Welcome to Mrs. Ferrill’s EnglishI Class!
I am glad to be here and am excited to get to know each and every one of my students personally. I am looking forward to a great school year and hope you are, too. Here are a few things to remember…
Mrs. Ferrill’s Classroom Policies
- Remember the 3 P’s
- Be PUNCTUAL. Arrive on time, be seated and working on bell work when the tardy bell rings.
- Be PREPARED. Always bring appropriate supplies and completed assignments to class. Be ready to analyze and discuss any and all reading assignments.
- Be POSITIVE. Bring a positive, forward attitude to class each day. Be respectful of yourself and others at all times.
- Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
- Warning
- Student/Teacher conference
- Parent/Teacher conference
- Behave Out**
Consequences for misbehavior will follow the guidelines described in the handbook and discussed in class. Continuous disregard for the rules will result in the student being referred to the office for flagrant insubordination. I reserve the right to modify the rules and consequences if necessary. **Some misbehavior will warrant immediate removal from class (Behave Out). Such misbehavior includes but is not limited to: profanity, inappropriate physical contact, flagrant disregard for classroom/school rules, dress code violation, etc.
Supply List for Mrs. Ferrill’s Class
Pencils and Black or Blue Ink Pens (no color will be allowed)
Composition Book
Loose Leaf Paper, college ruled (no spiral-bound)
3-ring binder with dividers
3-prong notebook with loose leaf paper, college ruled
Jump Drive
Optional Supply List *It is a very germy world out there and if you could supply one of the following items, it would greatly help in keeping everybody healthy and happy this school year. Thank you! *
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
Lysol Disinfecting Spray
Classroom Procedures:
- Entering the Classroom: You are expected to be in class on time every day. Pencils must be sharpened before the lecture begins. The class pencil sharpener cannot be used during lecture/discussion or while someone is speaking. Only one person will be allowed to be at the pencil sharpener at a time. You are expected to bring to class the following items each day:loose-leaf paper, three-ring binder (one large binder for all subjects is okay), highlighters, and the proper writing utensils. The only acceptable ink colors will be black or blue.
- Bell ringers/journal: On most days there will be a bell ringer/journal on the board for you to answer. You will have a limited amount of time after the tardy bell rings to complete the bell ringer. After a certain number of bell ringers, a grade will be calculated (usually weekly). Bell ringers count toward your classwork average. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missed bell ringers. Please see me to get the missed bell ringer.
- Heading papers: All papers turned into me must have a heading. The student’s name and the date should be placed in the upper right hand corner of the paper. The assignment name should be on the top line of the left hand side of the paper. Any assignment turned in without a name or the appropriate assignment title will not be graded.
- Late Work: No late work will be accepted unless a student is absent on the date the assignment was given. All assignments MUST be turned in by the assigned dead-line to receive credit.
- Absences: If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to get the make-up work. All assignments will be posted on my website. Any work that was due on the day(s) of your absence must be turned in the day you return. If you miss a test or a quiz, you must see me to schedule a time to complete the missed test or quiz.Tests and quizzes may only be made up before or after school by appointment! I will not “track you down” to let you know that you missed a test. According to Desoto County Schools board policy, you will have one day per day missed to make up work.
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as stealing and passing off someone else’s work as your own. This includes, but is not limited to, the work of classmates and authors (books, magazines, internet, etc.). Plagiarism will not be tolerated. It is cheating and a very serious offense. If I find a student’s work to be plagiarized, that student will receive a “1” on the assignment. Also, if you allow another student to copy your work, you will receive a “1”.
- Restroom: If a student wishes to go to the restroom during class, they must wait until the lecture is finished to ask for permission or they will not be allowed to go. A student who wishes to leave class to go to the restroom must present their own agenda, not someone else’s. Each term, each student will receive ONE free bathroom allowance. After the one free bathroom allowance, if a student has a bathroom “emergency” they will be allowed to go but the time must be made up after class. If the student has a medical condition that requires them to use the restroom frequently, I must see a note signed by the principal.
- Food and drinks: No food or drinks will be allowed in class. If you have food or drinks, they must remain un-opened and out of site. Any food or drinks consumed in class will need to be thrown away. There is one exception to this, and that is water. You may bring a water bottle to class.
- Exiting the Classroom: At the end of class, students are responsible for picking up all trash on the floor and returning the room to the state in which they found it. Students will be dismissed by Mrs. Ferrill and will exit the class quietly and in an orderly manner.
- Extra Credit: Extra credit will be assigned on an individual needs basis. Occasionally, I will post extra credit opportunities. I suggest you take advantage of these opportunities. In addition to extra credit, I will award bonus points. The only way to earn bonus points is to keep up with your agenda and enter class assignments and important dates. I will do “agenda checks” randomly and will award points accordingly. These points may be applied to classwork and tests, excluding your nine-weeks test and final exam.
- Grading Policy:
Classwork/Homework Grades 30%
Tests 50%
9 Weeks/End of Semester Exam 20%
Important Information
Open House is August 17th from 5:30pm until 7:00pm. I encourage parents/guardians to come meet me and see our classroom.
Please visit my website regularly to find assignments, announcements, and other valuable information. Mrs. Ferrill’s website: In the left-hand column, select “school staff, then select “Ferrill, Amanda” from the Teaching Staff list.
Please subscribe to Remind 101 to receive updates and valuable information. This is a great tool that will help us stay connected and better our students’ success.
Thank you in advance for your support and involvement. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions or concerns regarding your child. I am looking forward to a great 2015-2016 school year!
Student/Teacher/Parent Contract
Please read, sign, complete, and return this sheet to Mrs. Ferrill by Friday, August 7th, 2015.
Student Name (print):
Please read the following statements and sign at the bottom.
- I have read and understand Mrs. Ferrill’s classroom rules and consequences, classroom procedures, and grading policy.
- I understand that work not turned in by the due date will result in a grade of zero and no make-up work will be accepted.
- I understand that any work found to be plagiarized will result in a grade of 1%. Copying another student’s work will give both students a grade of 1%.
- I understand that when a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work. Students will have one day per day missed to turn in make-up assignments according to school board policy.
- I understand that I will find valuable classroom information on Mrs. Ferrill’s website.
- I understand that Open House is August 17th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm.
Student’s Signature: Date:
Parent’s Signature: Date:
Parent’s Information
Home/mobile number:
Work number:
Email address:
Something you would like me to know about your child:
I welcome any and all questions or concerns regarding your child’s success in my class. I encourage you to contact me via email at Thank you, and I look forward to working with you!