MS Word – Lesson 7
Word – Lesson 8 – Working with Graphics
Open the file in the Lesson 7 Word folder called Graphics Project. Using the information from the file, add the following elements to enhance the document.
· Insert an appropriate form of Word Art at the very beginning of the document as a title. The text of the WordArt should be The History of Halloween. Change the text wrapping option of the WordArt to In line with text on the Format Ribbon. Center the text and place an outside border around the WordArt.
· Select each of the paragraph headings (the bold text) and apply the Heading 2 style; while the text is still selected, change the font color to a dark orange or brown color.
· Insert three different cliparts related to the topic in and around the document. Resize each clipart appropriately (not too small, not too large) and change the text wrapping on each to the Square option. Helpful hint: when placing clipart in the document, make sure that titles are not split in two or that random words are separated from the rest of a paragraph – it makes the text difficult to read.
· Using Insert > Picture, locate the JPEG file in the Lesson 7 folder and insert into the document. Place and resize appropriately and format the text wrapping for Tight. Place a border around the picture.
· Somewhere in the document, insert a shape in the Bevel format; type inside the shape the words Trick or Treat. Format the text wrapping for Square; place appropriately in the document, somewhere near the third paragraph (begins with “In the second half ….”).
· Place your cursor at the very end of the document. Center and key the following text: Spending in the US on Halloween Costumes. Format the text as a Heading 3 (you may need to re-center after applying the style). Change the font color to something that matches your document theme. Hit enter twice.
· Insert a SmartArt – use the Vertical Box List option. In the three boxes key:
Adults - $1.2 billion
Children - $1 billion
Pets - $310 million
· Format the SmartArt with appropriate fill and line colors.
· On the Page Layout tab, choose the Watermark option. Scroll down to the Custom Watermark option. Choose Picture Watermark and Select Picture. Go to the Lesson 7 folder and choose the file named Watermark, and Insert. Click Apply and OK.
· Place your name in the header.
· Resave the file.
· Print the document in color and turn in.