Milan Township
16444 Cone Rd
Milan, MI. 48160
Board Meeting
February 9, 2017 Minutes
Members present:
Supervisor Heath, Clerk Collins, Treasurer Early, Trustee Dopkowski. Trustee Mancik,
The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Public Comment : None
Minutes: (Jan. 12, 2017) Resident that spoke in Public comment lives on Allen Rd not Crowe.
Trustee Dopkowskimade a motion to accept with change, 2nd by Trustee Mancik. Motion Carried
Disbursements: Clerk Collins read the disbursements. Payroll: $ 103,117.59
Report on file Bills: $ 10,519.14
Total: $ 113,636.73
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept disbursements, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski Motion Carried
Fund Balances: Everything is up to date. Recommend leaving CD in Capital improvements when it comes due.
Trustee Mancik made a motion to accept report, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
Building Report: Trustee Mancikread the building report. Reporton file
There were 2 permits issued in the month of January totaling $192.75. Dave Friend worked 4 hours at the hall, made 7 inspections. No Mechanical, Plumbing or Electrical inspections. January expenses were $439.45.
Supervisor Heath made amotion to accept report. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
Assessors Report:
Properties Inspected:
Worked on properties inspected since May, 2016 for 2017 roll.
AMAR Audit: Attended meeting with auditor. Submitted all required documentation. No problems noted. Scored exceptionally high on land value maps. TMA (auditing firm) was out in the field Friday, February 3, 2017 inspection properties.
Preparing for March Board of Review and finalizing the roll making sure all data and sales are entered and up to date as possible.
Assessment notices: Target mailing date is February 24th, 2017.
Processed 6 land divisions/boundary adjustments approved in 2016 to be on the 2017 tax roll.
Prepared Board of Review newspaper notice and sent to paper to be published Feb. 22, 23 and 24, 2017. Also posted at Township Hall.
March Board of Review dates:
TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2017 11:00 A.M. Organizational. No appeals.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2017: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2017:9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Processing Personal Property statements. Due by February 21st. Also have been processing Personal Property exemption forms exempting tax up to 80,000 true cash value. Deadline to file exemptions was February 10th (postmarks accepted). Received 1 EMPP/ESA so far.
Attend MTA Board of Review update class Feb. 27th Noon until 4:00 p.m. (Will not be in the office).
Conduct MBOR and finalize 2017 Assessment Roll.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Jo Lieb, Assessor
Clerk Collinsmade a motion to accept his report. 2nd by.Trustee Mancik. Motion Carried
Milan Fire Dept. Report: Supervisor Heath said that the Audit report is on track. They think everything is corrected and up to date. Currently trying to sell an old Tanker Truck.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept, 2nd by Trustee Mancik Motion Carried
Dailey Land split: Has met all requirements and Dave approved.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to approve split, 2nd by Clerk Collins. Motion Carried
BS&A Training: Cash receipting- If we are going to start using their program we need to start training to be ready for the new fiscal year. Need to get price from BS&A
Brining contract/Chloride: MCRC still doesn’t have the prices yet.
Telephone system: Supervisor Heath found some new options and should have an answer soon.
Handrail: John Kaas never got back with an estimate. Will explore some other options.
Estimate for Tank & Pump: Supervisor Heath got prices from TSC for a 1550gal. Water tank and pressure tank with pump. $1099.00 total and Tank alone was $799.00. We will need approximately $100.00 for misc. supplies. Deputy Clerk Heath said he had just purchased a tank for $720.00 but decided not to use it.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to buy tank from Deputy Clerk Heath and the rest from TSC, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
New Buisiness:
Names on Ace Hardware account: Currently anyone can purchase anything under the Twp account. The Board recommends Supervisor Heath & Deputy Clerk Heath names be on the account.
Clerk Collins made a motion to put their names on the account, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
Schedule Budget Meetings: March 4 & March 18th at 9:00am.
Proposed Contract for new copier: Contract is to lease for 6 years. It includes maintenance and Toner for $101:00/month.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept contract, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
Issues from Board members or Officials:
Trustee Dopkowski: The state has passed legislation to allow medical marijuana. Individual Townships are responsible for their own ordinances for local control. What are the Boards thoughts? Some for, some against. The Planning commission should look into it.
Clerk Collins: Just want to clarify that the Township Credit card we approved last month is $1,000.00 limit per user not total.
John Schauer: A Church is interested in purchasing Matt Rogers property on Sanford rd. It is currently zoned commercial and Churches are not permitted in commercial zoning. The Planning commission will consider adding Churches under special approval. Another issue they are looking at is zoning for a Horse is different than for sheep or Goats. We want to make it more uniform. They are updating the zoning map.
There will be a Public hearing on Feb 28th to consider these changes.
Dave Friend: House on Allen rd. has changed names. It is currently in the hands of the Lawyer. The Trash issue on Crowe rd. is picked up when he drove by.
Public comment: Are they going to start fixing the Milwaukee Rd. Bridge? There is a crane on site. According to MCRC, They do not know when work will begin.
County Line Rd. is Horrible! It is un-passable. They started late in the fall and had issues with the weather while grinding the re purposed concrete. They will resume this Spring and finish building it up. This was done to prepare for when State funding becomes available. This will be ready to pave.
Adjournment: 8:30pm. Supervisor Heath made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Barbara Collins-Clerk