Ridgeland High School Ms. Waddell
Chemistryand Physics2017-2018
Mandatory Supplies
1. three-ring binder with pockets and loose leaf paper
2. pencils with erasers
3. scientific calculator
4. $15 lab fee
Instructional Philosophy
My classes are organized around student-centered learning with direct instruction and guided practice. Student commitment determines class environment. To be successful, students must actively participate in groups and learn independently. A cooperative spirit of learning energizes the class. Parental involvement is also extremely important to ensure student success. We will use Active Student and Active Parent to help encourage student responsibility and parental involvement. Parents should check these regularly. Please also sign up for alerts on remind101.Details for this as well as daily agendas, assignments, and test dates can be found on my webpage.
Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful.
- Stay quiet when it’s not your turn to speak and talk quietly during group activities. Disruptive behavior and sleeping in class will not be tolerated.
- Cell phones are not allowed in class. They will be taken up if they are out. If they are out during a test or other graded work, a zero will be assigned.
- Do only the assigned task if using computers.
- Student work areas are to be kept clean. Students are expected to clean up after themselves. This includes cleaning equipment, returning it to the proper location, and disposing of all trash.
2. Be responsible.
- Be prepared for class. Bring binder, paper, pencils, homework (if applicable), calculator, and charged computer to class every time we meet.
- Be in your seat and ready to start class (pencils sharpened, notebooks out) when the bell rings.Backpacks, purses, cell phones, and all other items not needed for class will be placed on the counterson the side or in the back of the room or under your desk out of the aisle.
- Follow instructions and safety procedures at all times.
- Go to the restroom between classes. You have plenty of time. You will be counted tardy if you are not present when the tardy bell rings even if you ask to go to the restroom between classes.
3. Be an active learner.
- Begin Titan blaster before tardy bell rings.
- All notes and handouts should be kept neat and organized in a three-ring binder.
- If you are absent or need extra help come to my room during intervention.
- Complete all classwork and homework assignments and study for quizzes and tests.
- Be an active participant during group activities and in class discussions.
- Speak up immediately if you do not understand. You do not want to get behind.
4. Keep a positive attitude.
- Be kind to others and yourself.
Class Procedures
1. Students should be prepared for a quiz every day.
2. Make up work policy:
a. If absent the period before a test, student will still take the test on the assigned date
with the rest of the class when he/she returns.
b. If absent on a test day, student must make up the test during intervention or by
c. If absent on a day that homework is assigned, homework will be due the next class
d. If absent on a day that homework is due, student must turn it in the next class period
to avoid a late penalty.
e. If a student is absent when a daily grade is given, he or she must complete a left page
activity on the assigned topic to receive a grade.
f. Penalty for late work is 10 points per day. No late work will be accepted for a unit
after the graded work has been given back to students or the unit test has been given.
3. Students who do not achieve academic proficiency on critical classroom tasks will be expected to seek help. Redo policy:
a. Students scoring below a 65 on a test must retake the test by the assigned test date.
All other students will have the option of retaking tests. These will be taken at
assigned times, not during class time.
b. Before the retake, students must come to at least one remediation session to ask
questions to get the help they need. Students must also complete the one-pager
assignment on the unit topic.
c. The remediation assignment must be 100% complete and correct to be able to retake
the test.
4. Students who are absent or who want to improve their grade on daily assignments may complete left page activities for bonus points or to replace the grade. For this privilege, the assignment must be correct, complete, and quality work.
5. Grades will be calculated as followed: 66% test grades and34% daily grades (labs, worksheets, homework, quizzes, etc.).
6. Cell phone policy: If students have cell phones out during class, I will take them up or ask students to put them away. Again, a zero will be issued if the phone is out during a test or any other work for a grade.
Academic Honesty
My desired goalsareboth learning and integrity. Each student should perform the work assigned. Academic dishonesty (cheating) occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work which is not their own. This includes copying answers found online.Students must conduct themselves according to the rules prohibiting dishonest academic behavior and must resist peer pressure to violate those rules. Students must not use dishonest methods to fulfill their school responsibilities.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 601-898-5023 to set up a conference or to leave me a message. You may also reach me at any time. I am looking forward to a great year!
Heather Waddell
Please sign and return this along with the safety contract and $15 lab fee.
I have read and I understand the procedures for Ms. Waddell’s class. (All information must be complete!)
Student signature ______
Student email
Student’s place of employment ______
Student’s extracurricular activities ______
Student’s birthday ______
Student’s schedule (teacher and subject):
A-1:______B-5: ______
A-2: ______B-6: ______
A-3: ______B-7: ______
A-4: ______B-8: ______
Highest ACT score achieved: ______Goal ACT score: ______
Favorite subject(s): ______
Favorite things to do: ______
Other favorites: ______
What do you hope to do or learn in this class? ______
How do you like to learn? Please be specific. (lecture, labs, videos, worksheets, games, etc)
After you graduate, what do you want to do? ______
What else would you like me to know about you? ______
Guardian signature ______
Guardian name and relationship to student ______
Guardian name and relationship to student ______
Guardian phone numbers (cell)______
(home) ______
Guardian email
Guardian email
Is there anything special about the student that I need to know such as allergies, medical conditions, etc? Any special concerns? Please describe if applicable. ______