October 25, 2009

Worship Center: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.

Parish Offices – 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: 452-6491

Fax: 452-6495 Email: web: www.holyspiritgf.org

Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon

School Office – 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775

Email: web: www.holyspiritschool.net

“True and effective measures against the waste and destruction of creation can only be realized and developed, understood and lived, when creation is considered from the point of view of God.”

Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate

Holy Spirit Parish Harvest Dinner

Sunday, October 25th from Noon – 5:00 p.m.

Roast beef dinner with all the trimmings plus cabbage rolls and homemade desserts. Raffle tickets available.

Cost: $8.00 Adults, $4.00 ages 6-12, under 6 free.

Holy Spirit Parish Mission

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 16th – 18th.

Morning sessions begin with Mass at 8:30am each day /

evening sessions will begin with Dinner at 6:00pm.

Mission presentations will follow immediately, and end with a brief social after each session.

Dominican Priest Fr. Jim Marchionda and Sister Ann Willitts will be our presenters. Sr. Ann, a member of the Sinsinawa, WI Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary, has served in many capacities including high school principal and teacher for many years. An author, poet, and expert storyteller, Sr. Ann incorporates many gifts into her ministry of full-time preaching. Fr. Jim is a Dominican priest, preacher, composer, conductor, singer, and woodwind instrumentalist (clarinet and saxophone) who offers parish missions, workshops, and concerts throughout the United States and abroad. A member of the Chicago Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great, he is a composer of over 200 sacred music compositions. Fr. Jim’s unique ministry successfully combines the Dominican preaching charism with a professional career in sacred music.

Watch the bulletin for more details, including topics of the presentations.

October 25th is Priesthood Sunday and since Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed this a “Year for Priests”, the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings is initiating a Pray for a Priest Program. Business size cards with a priest’s name, birthday and ordination dates, as well as a prayer for priests, is available in the entrance to the church. Take one card from the stack and pray for that priest, send him a card for his anniversary or birthday, or a note telling him you’re praying for him. Each priest in our diocese will have someone praying for him - a simple activity to support and encourage our priests. Prayer is a powerful source of encouragement!

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 25, 2009

Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday – 4:30 p.m.

Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Daily Mass Schedule

Holy Spirit Day Chapel:

Tues. – 5:15 p.m. & Thurs. – 8:30 a.m.

Park Place: Wed. – 2:30 p.m. – 3200 15th Ave. S

Holy Family Chapel: Fri.: 8:30 a.m. – 2800 Central Avenue

Mass Intentions:

Tuesday October 27th – +Cecilia Kincaid

Wednesday, October 28th – Word & Communion

Thursday, October 29th – Roger Parchen (sp int)

Friday, October 30th – School Mass

Saturday, October 31st – +Jan Gilligan

Sunday, November 1st –

8:30 a.m. – Parishioners

11:00 a.m. – +Norbert Woltering

Reconciliation: Sat. at 4 p.m. at Holy Spirit

Readings for next week – All Saints Day

·  Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14

·  1 John 3:1-3

·  Matthew 5:1-12a

Coffee & Rolls Schedule

October 25th No Coffee and Rolls – Parish Dinner

November 1st Youth Group

November 8th Veteran’s Day Breakfast

November 15th Holy Spirit School

Bus Schedule:

October 31st – White - Tenpenny

November 1st – Jones

What’s Happening This Week….

Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted.

Sunday: High School 7:15-8:15 - Rescue Mission

Monday: Stitch Niche 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.

Bible Study – 7:00 p.m. – Sts. P&P

Tuesday: Bible Study – 2 p.m. 7 p.m.– Sts. P&P

Wednesday: Religious Formation 7:00 p.m.-Sts. P&P

JustFaith – 6:30 p.m.

Thursday: RCIA – 7:00 – Sts. P&P

Bible Study – 7:00 p.m. – Sts. P&P

As one door closes…. Colleen Biehl, our elementary Religious Formation coordinator, has resigned to move to Missoula as her husband, Randy, assumes a new job. We wish them Godspeed and have them in our prayers.

And SO! Holy Spirit Parish is looking for a person to fill the position. If you are interested, contact or send a resume to Mark Meyer at the Parish Offices 452-6491 / 201 44th St. So., 59405. Job description is available upon request. We would like to fill this position by Thanksgiving.

WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith.

WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer.

WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope.

Rev. March 3, 2009


Fr. Dick Schlosser Pastor

Mark Meyer Parish Administrator

Mary Dupuis Worship

Larry Guilbault RCIA/Adult Formation

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O. P. Pastoral Associate

Colleen Biehl Elementary Program

Mary Jolley Youth Coordinator

Karyn Jenkins Secretary

Chuck Osterman Maintenance

Liturgical Ministers for Oct. 31, Nov.1

Bread Bakers: A Trunkle, N Reiff

4:30 p.m. / 8:30 a.m. / 11:00 a.m.
Music / TBA
M Steffes / Grace, Alyssa, Melissa
B NardingerSarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna Sarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna Sarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna Sarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna Sarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna Sarah, Keely, Makayla, Breanna / 11:00 Group
B Nardinger
Sacristan / S. Pedro / G. Matsko / K. Krattiger
Greeters / K. Hill
W. O'Fallon
M. O'Fallon / Rooney Family / Tom and Dondi Hayes Family
Usher / M. Thompson
NOT FILLED / J. Pierce
NOT FILLED / R. Martin
M Sitzmann
Cross / M. Friman / Sarah Jonasen / P. Morris
Servers / S. Mindt
NOT FILLED / A. Jonasen
Jennifer Lewis / M Francis
R. Morris
C. L. W. / K. Donnelly
S. Donnelly
M Hodges / P. Nicholson
D. Walczak
K. Justice
Lector / J. Redeen
J. Larson / P. Molloy
P. Kaiser / V. Marquis
C. Volf
Gifts / Crum Family / Matteson Family / Marquis Family
E. M. / Ira Kelley
Irene Kelley
B. Thelen
K. Dean
A. Klundt
D. Maronick
D. Mathson
M. Mathson
K. O'Rourke
P. Scotson
D. Stukey / J. Moore
Jay Stenzel
L. Stenzel
Bill Chafin
Brenda Chafin
Katie Hodges
C. & B. Munsterteiger
J. Schwanke
D. Schwanke
K. Tenpenny / Lucius Francis
M E Francis
Lamar Francis
P. Byrne
M Francis
Michelle Morris
K. Morris
M Semmens
R. Semmens
M. Slaughter
J. Witham

To Accept a Swap: Log in to your page of the Web Terminal and click on Accept Swap, or call Mary at the parish office 452-6491

Found: Money was found in a pew after a funeral. Call the parish office to identify.

Adult Formation – RCIA

Larry Guilbault 452-6491ex. 205

Parish Mission: Mark your Calendar for November 16th, 17th and 18th. Fr. Jim Marchionda and Sr. Ann Willets will present (see bulletin cover). Watch the bulletin for details. Volunteers are needed for publicity and hospitality. Call or email Larry for more information.

Bible Study: We are nearly 1\2 way through our Catholic Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke. We will begin a new Study in January. For information please call Larry at the office 452-6491 or email

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process to invite and prepare people to enter the Catholic Church. All interested people are invited to join us at 7PM in the RCIA room of Sts. Peter & Paul Center. Call Larry for information at 452-6491

RCIA adapted for Children: For children over the age of reason (usually about 7) that are not Baptized or are Baptized in another Christian religion and want to become Catholic. Call Larry at the parish office or email for information.

Youth & Young Adults

Mary Jolley 452-6491ex 207

7th & 8th Grade Youth Group

7PM Wednesday Nights Youth Room at P&P

Join us at any time. NO FEE

FOct 30th Middle School “LOCK IN” Canceled

Sorry - it will be rescheduled.

High School Youth Groups

F9th & 10th 10 AM Help with Parish Dinner OCT 25

7:15-8:15 Rescue Mission 317 2nd Ave. S.

F11th & 12th Next meet Nov. 1st 4PM Youth Room

FFISH - A City Wide Catholic Young Adult Group

Meets at Starbucks in Barnes & Noble Saturday

night at 7PM. Questions? Call Mike Bernica.

Elementary Formation

Colleen Biehl 452-6491ex 208

Registration: You may register at any time for elementary formation. Forms are available in the information rack, Sts. Peter & Paul Center and on the parish website . We meet most Wednesday evenings from 7:00- 8:00 PM

Special Reconciliation Service with Fr. Dick will be Wednesday, November 11 for 3rd through 6th grades.

