Director of a bull testing station (owned by Israel Beef Breeders’ Association).
1992Promoted to Senior Scientist.
1998 -2000 Head of the Beef Cattle Department, Institute of Animal Science, ARO.
April 1998 Promoted to Scientist grade A.
2001 -2010 Head of the Beef Cattle section, Institute of Animal Science, ARO.
2007Promoted to Scientist grade A+
2010 (Oct)Retired, Emeritus researcher, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO
2014 to date CTO of MOOnitor cow company
IV. Training / Teaching experience (including guidance of students and foreign scholars)
1983-2000Lecturer on animal physiology at Levinsky College, Tel Aviv.
1994-1997Lecturer on beef cattle, growth and fattening, at Rupin College, course for practicing animal engineers.
2003-2005 Lecturer atthe international course for post-graduates, Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture. Subject: Meat Production and Management.
2011-to dateTeaching at, Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture. Subject: Beef cattle.
Guidance of students:
Rothman, Stephen, M.Sc. Thesis. Subject: (1998). Determination of intake and diet composition for goats and cattle grazing on natural shrub lands in Galilee, Israel. Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture, guidance with Dr. A. Arieli.
Shargal, Eyal. Ph.D. Thesis. Subject: Estimation of energy expenditure of free-living ruminants from heart-rate measurements. Submitted to. Tel-Aviv University, Zoology Department, guidance with Prof. I. Choshniak.
Ben-Yaakov Irit, M.Sc. Thesis. Subject: (2005) Energy metabolism of the native CreteGoat.
Schoenbaum Iris Ph.D. Thesis. Subject: (2006) Behavior and physiology of beef cows grazed in woody area, the effects on plants. Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture, guidance with Dr. Z. Henkin and Prof H. Kigel.
Asher, Aviv. M.Sc. Thesis. Subject: (2006) Identification of individual efficiency characters in Holstein cows. Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture, guidance with Prof. A. Arieli.
Asher, Aviv. Ph.D. Thesis. Subject: (2010) Identification of individual efficiency characters in Holstein cows and fattening Bulls' calve. Haifa University with Prof. A. Haim.
V. Membership of Scientific and Agricultural Committees
A. Local:
1990- to dateMember of the Beef Cattle Research Evaluation Committee.
1991-1992 Head of the Beef Cattle SteeringResearch Evaluation Committee.
1993-1996Member of the Scientific for Animal Production, Ministry of Agriculture.
2000Member of the Competitive Research Evaluation Committee for Regional R&D
Centers. Ministry of Science, Culture & Sport.
1994-2001Member of the Pasture Steering Research Committee the Ministry of Agriculture.
1998- 2004Member of the Sub-Committee for Beef Production R&D for the Chief Scientist
of the Ministry of Agriculture.
2008 – to dateMember of the Nutrition Steering Research Committee, Israel Cattle council
2008 – to dateMember of the Animals' Steering Research Committee the Chief Scientist
of the Ministry of Agriculture.
VI. Editorial Responsibility
2003 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Australian Journal of Agricultural Research.
2004 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Elsevier Science, Small Ruminant Research.
2004 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Reviewer of manuscripts for the Physiology and pharmacology of temperature regulation. Rhodes, Greece, October 10-15, 2004.
2007 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Animal Science (ASAS).
2008-to dateReviewer of manuscripts for Journal of Dairy Science (ASAS).
2008 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Elsevier Science, Livestock Science.
2009 to date Reviewer of manuscripts for Elsevier, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
2010 Reviewer of manuscripts for Grass and Forage Science
2010 to dateReviewer of manuscripts forInternational Journal of Biometeorology.
Scientific editor of 12 books (Hebrew), The Center for Scientific and Technological Education of the Tel Aviv University School of Education
VII. Participation in International Meetings, Seminars, Courses, Tours and similar Functions
1984Regional meeting of theIUPS (Int’l Union of Physiological Sci.), Jerusalem. (Poster)
1988British Society of Animal Production, Winter Meeting, 21-23 March Scarborough UK.
1989The IUPS Thermal Physiology Symp., Satellite Symp of the XXXI IUPS . Tromso, Norway.
