
1) fill in your individual checksheet with the name of the lift under ‘exercise’ (abbreviations are included)

2) Put in the weight(s) amount you lifted

3) List the desired and completed reps categories.

How Much Weight to lift:

Regardless of the lift, chose a weight that you will struggle with completing the desired # of lifts/set

When to Increase:

Let’s say X = the # of lifts in a set. If you can perform the lift X times with ease, then add 1 (X + 1) to the desired reps. Once you can lift X + 3 times, increase your weight by 5 lbs and drop back to X

for the total # of lifts in a set.

(Example: Sue has been benching 3 sets of 10 @ 80lbs for a couple weeks now. So on her first set, she increases the desired rep by one. It too was easy so she had to lift 80lbs 12 times on her second set. That too felt easy so she completed her 3rd set by doing 13 reps. When that 13 reps becomes easy for Sue, she’ll add on 5 lbs and drop back to 10 reps)

How often to lift:

In Season Lifters will do 6 lifts 2 days a weekfocusing on lower body lifts every week.

How to lift:

For volleyball, everything is explosive. So lifting should mirror that type of movement. As we flex our muscles to achieve our lift, do it explosively! Rule of thumb is: fast out and slow in.

(example: When you’re bench pressing, bring the weight down slowly, then explode back up once it touches your chest. When you’re performing a squat, bend down slowly then explode upward w/ the weight staying close to your body.)

What to lift:

The next two pages have core lower body lifts, plyometrics, and home lifts. You will lift 4 core body lifts (either upper or lower) and either 2 plyometric skills or 2 auxiliary lifts. It would be recommended to match lower body lifts with your auxiliary and your upper with your plyometric skills.

Always refer to this list of lifts to get the most out of your training. And remember, you get out what you put in. Your muscles should feel fatigued after a good workout. But no worries, you recover faster than you think! So work hard and good luck. Conference titles and state qualifications happen in this room right now!

-Coach Mikesell


Front Raise

(U-FR) – (works shoulders)

Rest: stand, holding dumbbells in front of legs.

Lift: bring dumbbells up to shoulder height with elbows staying straight, palms down.

Lateral Raise

(U-LR) - (works shoulders)

Rest: stand, holding dumbbells at sides

Lift: bring dumbbells out (like wings) to shoulder height with elbows straight, plams down

Standing Flies

(U-SF) - (works shoulders)

Rest: stand, holding dumbbells in front w/palms facing each other, holding elbows at 90 degrees

Lift: Keeping arms at 90 degrees, pull weights up and back squeezing shoulder blades together at end.

Upright Rows

(U-UR) - (Works shoulders, traps, biceps)

Rest: stand, holding a barbell w/ thumbs 6 inches apart and knuckles out

Lift: raise the barbell towards your chin, keeping the bar as close as you can to your body.

Bench press

(U-BP) - (works chest, triceps, shoulders)

avariation could include an incline press for upper chest

Rest: hold barbell w/arms locked and grip just outside shoulder width while lying on bench

Lift: slowly lower the bar until it grazes your chest then push back to full extension as fast as you can


(U-F) - (works chest)

A variation could include an incline fly for upper chest

Rest: lie on bench with dumbbells extended above your chest and palms facing eachother

Lift: Lower dumbbells to sides w/arms slightly bent. Extend wide as possible then bring back to rest.

Lat Pull Downs

(U-LP) - (works lats, biceps, shoulders)

Rest: sit with back slightly backward and straight. Grab onto the ends of the bar with an overhand grip

Lift: Bending at the elbows, pull bar down in front of your chest. Squeezing shoulder blades together
Seated Cable Rows

(U-CR) - (works lats, biceps, shoulders)

Rest: sit at machine with back straight and arms fully extended in front of you, holding onto the cable

Lift: Keeping your back straight, lean slightly backward and pull the cable into your stomach

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

(U-DR) - (works lats, biceps, shoulders)

A variation of this lift could include a tricep extension at the end of the lift

Rest: stand w/left hand and left knee resting on bench with back parallel to floor weight in right hand.