Preschool – 2nd grades will have regular class.

THANK YOU to the families that helped with Family Night: Jonasen, Cooks, Keil, Pitstick, Johnson. It was great!

Sacramental Preparation

for Completion of Initiation

Confirmation 1st Eucharist with 1st Reconciliation next session is Sunday, November 1 at 12:30 pm at Sts. Peter & Paul Center. 1st Reconciliation Service is Saturday, November 14 at 10:00 am.

Confirmation begins on Sunday, January 10.

Registration forms are available at the school office, information rack and parish website.

Christian Service

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O.P. 452-6491ex. 204

Justice Notes: Like Bartimaeus in our Gospel today, Jesus invites us to respond to the poor who so often remain invisible in our midst. This month we observe World Mission Sunday. We are called to live out our Baptismal call to be missionaries and participate in the Church’s mission to bring the “Good News” of Jesus to the world. “Service and action, charity and justice are complementary components of parish social ministry. Neither alone is sufficient; both are essential signs of the gospel at work.”(U.S. Catholic Bishops, Communities of Salt and Light)

Recycling: We now have a nice green bin for flattened cardboard, located on Sts. P&P parking lot. Remember you can recycle plastic at Wal-mart. You donated over 2,000 lbs of newspaper in September. If you can give as little as 30 minutes of your time, we need volunteers, especially for 4:30 and 11:00 masses. Call Cindy O’Connell 761-6438.

We will be selling our Equal Exchange Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, and Chocolate Bars at our Parish Dinner this Sunday, so please stop at our table and see what we have to offer. A great selection will be available so you won’t want to miss out. Equal Exchange has joined with the Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade Program. If you would be interested in helping when we sell the first week-end of the month, contact S. Catherine.

Parish Nurses: Please let us know if you have a loved one who would appreciate a Prayer Shawl. The comfort of knowing that someone has knitted a shawl wrapped in prayer can be a wonderful support during a difficult time in life. Contact a Parish Nurse or call the parish office.

Stitch Niche: Stitch for charity! Stitchers of any kind are welcome. Two groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The next meeting is October 26th. 10 AM group meets at Ann Oberg’s, 453-7065 for directions to her home. 7 PM group meets at Ann and Randy Glick’s, 3110 1st Ave. South.For further information, call Karen at 452-0907.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Pantry: Thanks to all who have contributed to the Food Collection box at the church entrance. Volunteers will collect all items this Tuesday and place your contributions on their empty shelves at the Pantry. Thanks for your support of this project.

Holy Spirit School

Roger Robbins – Principal

Helen Boysun/Anna Beckman, Secretaries 761-5775

Please join our students, faculty and parents for liturgy on Friday mornings at 8:30 at the Holy Family Chapel.

Our sold out Holy Spirit Presents fall event was very successful! We are excited to announce that our profit will be over $29,000! That is an increase of over $6000 from last year! Way to go Holy Spirit Parish! We thank you so much for all your help and support.

It’s not too early to begin thinking about holiday gift shopping. What is the perfect way to get everyone on your list exactly what they want? A gift card to their favorite store! And the perfect place to get gift cards is Holy Spirit School’s Bonus Bucks program! We have many local and national cards available that would be very nice gifts. Mary Moore-Wingerter will be in the parish center Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 with Bonus Bucks for sale. Come and visit and see what is available!


Giving of our time involves being with God in prayer and worship and volunteering our time in the church and community activities that help others.

Care and Share 2009

2009 Diocese Assessment: $84,000

Amount Contribution: 54,017

Amount Due: 29,983


Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex.206

Holy Wash: Oct. 25 – S McKittrick / Nov. 1 – M Murray

Liturgical Tidbits: Creed: There is a format to the General Intercessions which is specified by the General Instruction to the Roman Missal. The general rule is that “the sequence of intentions is to be:

a. for the Church, especially the universal Church;
b. for the world and its needs, for public officials;
c. for those in any kind of need, physical or psychological;
d. for the community of the local parish.

This last section includes special intentions that have to do with specific celebrations, such as a baptism or first communions. This is the spot for our prayers for those among us who are sick or who have died.

Parish Relief Fund: Holy