Title: Generic HL7 Interface Specifications
Number: AI 02G
Revision: 1
Effective Date: 7/8/02
Page: 1 of 79 /
  1. Purpose:

This procedure contains the Generic HL7 Interface Specifications document.

  1. Scope:

The Generic HL7 Interface Specifications document is used for new interface installations. Interface analysts, senior programmers, and programmer/analysts will utilize this document.

  1. Procedure:
  1. The first page must be removed before this document is sent to an external client. Remove the first page and save to your desktop.
  1. The interface specification follows this page.

This document is not controlled when printed or downloaded. Refer to online status for latest revision.


Misys Generic HL7

Interface Specification

Site Code:Misys use only: Site ID:

Site Name:Projects:

Site Location:Analyst: Interface Numbers:

Lab Contacts:MIS Contacts:

System Manager:Name:




HIS Vendor Information:HUB/Engine Information:

Vendor Name:HUB Name:

Product Name/Version:Contact Name:

Contact Name:E-mail:



Misys Implementation Consultant/BVC Consultant (if applicable):

***Please indicate interfaces to be installed (indicate all that apply):

ADTOrder Entry

Result Reporting: Segmented (ORU)Formatted (UDM)Both (ORU+UDM)

Result Inquiry

Billing: Electronic batch or FTP

Stand alone or Piggy back on results interface

***Please note that if we will be implementing ADT and OE interfaces, we expect that both the ADT and OE transactions will be sent on one physical connection. Be aware that if you choose to send ADT and OE to separate ports, Misys has no control over orders processing before ADT. Therefore, if orders arrive before ADT, the orders will not file and an error message will be produced.

If installing only an orders (inbound) interface, it may affect your existing results (outbound) interface. For example, HIS order number format may need to be changed on the result interface to accommodate the order number of the new order interface.

It is the responsibility of the client to research the possible impact of a new orders interface on the existing results interface. Modifications to the existing results interface may result in additional fees. Please indicate if the orders interface should be added to your current ADT or whether it should stand alone (see warning above).

In addition, installing only a results (outbound) interface may affect your current order (inbound) interface. For example, lab generated orders may be sent on the new result interface and order number update may need to be activated or deactivated on the current order interface.

It is the responsibility of the client to research the possible impact of a new results interface on the existing orders interface. Modifications to the existing orders interface may result in additional fees.

On which Misys Laboratory Information System (LIS) software version will these interfaces be installed? ______

This code should be shipped to the test area named ______on the ______CPU.

Date specs completed:______

Scheduled Live date: ______

You will need an overlay in the test area that was cut no later than 6 months prior to the start date of this project. This overlay must be moved live prior to this interface going live.

What is the cut date of the overlay in the test area? ______

If older than 6 months, when is the new overlay scheduled to be put in the test area? ______

When is the anticipated date this overlay will be moved to the live area? ______

Communication Protocol (indicate one):

TCP/IPRS232Other (specify)

Application Interfacing Department

Interface Implementation Client Requirements


In an effort to provide the most efficient and effective implementation schedule possible, the Application Interfacing Department has developed a list of requirements to help facilitate the process. These requirements were developed as a result of our extensive experience in the clinical information system integration environment and represent items that typically cause delays in the process. Client adherence to these requirements is crucial to the success of the implementation process, since resources are allocated at specified milestones in the process, and any deviation from the associated schedule will jeopardize the resource allocation.


  1. An overlay must have been installed in the test area within the last six months of the project start date and the overlay needs to be moved live prior to the project. It is the responsibility of the site to arrange to have the overlay scheduled and to coordinate the overlay live date with the interface(s) live date. Please contact software distribution for assistance.
  1. All vendor systems and associated software/hardware, e.g. modems, phone lines, terminal servers must be installed and ignition tested beforecommunication testing with the Misys system can begin. Communication protocols/methods will be defined in the specification negotiations and will not be changed after code has been delivered.
  1. Dedicated resources must be available to assist with the testing of all hardware and software components associated with the interface installation. These resources should be experienced in the domain relative to their assignment, and have the authorization to integrate system enhancements if necessary. In addition, these resources should also be defined prior to the beginning of the specification negotiation process and will require coverage during absences.
  1. A well defined test plan must be used to validate the new interface. Misys will provide a generic test plan, when available, for the Laboratory Information System (LIS); however, you will need to refine the plan to include site-specific workflow considerations for your organization.
  1. Be aware that if this interface is replacing an existing customized interface and the same customization is desired on the new interface, it must be negotiated with your interface analyst and additional fees will be charged.

Process Delays

Should there be delays related to the availability of hardware, software, personnel, or inactivity consistent with the milestone schedule, Misys reserves the right to reschedule the project for a later date. If the project is idle for a period of three weeks, the project will be placed on hold and rescheduling will be necessary. Depending on the delay, a new overlay may be needed before the project can resume. It should be noted that with the current work in progress it may be 35-120 days before we will be able to resume activity.