Lift: Pull the dumbbell up the side of your body as high as you can

Dumbbell Triceps Curls

(U-TC) – (works triceps)

Rest: Stand, holding the top of a dumbbell with both hands behind your head, elbows close to ears

Lift: Push the dumbbell up and over your head, finishing with elbows slightly flexed at the top of the lift.

Dumbbell/Barbell Biceps Curls
(U- BC) – (works biceps)

Rest: stand with weights at sides and palms facing out

Lift: With elbows staying in, bring weight up to chest with arms completely flexed.



(SQ) – (works upper and lower legs)

Rest: stand with barbell resting behind your neck on your traps. Hands should be wider than shoulders.

Lift: With back straight, and head looking up, lower the weight by bending knees until the upper part of your legs is parallel with the floor. (alternate would be the bench squat with something to sit on - BS)

Dead Lift

(DL) – (works upper and lower legs)

Rest: With back straight and head up, grab barbell outside of knees. Don’t use your lower back!

Lift: Stand up with the weight staying close to your body and arms fully extended.

Leg Curls

(LC) – (works hamstrings)

Rest: lie face down on leg curl machine with feet underneath the bar

Lift: Raise the bar with your feet by curling legs as fast and far as you can. Slowly lower w/o dropping the weight.

Power Cleans

(PC) – (works upper and lower legs)

Rest: Squat down as you would with the Dead Lift, looking high and back straight.

Lift: 1st: Push with your legs as fast as you can until they’re almost fully extended. 2nd: At this point, pull the bar as high as you can, using the momentum from your legs and keeping the weight close to your body. 3rd: When it reaches its highest point, flip your wrists under the barbell and tuck your elbows in. (alternate: Clean & Jerk, finish the lift by raising the barbell above the head & locking the elbows – CJ)

Auxiliary Lifts


(L) – (works upper and lower legs)

Rest: Stand with barbell behind head or dumbbells at sides and feet shoulder width apart.

Lift: Step forward with one foot and drop the opposite knee until it almost touches ground. Extend far enough out that your knee on the extended leg doesn’t go in front of your foot.

Side Lunges

(SL) – (Works upper and lower legs)

Rest: Stand holding onto a light dumbbell with both hands.

Lift: Step out at 45 degrees and as you step, extend your arms like a forearm pass.

Standing Calf Raises

(CR) – (works calves)

Rest: Stand on box with only your toes touching (heels will be off the box) using the wall for support.

Lift: Slowly lower your heels as far as you can, then explode as high as you can on your tiptoes.

Back Extension

(BE) – (works lower back)

Rest: Lie face down, legs straight and together, arms in front (like superman)

Lift: Squeeze the lower back to lift your chest a few inches off the floor. Lower and repeat.

Ball Crunch

(BC) – (works abs)

Rest: Lie down with the exercise ball under the lower/mid-back.

Lift: Squeeze the abs to lift the shoulders off the ball in a crunch. Lower and repeat.


Box Jumps (PBJ)

How to perform the drill

Assume a deep squat position with your feet shoulder width apart at the end of the row of boxes

Keep your hands on your hips or behind your head

Jump onto the box, landing softly in a squat position on the balls of the feet

Maintaining the squat position, jump off the box onto the ground, landing softly in a squat position on the balls of the feet

Jump onto the next box and land in the squat position then return to the end of the line

Keep the feet touch down time on the ground to the shortest time possible

How much

3 sets of 2 box jumping 6X

Allow a full recovery between each set

The height of the box should be in the region of 30-80 cm

Quality of box jumping is far more important than quantity

Depth Jumps (PDJ)

How to perform the drill

Stand on the box with your toes close to the front edge

Step from the box and drop to land on then balls of both feet

Try to anticipate the landing and spring up as quickly as you can

Keep the feet touch down time on the ground to the shortest time possible

How much

three sets of 6 jumps (3-4 players per group)

Allow a full recovery between each set

The height of the box should be in the region of 30-80 cm

Quality of depth jumping is far more important than quantity