1989Int. Symp. on Comparative Aspects of the Physiology of Digestion in Ruminants and Hindgut Fermenters. Copenhagen, Denmark., Satellite Symposium of the XXXI Congress of the IUPS (Int. Union of Physiological Sciences), Helsinki, Finland (reviewed paper).
1993Invited by CSIRO (Rockhampton, Queenzland Australia). Seminars, Monitoring heart rate as a means for energy expenditure, Effect of solar radiation, dietary energy, and time of feeding on thermoregulatory responses and energy balance in cattle in a hot environment. (Partial reimbursement my expanse).
1993Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia. Univ. of New England Armidale, NSW. Australia.
1993The XXXII Congress of the IUPS (Int. Union of Physiological Sciences), Glasgow, Scotland.
1993The IUPS Thermal Physiology Commission Symp., Aberdeen, Scotland (Invited paper).
1994 VIII Int. Symp. on Ruminant Physiology, Willingen, Germany. DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt (Main) (Poster).
1994 13th Symp. on Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. (J. F. Aguilera, comp.), Mojácar, Spain. CSIC, Spain (poster).
1995The IVthInt. Symp on the Nutrition of Herbivores. Clermont-Ferand, France (posters).
1997 14th Symp. on Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. Newcastle, Northern Ireland (posters).
1997Int. Symp. on Thermal Physiology. (eds. B. N. Johannsen and R. Nielsen), Copenhagen, Denmark. (Poster, short oral presentation, Invited paper).
1999The Fifth Int. Symp. on the Nutrition of Herbivores, April 1999, San-Antonio, Texas (posters).
1999Satellite Symposium: Emerging Techniques for Studying the Nutrition of Free Ranging Herbivores; Organized by H, Dove and R, Mayes. The Fifth Int. Symp. on the Nutrition of Herbivores, 10 April 1999, San-Antonio, Texas (posters and short oral presentation).
1999The IX Int. Symp. on Ruminant Physiology, October 1999, Pretoria, South Africa (poster).
2000Invited by CIFDA (Cagliari, Italy) and IZCS (Sassari, Italy) to train extension workers in “Animal Husbandry in harsh environments: Israel contributions and experiences (Cagliari, 19-26 May 2000). (Fully reimbursement my expanse).
2000The 15th Symp. on Energy Metabolism in Animals. The Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Copenhagen, 10-16 September 2000 (oral presentation + reviewed papers).
2001Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. Bozeman, Montana (oral presentation + supplemented manuscript).
2001XXXIVth International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS (Int. Union of
Physiological Sciences) Christchurch, New Zealand (poster).
2001Thermal Physiology Symp. University of Wollongong and Novotel Northbeach Hotel,
Wollongong, Australia, September 2-6, 2001 (poster).
2001 Colordo. State University, Ft. Collins Invited seminar. Subject: Use of heart rate to monitor metabolic rate and energy balance of cattle. (Fully reimbursement my expanse).
2002Bonassai Sardinia Italy. Invitation by Istituto Zootecnico e Caseario per la Sardegna, to set up the system for implementation of the heart rate-oxygen consumption methodology. Funded by the bi-lateral project, 7-20 July 2002. (Fully reimbursement my expanse).
2002Xth European Intake Workshop. Techniques for investigating intake and ingestive behaviour by farmed animals. Thursday 22nd to Saturday 24th August 2002 (oral presentation).
2003Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition 13-18 September 2003. Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany (oral presentation + paper).
2003An ISNH6 Satellite Workshop/Symposium, Wild and Domestic Herbivore Diet Characterization. University cultural Center, University Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico. Jointly Organized by, UADY, Macaulay institute of Wageningen, CSIRO, Aberdeen University, ASAS, Reading University and ID-DLO, The Six Int. Symp. on the Nutrition of Herbivores, 17-18 October 2003, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
2003 The Six Int. Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, 19-24 October 2003, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico (posters).
2004First Integrated Symposium on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Thermal Biology and Temperature Regulation (PPTR 2004). 10-15 October 2003, Rhodes Greece.
2005 The 2005 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting (2005). July 24-28, 2005. Cincinnati, Ohaio. (Oral presentation).
2006 ISAE Annual Meeting and International Conference in Collaboration with "Agritech 2006" Exhibition. Advance in agricultural technologies and their economic and ecological impacts. Tel Aviv, Israel, May 8-10, 2006. (Session Chairperson, two oral presentations).
