Agreement Form
Name ______Address______City______State______Zip Code______Home phone # ______
Work phone # ______Cell Phone # ______Fax # ______
email address______I want to park near ______
I understand and agree to the following along with notifying my guests of the same:
- No parking or bathroom passes delivered until all LYSA paperwork completed and signed.
- Parking Pass must be shown at gate or pay a $10 fee. If Pass arrives with someone else I agree to be towed at my expense.
- I will not provide alcohol to minors or strangers and will monitor the distribution of my alcohol at all times to be in full compliance of the law.
- I am responsible for my tailgating guests. They and I will be kind and considerate to everyone.
- I must share the community tailgate area in the drive area and move my tailgating equipment for other vehicles. If tents are allowed, it will be over my bumper at all times unless I need to take it down or move it for vehicles to pass.
- The space within the white lines of the stall is mine and does not need to be shared with neighbors.
- The money I pay for anything is non-refundable.
- I understand that vehicles dropping off items are not allowed onto the lot at any time and will plan accordingly.
- I must pay $100 for a replacement bathroom pass if lost, stolen, left at home, or not available to me.
- The parking lot is a dangerous uneven surface and slippery when wet. You and your guests enter at their own risk.
- I must happily discontinue any activity that involves noise or odor that is offensive to my neighbors.
- Electricity is $10 per appliance and is on a first-come first-serve basis. Unplugged when bathrooms close.
- I must supply my own electrical cord if I want electricity. (Heavy-duty cords are strongly encouraged to reduce circuit failure.)
- Ice is for sale as a fund-raiser until sold out.
- There is no smoking allowed in the building.
- I will put all aluminum cans under the vehicles or come to look for the new LYSA Can Throwing Machine.
- No charcoal grills are allowed.
- No defecation or urination anyplace outside of the bathrooms by me, or my guests.
- I am not to bring glass of any kind onto the parking lot and will notify my guests ahead of arrival.
- Unless I have all appropriate permits, I agree not to sell anything.
- I will not sell or provide anything or conduct any activities that violate federal, state or local laws.
- No banners or signs can be attached to any LYSA permanent structures or the trashcans provided by LYSA.
- Pets, bicycles and skateboards are not allowed on the property.
- Will not block walkways between stalls without written permission from LYSA.
- I will notify guests that balls and Frisbees cannot be thrown on the property.
- We agree to have our name put on the Lincoln Youth Sports Association parking roster and website roster.
- L.Y.S.A. reserves the right to refuse anyone onto the parking lot or inside the building.
- Most importantly, I agree to forfeit my parking and building privileges the remainder of the season if I violate any of the above provisions.
I understand and agree to all the above terms of the agreementX______Date______
Receipt of completed Agreement and Survey forms are required before a parking pass will be issued.
Please send both documents to:
901 “S” Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 • (402) 438-4447
e-mail questions to
building Website