Lancashire Family History & Heraldry Society – Preston Branch

Branch Executive Committee Meeting

at 7 Harrison Road Fulwood Preston PR2 9QH

Wednesday 11th October 2017 at 7:30pm


1.Chairman’s Welcome



4.Minutes of the last meeting

5.Matters arising from the last meeting

6. Chairman’s Report

7.Section Reports

Secretary (Stewart)

Treasurer (George)

Executive Representative (Stewart)

Fiche/Librarian (Pat)

Member’s Interests (Steve H.)

Projects Co-ordinator (Sheena)

Programme Secretary (Joan)

8.2017 Out - visit – report back

9.2018 Out - visit – suggestions

10.Lancashire Archives – Family History Sessions – 10am / 12.00

13 Oct, 11 Nov, 8 Dec, 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 Mar, branch involvement

11.2017 remainder of programme – David Hunt / October – Quiz/Jacob’s Join / November

12.South Ribble Workshops – next being 18th November 10.30-12.30

? 29th November - Harris Museum – on Branch website

13. Review of Branch charges


15. Date of next meeting

Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society

Preston Branch

Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee

held at 7.30pm on 5th April, 2017

at 7 Harrison Road, Fulwood

Registered Charity No. 513437

1.The Chairman welcomed those present and thanked Elaine for providing the venue once again.

2.PresentPeter Bamford, Stewart McLoughlin, George Kirby, Elaine Berry, Sheena McLoughlin, Joan Clayton, Stephanie Murray.

3.ApologiesStephen Benson, Stephen Halliwell, Jennifer Benson, Pat Griffiths.

4.Minutes of the last meeting – 23rd November, 2016

Attached and circulated

5.Matters arising from those minutes


6.Chairman’s Report

None specific.

Section Reports

Secretary(Stewart)Generally quite. Two enquirers had been in contact seeking help with their histories. Posters to libraries and supermarket notice boards and publicity to L.E.P. and B.B.C. for up-coming meetings is circulated monthly.

Treasurer (George)£197 in hand and within budget.

Executive Representative (Stewart)Generally quiet. Other branches variously moving along. Ribble Valley still closed. No plans to re-open. Society AGM and Conference on 20th May. Hyndburn Branch hosting Society lunch in October. £25. Looking to replace Society Chairman and Secretary, Spring 2018 (end of tenure).

Programme Secretary(Joan)2018 programme outlined.

Fiche Library (Pat)No report.

Book Library (Joan)Update on status. No requests.

Projects (Sheena)None reported.

Surname’s Index ( Stephen H.) No report.

Workshops (Joan)18th February relatively quiet. Next one 24th June.

7.The Book Library is retained at Kingsfold in wheeled ‘bedding type boxes’ and an index of the holdings is available. Members can borrow any book for a small fee.

8.After discussion, charges to those attending meetings was agreed to remain the same for the remainder of this year.

9.The Chairman reported that the Lancashire Archives is holding a ‘Café Archive’ on published dates and was looking for interested parties from the Branch to be able to assist separately in a plan for a regular ‘Family History Surgery’ at the Archives. Further details when available.

10.A number of members had expressed a wish to be e.mailed on Branch activities and meetings. It was pointed out that there would be difficulties in defining ‘branch members’ and there could also be Data Protection implications. S.B. to advise. An e.mail list of ‘branch members’ is held by the Society Membership Secretary. Considerable work would have to be employed to extract our members from it and then build a ‘branch data base’ which would need regular updating. For the time being it was agreed to allow those members who wish to be on a mailing list to provide their details at meetings, or accept the invitation in the Newsletter, likewise.

Members are given verbal updates at each meeting by the Chairman alongside the monthly newsletter, which is distributed at each meeting, and is available on the branch web-site and contains details of forthcoming events and general information.

11.Arrangements for the ‘Out Visit’ on 28th June to St. Andrew’s, Longton, in hand. Agreed sum of £25 to St. Andrew’s church for out-visit.

12.Committee expenses. Only those for on-line access at workshops and stationery requisites for the Secretary were presently claimed.

13.There was no other business.

Meeting closed at 21.35pm. Elaine was thanked for the post-meeting refreshments

Next meeting date to be arranged. 19 January 2018

Signed as a true record of the meeting by Peter Bamford on 11 October 2017