20073rd European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (2007). Skiathos Greece, June 3-6, 2007. (Session Chairperson, oral presentation)
2007The 2007 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting (2007). July 8-12, 2005. San-Antonio Texas. (Oral presentation).
20072nd International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (2007). France, Vichy 9-13 September. (One Long oral presentation, Two Short oral presentation, three posters).
2007The 7th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (2007). September 16-22 Beijing, China. (Three Oral presentation).
2009The 2009 Joint ADSA-CSAS-ASAS Annual Meeting, Montreal Quebec, Canada July 12-16, Format Oral presentation and poster.
2009Livestock Breeding for GHG outcomesworkshop, 3-5 March 2009, Palmerstone North, New Zealand. An assessment of net energy expenditure measurement in ruminants. Invited oral presentation.
2009 The 3rd International Symposium on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation, 2009 July 23-26, 2009 Matsue, Japan. Responses of Physiological Parameters in Cattle to a Short Period of Induced Heat Load. (Poster).
2009The XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP), Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 6 to 9, 2009. (Poster).
1) Heat production of dairy cows under acute and chronic heat load.
2) The potential of pomegranate peels to decrease the incidence of oxidative-stress
related diseases in cattle. (poster).
VIII. Invitation by Professional Societies in Israel
1997Measurement of composition of consumed food according to alkanes.
The 6th Conf. of the Israeli Society of Pasture, Kareh Deshe, Israel.
1998 Effect of time of feeding of suckling young calves on their performance and kashrut.
In: 4th Conf. on Cattle Fattening in Memory of Dov Ilan.
1999Monitoring grazing animals: the energy expenditure of grazing cows during the seasons of the year, its daily rhythm and general level.
The 8th Convention of the Israeli Society for Pasture Sciences, September 1999.
2002The energy balance of cows on the pasture and in confinement.
The 10th Convention of the Israeli Society for Pasture Sciences.
2003Using GPS and heart rate to study the grazing behavior and energy expenditure of grazing cows during three seasons.
The 11th Convention of the Israeli Society for Pasture Sciences.
2004Estimating the energy balance by means of the heart rate: confirmation of the method and possible applications in herd management and in breeding for improved production efficiency. 16th Annual Meeting on Cattle Science. Jerusalem, May 2004.
2004 Estimation of the energy expenditure and energy balance of cattle and sheep by heart rate. The Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel.
2005Estimating production efficiency without measuring food consumption. The 17th Convention of the Israeli Society for Pasture Sciences, May 2005.
2006Energy cost of cows’ grazing activity: Effects of year season and plot size.
The 14th Convention of the Israeli Society for Pasture Sciences, April 2006.
IX. Membership in Professional Societies
- The Israel Physiological and Pharmacological Society.
- The Zoological Society of Israel.
- American Society of Animals Science.
- The Israel Association for Rangeland Science.
XI. Research Grants
A. International Competitive Grants
1998 BARD grant. Title: Estimation of energy expenditure of free living and growing domesticated ruminants by heart rate measurement. Principal Investigator, for 3 years. Budget: Total $ 100,000/year; Researcher’s part $40,000/year.
2001 Collaboration project between Sardinia and Israel (18,000 USD, 2 years; Improvement of Poor Pastoral Resources, funded by “Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
2003Title: Range Livestock Development in Arid Central Asia. Budget: 650,000$ for a total of 5 years, Researcher’s part $ 6,800
2005BARD grant. Title: Characterization of the energy requirement for activity by grazing ruminants. Collaborating Investigators, for 3 years. Budget: Total $ 55,700/year; Researcher’s part $20,000/year.
2007 BARD grant. Title: Enhancing sustainability of cattle production systems through discovery of biomarkers for feed efficiency. Principal Investigator, for 3 years. Budget: Total
$110,000/year; Researcher’s part $40,000/year.
B. National Competitive Grants
1991Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Nutritive value determination of agricultural fibrous residues hydrolyzed by the Granit method. Cooperating Investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $5,000/year; Researcher’s part $1,000/year.
