English 4433: Advanced Professional Writing Professor Diane Abdo
Fall 2010 Syllabus Email:
Telephone: 210- 458-5390 Office: HSS 4.03.06
Office Hours: MWF 9:00-10:00 a.m., 1-2 p.m., and by appointment
August 25-27
Course Introduction
Writing sample
August 30-September 3
Editing: Handbook review
Chapter 1: Process in Technical Communication
Chapter 2: Ethics and Globalism in the Workplace
September 6-10 (Labor Day holiday)
Chapter 5: Letter, Memos and Electronic Communication
Discussion of letter and memo writing
Discussion of case study for letter writing
September 13-17
Quiz (case study): Workplace writing (in-class writing quiz)
Chapter 3: Organizing Information
Letter draft due
Letter revision due
Editing, Chapter 17: Style (pages TBA)
September 20-24
Letter due
Discussion of M-Global newsletter (Re: pp 65-74)
Formation of newsletter teams
Chapter 4: Page Design
Chapter 13: Collaboration and the Writing Process
September 27-October 1
Chapter 12 Graphics (newsletter design)
Newsletter team meetings
Newsletter article drafts due
Editing, Chapter 17: Style (pages TBA)
October 4-8
Newsletter design draft due
Chapter 10: introduction to proposals pp 303-310
Introduction to grant proposals
Editing, Chapter 17 Style (pages TBA)
October 11-15
Newsletters due (informal team presentations)
Discussion of grant proposal
October 18-22
Conferences (HSS 4.03.06)
Grant proposal draft due
October 25-29
Chapter 8: Informal Reports
Grant proposal second draft due; Editing
Grant proposal due
Discussion of informal report (Vision 2016)
November 1-5
Chapter 15 Technical Research
Chapter 11: Web Pages and Writing for the Web
Informal report discussion; Editing
November 8-12
Draft of informal report due
2nd draft of informal report due; editing
Chapter 10: Proposal and Feasibility Studies
November 15-19
Discussion of feasibility study
Chapter 13: Oral presentation
Chapter 16: The Job Search (guest speaker)
November 22-24 (Thanksgiving holiday)
Feasibility outline due
Feasibility group meetings
November 29-December 3
Editing quiz
Ethics study
Feasibility study report due
Note: December 6 and 7 are student study days. Classes do not meet.
Final Exam: Friday, December 10, 7:30-10:00 a.m.
This syllabus is provided for informational purposes regarding the anticipated course content and schedule of this course. It is based upon the most recent information available on the date of its issuance and is as accurate and complete as possible. I reserve the right to make any changes I deem necessary and/or appropriate. I will make my best efforts to communicate any changes to the syllabus in a timely manner. Students are responsible for being aware of these changes.