In addition, if the interface installation exceeds a 6-month period, from the date it was started, Misys reserves the right to invoice you for the interface(s). If my organization cancels the interface order(s) after Misys has started work on the interface installation, my organization will be invoiced for the work Misys completed prior to the cancellation.


The following specifications were designed to be detail oriented and should encompass all common HL7 transaction types. A copy of this document, completed to the best of your ability, must be returned to your assigned Misys Interface Analyst in order to begin the specification negotiation process. In order to complete the specs, you will need to consult with your HIS vendor and/or Interface Engine representative. In order to assist them, copies of this document may be distributed as needed. Please review this document and answer as many questions as possible. After your initial review, your Interface Analyst will contact you to set up a series of conference calls to re-examine and finalize this document. Accurate completion of this document is imperative for it will be used to code your interface(s).

At the end of specification negotiation, you will be required to sign-off on the completed specifications for each interface being installed. The following page is provided for this purpose. The sign-off indicates that the completed specifications are what the Misys Healthcare Systems Application Interfacing department should use to code your interface(s). Any issues that arise after the specification sign-off is complete will be addressed on an individual basis and may compromise a scheduled live date and/or incur additional fees for resolution.

Application Interface Specification

and Schedule Approval

The Misys Interface Analyst and I have negotiated the Application Interface Specification document. I understand that these specifications will be followed precisely by the Misys programmer when developing and installing the interface code. By signing below, I am assuring that the specifications have been completed according to the requirements of the Misys Misys Lab system and the other vendor. In addition, I understand that any changes to the interface specification may result in additional fees and may impact the interface schedule.

I have reviewed the schedule and milestone dates and agree to the proposed schedule. I understand that failure to adhere to this schedule may adversely affect the interface live date. Misys reserves the right to reschedule the interface installation for a later date if the agreed upon schedule is not followed.

If I have an overlay scheduled, or have an overlay in the test area, I understand that the overlay must be moved to the production area prior to the interface live date. Should my last overlay be older than 6 months, Misys will evaluate and determine if an overlay is necessary. If an overlay is needed this interface installation will be put on hold until the overlay is installed in the test area.

I understand if this interface installation project exceeds a 6 month period from the date it was started, Misys reserves the right to invoice my organization for the cost of the interface. I also understand that if my organization cancels the interface order after Misys has started work on the interface installation, my organization will be invoiced for the work Misys completed prior to the cancellation.


Site NameSite Code


Site Representative, Title Date


Other System Representative, TitleDate


Misys Representative, TitleDate

Please fax this page with your signatures to: (520) 733-6630

Application Interfacing Specification Document

The following pages present information and require answers related to communications, ADT and Order Entry inbound from your HIS to the Misys LIS, and outbound transactions from Misys to your HIS.


1. CPU Hardware

a. Is your site using multiple CPUs for the lab system?YESNO

b. If yes, indicate your CPU configuration:

FlexiLink (A-B link)
Flexi 3-R (A-C link)
A-B-C link

Note:If using multiple CPU’s, you must have a procedure to switch IP addresses during a degrade

(downtime of primary CPU)

2. Multiple Facilities

a. Will transactions for more than one hospital id be going through these interfaces?


b. If yes, the HID should be included in the PID;3.4 for all transactions.

Will you accommodate this?YESNON/A

c. If no, what method will you use to indicate the facility id?

d. Will you send the numeric HID or the mnemonic code for the HID?


e. List all of the HIDs (hospital IDs) that will be included in these interfaces:

HID number / HID code / Hospital/facility name

NOTE:For MULHOS sites, a separate processor will be set up for each hospital.

This requires that HMA maintenance be defined for each hospital.

3. TCP/IP Communications

  1. TCP/IP communications is a real-time process using Berkeley sockets. For all transactions, the receiving system (server) establishes a service and the sending system (client) attaches to it. For example, for the ADT/OE interface, Misys will establish the service on its machine and the HIS/HUB will connect to it. The reverse is true for the results interface. Please verify the client/server relationship for each interface by completing the table below. Insert Misys in one box and HIS or HUB in the other box for each interface:

ADT/OE / RR/Billing / other

b. List the IP addresses of both the HIS or HUB and Lab CPUs and the socket numbers for the Lab machine that will be used for your interfaces:

HIS/HUB CPU address =

LAB CPU address =

Lab Production / Lab Test
Inbound socket
(ADT/OE) / Inbound socket
Outbound socket
(RR/Billing) / Outbound socket
other (specify)

NOTE: The sockets must be assigned numbers that are higher than 2048. The numbers can be

assigned by the programmers who test the interface when testing begins.

4. Transaction Framing

The following questions apply to the communication envelope for all transactions both inbound and outbound. Unless otherwise specified, the same transaction framing will be expected for both inbound and outbound transactions and message acknowledgments. The characters listed in > below represent ASCII characters.

  1. What character(s) will be immediately before the MSH segment?

<11<01>NONEOther (specify)

b. What character will indicate the end of each HL7 segment?

<13>Other (specify)

c. What character(s) will indicate the end of the HL7 message?