1993Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Development of methods for food intake and energy balance measurements in grazing cows. Cooperating investigator for 4 years. Budget: Total $20,000/year; Researcher’s part $10,000/year.
1994Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: The production of calves by beef heifers before marketing. Principal investigator. For 3 years. Budget: Total $12,000/year; Researcher’s part $9,000/year.
1996Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Effect of time daily feeding in winter, on daily gain and healthy of young calves. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $38,262/year; Researcher’s part $ 28,000/year.
1998Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Development of management algorithm for beef herd in pasture. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $40,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 19,000/year.
1998Rangeland Board. Title: Common-use grazing of cattle and goats in the Galilee Mediterranean woodland. Cooperating Investigator, for 6 years. Budget: Total $15,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 3,000/year.
1999Rangeland Board. Title: Sustainable ecological management for economic viability of a beef herd on rangeland. Cooperating Investigator, for 3 years. Budget: Total $30,000/ year. Researcher’s part $ 8,000/year.
1999 Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Optimization of the management of young calves for increasing health and reducing the use of medication. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $38,174/year; Researcher’s part $ $28,174/year.
2000 Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Effect of time offeeding during the summer, on the partition of intake energy and its utilization for growth by cattle. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $15,000/year; Researcher’s part $ $12,000/year
2003Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture (pasture committee) Title: Development of model for beef herd management in pasture. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $10,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 8,000/year.
2003Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Monitoring feed intake and composition by fecal NIRS. Cooperating investigator for 3 years; Budget: Total $35,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 4,500/year.
2004Rangeland Board. Title: Improving cattle production in Mediterranean shrub-land rangelands. Cooperating Investigator, for 3 years. Budget: Total $10,000 year; Researcher’s part $ 3,000/year.
2005Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture (pasture committee) Title: Development of model for beef herd management in pasture. Principal investigator. For 1 years; Budget: Total $13,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 13,000/year.
2006 Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Title: Identification of individual efficiency characters in Holstein cows. Principal investigator. For 3 years; Budget: Total $28,000/year; Researcher’s part $ $23,000/year.
2006Rangeland Board. Title: Sustainable ecological management for economic viability of a beef herd on rangeland. Cooperating Investigator, for 3 years. Budget: Total $20,000 year; Researcher’s part $ 7,000/year.
2008Grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Growing of dual purpose sorghum in Israel- examination of the nutritive value of the grains for growing broilers and steers and of the residual stover for ruminants. Cooperating investigator for 3 years. $ 35,00/year. Researcher’s part $ US 10,200/year.
C. Other Research Grants.
1988Grant from the Head of ARO, the Foundation for High Priority Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Optimizing protein deposition in cattle with differing genetic ability to grow. Principal investigator for 5 years. Budget: Total $ 29,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 19,400/year.
1990Grant from the Head of ARO, the Foundation for High Priority Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate Committee for Cattle.Title: Levelling of the flow of slaughter cattle to market through the year. Principal investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $7,000/year; Researcher’s part $9,000/year.
1994 Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Optimization of Cherolaise heifers for beef production. Principal investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $6,600/year; Researcher’s part $ 4,400/year.
1995 Ministry of Agriculture grant, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Factors affecting loss of embryos in beef cattle. Principal investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $4,700/year; Researcher’s part $ 4,000/year.
1996Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture , Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Effect of time of daily feeding in winter, on daily gain and health of young calves. Principal investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $ 8,000/year; Researcher’s part $ 5,400/year.
1997Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Effect of time of daily feeding on intake, performance and heat balance parameters of fattening calves. Principal investigator for 3 years. Budget: Total $ 5,500/year; Researcher’s part $3,700/year.
1997Ministry of Agriculture grant, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title The effects of feeding whole and ground maize grain, roughage source and partial replacement of the maize by barley grain on the performance of bull calves. Principal investigator for 2 years. Cooperating investigator for 1 year. Budget: Total $5,900/year; Researcher’s part $2,900/year.
2000Ministry of Agriculture grant, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title Field trials to evaluate the effect of time of feeding of young calves in winter, on their health and kashrot. Principal investigator for 2 years. Cooperating investigator for 1 year. Budget: Total $14,000/year; Researcher’s part $11,000/year.
2003 Ministry of Agriculture grant, Directorate Committee for Cattle. Title: Decision support