White House Primary School
Foundation Stage
Week beginning 07.11.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention
Language for Communication and Thinking
Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.
Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences.
Linking sounds and letters
Use their phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words.
Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts.
Know that print carries meaning and, in English, is read from left to right and top to bottom.
Show an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence of events and openings,
Write their own names and other things such as labels and captions, and begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
Use a pencil and hold it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed
What we want the children to learn:
That a story has three main parts- beginning, middle and end. That a story has different characters and that a story is told in a certain order. / Context: (What has happened before)
The chd have been learning about Winnie the pooh and made Honey Sandwiches they really enjoyed the making of the sandwiches so I thought that it would be good for the children to bake something therefore they will make Gingerbread men and have linked this to this text.
Adult led activity : group differentiation Rumble in the Jungle
Group : Yellow MA
Chd to look at a picture of each animal from the story. Chd to label to describe the animal, writing as many sounds as possible.
Group: Pink TA
Chd to think about the animals in the book, and decide which one is their favourite. Talk with the chd about what their favourite animal says and then get them to think about what they would want the animal to say. Chd to write as many sounds as they can in the words and then copy the rest.
Group : Green A
Chd to label the name of the animals from the story- with a focus on initial and final sounds.
Group : Red SEN
Chd to draw a picture of who they feel is ‘The King of the Jungle’. Chd to then trace over or copy write the initial sound of the name of the animal and then trace the rest.
Observations/Assessments: Look, Listen and Note On Groups
Yellow MA How chn make use of phonic knowledge as they attempt to write words / sentences.
Pink TA How chn make use of phonic knowledge as they attempt to write words / sentences.
Green A How chn make use of phonic knowledge as they attempt to write words / sentences.
Red SEN How chn make use of phonic knowledge as they attempt to write words / sentences.
Adult led activity
Session1 Whole group:
Look at front cover – predict what this book might be about. Read the blurb to identify the type of book. Read the first introductory poem ‘There’s a rumble in the jungle’ (have scanned in so easy to see on SMART bd).The poem mentions three animals: chimpanzees, hippo and leopard. With their talking partner discuss what other animals might be in the jungle. Take feedback and sort the animals into two lists: those that might be frightening or sweet and kind. Take a picture walk through the book and add any additional animals to the list.
Session 2 Whole group:
Read the Chimpanzee poem (have scanned in so easy to see on SMART bd). Highlight the text layout, which gives the impression of swinging. Look for any evidence for confirming whether chimpanzees are likely to be kind and sweet or frightening. Repeat using the Lion poem (have scanned in so easy to see on SMART bd).
Shared Writing: Start a collection of the words that tell us more about the animal. Write the words on cards so that at a later stage you can sort them into words that tell us what the animal is doing, or words that tell us what the animal looks like.
Session 3 Whole group:
Shared Reading: Continue reading the other animal poems noting features such as text layout and listening for words that tells us more about the animals. (have scanned in so easy to see on SMART bd).
Shared Writing: Continue the collection of the words that tell us more about the animal. Begin to sort them into words that tell us what the animal is doing, or words that tell us what the animal looks like.
Session 4 Whole group:
Sitting in small groups
Talk about the importance of writing our names. Play a name recognition game getting chd to stand up and then sit down when you hold their name up with a picture clue. Then repeat the activity but this time with name cards and no picture clues.
Yellow MA chd to copy each letter of their name using correct formation
Pink TA chd to copy initial and final letters of their name using correct formation and tracing the rest.
Green A chd to copy initial letter of their name using correct formation and trace the rest.
Red SEN chd to rainbow write the initial sound of their name.
Observation/Assessment Look, Listen and Note On Whole Class
How chn link statements to develop stories and explanations
How chn use talk to reflect upon, clarify, sequence and think about present and past experiences, ideas and feelings
Ways in which chn use language in their pretend and imaginary play
Chn’s knowledge of initial sounds, short vowel sounds within words and endings of words.
How chn link sounds and letters and begin to use this to write words.
Chn’s understanding of the elements of stories (beginning, end, characters, settings etc
How chn make use of phonic knowledge as they attempt to write words / sentences.
Chn’s formation of recognisable letters
Evaluation of activities (practitioner/children):