<28<28<13>Other (specify)

5. Acknowledgments (ACK/NAK)

The receiving system (server) must return an acknowledgment to the sending system (client) for every message that is received. Once the client has received the acknowledgment, it may then send the next message. For example, when the HIS/HUB system sends an ADT transaction to Misys, Misys will return an acknowledgment to the HIS/HUB for that message on the same logical socket where it was received. The HIS/HUB can then send the next inbound transaction to Misys.

Acknowledgments can be either positive (ACK) or negative (NAK). For all ACK/NAK messages, the HL7 segments MSH and MSA must be returned. The MSA;1 is valued with “AA” or “CA” for ACK and with “AE” or “CE” for NAK. With TCP/IP communications, NAK situations are rarely encountered.

The fields listed are required for all acknowledgments and must be valued as described in the tables below. The values of fields MSH;3, MSH;10-12 and MSA;1 are negotiable:

MSH Segment – acknowledgment message
Seq# / HL7
element / Brief Description / ACK from HIS  Misys / ACK from Misys  HIS
1 / Field Separator / | / | / |
2 / Encoding Characters / component delimiter (^)
repeat delimiter (~)
escape character (\)
subcomponent delimiter (&) / ^~\& / ^~\&
3 / Sending Application
4 / Sending Facility
5 / Receiving Application / If Sending Application is valued by the client in the inbound message, this sequence echoes back that value here.
6 / Receiving Facility / If Sending Facility valued by client in the inbound message, this field echoes back that value here.
MSH segment – acknowledgment message continued
Seq# / HL7
element / Brief Description / ACK from HIS  Misys / ACK from Misys  HIS
8 / Security / Not Valued / Not Used / Not Used
9 / Message
Type / Valued with ACK
for all acknowledgments whether positive or negative / ACK / ACK
10 / Message Control ID / Specify whether your HIS will value this field and the format used. / CCYYDDDnnnnnnn where DDD is a true Julian date and nnnnnnn is a sequence number for the day.
11 / Processing ID / T for Training, P for Production or D for Debug. Please specify which two will be used.
12 / Version ID / HL7 version (2.1 or 2.2)
13 / Sequence Number / Misys does not use sequence number protocol / Not Used / Not Used
MSA Segment
Seq # / HL7
element / Brief Description / ACK from HIS  Misys / ACK from Misys  HIS
1 / Acknowledgment code / Indicates whether positive (ACK) or negative (NAK) acknowledgment.
2 / Message control ID / If used, the number sent in MSH;10 of the inbound message is echoed back to the client in this sequence.
3 / Text Message / Misys may value this but only if returning a NAK and only under certain error conditions. A description of the error may be included here for troubleshooting purposes
4 / Expected Sequence / Misys does not use sequence number protocol. / Not Used / Not Used

Misys LIS Generic HL7 Interface SpecificationsPage 1 of 1

Revised May 2002

Proprietary and Confidential

Inbound Transactions HISMisys

6. ADT Interface Inbound Trigger Events

Misys supports the following HL7 ADT trigger events. Please complete the table by entering Y for those trigger events that will be sent by the HIS and an N for the triggers that will not be sent.

The patient number (AKA hospital number, medical record number) is a required field for all triggers.

HL7 (v2.2) Triggers / Functionality / Sent by HIS/
HUB? / Comments or Action
A01 / Admit Inpatient / Required: patient name, account number or external id, patient location, admit date
A02 / Transfer in or outpatient / Required: account number or external id, patient location
A03 / Discharge in or outpatient / Required: account number or external id, patient location, discharge date
A04 / Register outpatient or outside patient / Required: patient name, account number or external id, patient location, admit date
A05 / Preadmit patient / Required: patient name, account number or external ID, admit date. If a location is not received in the A05, site must decide if it should default to inpatient or outpatient location type. If the location is defined as inpatient in Misys, a patient room is required.
A06 / Transfer outpatient to inpatient / Required: account number or external id, location
A07 / Transfer inpatient to outpatient / Required: account number or external id, location
A08 / Demographic update / Required: account number or external id, patient location
A11 / Cancel admit / Treated as a discharge (A03)
A13 / Cancel discharge / Required: account number or external id
A17 / Swap patients / Required: account number or external id, location
Treated as two transfers (A02)
A23 / Delete a patient record / Required: external episode ID (episode #). Generally applies to TDS only. Close episode flag (Active event flag). No new orders will be sent to HIS but results for pending tests will still be sent.
A28 / Add person information / Required: patient name.
Only patient demographic info, no episodes/events for a preadmit/preregistration. No patient location is sent in the A28.
A29 / Delete person information / Required: external patient number. Generally applies to TDS only. HIS Active flag (episode purge flag)
No further transactions will be sent to HIS for this patient episode.
A31 / Update person information / Update to demographic information only, no episode/event information updated.
A34 / Merge patient information / Required: new and old patient number
merges performed at patient ID (medical record number) level only
A35 / Merge account information / Required: old and new account number
merge performed for 2 account numbers within a single medical record number

The Misys supported trigger events are listed above. In the table below, please list any additional ADT trigger events that you will send or any triggers that should be used differently from what is described in the table on the previous page. Describe in detail.