Campus Location:Georgetown, StantonEffectiveDate:2018-52

CourseNumberand Title:CET 247 RouteSurveyingandDesign

Prerequisite:ENG 102, CET 125, CET 144, EDD 171

CourseCredits andHours:3 credits


3lab hours/week

CourseDescription:This courseintroducesfundamental principles ofhighwayand road design to includesafety,speed, terrain,and operatingvolumes as they applyto roadwaywidth, sideslopes curvature, and gradient. Design problems includehorizontal curves, compoundcurves; cross-section areasand volumes; vertical curvesand alignments.

Required Text(s):Obtain current text bookinformation at visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)

Additional Materials:Surveyingfield book fordata entry, Civil Engineers Scale


Disclaimer: None


1.Solve fundamental problems dealing with superelevation, friction, sight distance, stopping

distance, and response-initiation time. (CCC2, 3, 6;PGC:CET 1; SET 1)

2.Computevolumes of earthwork related to routedesign andconstruction.

(CCC2, 6; PGC: CET 1; SET 1, 3)

3.Interpretfield data associated with preliminaryroutelocation and slopestaking.

(CCC2,6; PGC: CET 1, 2; SET 1, 5)

4.Perform apreliminaryroutesurveyand slopestakingcalculation.

(CCC3, 6; PGC CET1, 2; SET 1, 5)

5.Computetheprincipal lengths ofparts ofacircular curvealongwith the field book data forlayingout the curve. (CCC2, 3, 6; PGC: CET 1; SET 1)

6.Layoutacircularcurveinthe field.(CCC1,2, 6;PGCCET 1, 2; SET 1, 5)

7.Solve routesurveyingand design problems using a computer and software.

(CCC3, 6; PGC: CET 1, 3; SET 1)

8.Calculatetangent and offset elevations on vertical curves.

(CCC2, 3, 6; PGC: CET 1; SET 1)

9.Layoutacompoundorreversecurve.(CCC3, 6;PGC:CET 1, 2;SET 1, 5)

10.Demonstrateverticalandcompoundcurvedesign.(CCC3,6;PGC:CET 1; SET 1)

11.Solvefundamentalproblemsdealingwith highwaydrainage.

(CCC:2, 3, 5, 6;PGC:CET 1; SET 1)

12.Demonstrateprofessional and ethical conduct, asexpected in industry.

(CCC1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6; PGC: CET 1, 4, 5;SET 1, 6)

See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop.


Upon completion ofthis course, thestudent will:

  1. Solve fundamental problems dealing withsuperelevation, friction, sight distance, stoppingdistance, and response-initiation time.

1.1Definesight distanceand braking distance,skid resistance,curvature,superelevation, andsidefriction.

1.2Interpret anduse various charts associated withfundamental highwaydesign problems.

1.3Usevariousfundamentalhighwaydesignformulasinsolvingaseriesofdesign problems.

  1. Computevolumes of earthwork related to routedesign andconstruction.

2.1Listtwoformulasforcrosssectionareacalculations,determinewheneachshould be used,anddefinethevariablesineach.

2.2List two formulas for highway earth volume calculations, determine when each should be used, and define the variables in each.

2.3Solve various problems using the one point area, three point area, average-end area, and prismoidal volume formulas.

2.4Interpret profile and slope staking notes in computing area and volume of earth work.

2.5Calculate the volume of excavation using the borrow pit method.

  1. Interpretfield data associated with preliminaryroutelocation and slopestaking.

3.1Define cut, fill, grade rod, ground rod, side slope, cross section, and profile.

3.2Use the drafting techniques and scales associated with profiles and cross sections.

3.3Select an appropriate scale, and using cross section paper, draw the cut-and-fill and profile from slope staking and profile notes.

  1. Perform apreliminaryroutesurveyand slopestakingcalculation.

4.1Set up a field book to record data associated with a preliminary route survey problem and a slope staking problem.

4.2Establish a base line and lay out full and half stations.

4.3Use an automatic or laser level and Philadelphia rod or lenker rod to obtain data for a preliminary route survey and slope staking problem.

  1. Computetheprincipallengthsofpartsofacircularcurvealongwiththefieldbookdata forlayingout the curve.

5.1List and define the principal parts of a simple curve.

5.2List the formulas associated with the design of a simple curve, and define the variables of each.

5.3Draw and label the parts of a circular curve.

5.4Describe the factors affecting the length and sharpness of circular curves.

5.5Solve sample problems dealing with simple curves.

  1. Layouta circular curvein the field.

6.1List the field procedures required in laying out a circular curve in the field.

6.2Solve for a circular curve and set up and complete the field book data.

6.3Layout a circular curve in the field.

  1. Solve routesurveyingand design problems using a computer and software.

7.1Use computer-aided design (CAD) software to reduce survey field data in route designs.

7.2Use CAD software to calculate cut-and-fills for earthwork design problems.

7.3Integrate the use data recorders and the procedures used to download to a computer data file.

7.4Access specific software programs, and enter required data.

7.5Draft a plan and profile.

  1. Calculatetangent and offset elevations on vertical curves.

8.1Correctly define vertical curve, sag, and crest.

8.2List the major parts of a vertical curve.

8.3List the major design considerations associated with vertical curves.

8.4List methods and explain the difference between each in solving for vertical curve offset elevations.

8.5Draw examples of both sag and crest curves.

8.6Review and compute sample calculations in class.

8.7Compute tangent offset elevations in any one of three ways when given G1, G2, point of vertical intersection (PVI), and proposed length of curve.

  1. Layouta compound orreversecurve.

9.1List the field procedures for laying out a compound or reverse curve.

9.2Calculate the required field information when given design data, and set up a completed field book format (including deflection angles) for a compound or reverse curve.

  1. Demonstratevertical andcompound curvedesign.

10.1Draw a vertical and compound curve.

10.2List the design characteristics of a vertical and compound curve.

  1. Solve fundamental problems dealing with highwaydrainage.

11.1Define terms commonly associated with highway drainage.

11.2List the factors to consider when designing a drainage system for a section of a highway.

11.3Interpret and use common charts and data tables associated with highway drainage calculations.

11.4Develop and stakeout a pipeline profile.

  1. Demonstrateprofessional and ethical conduct asexpected in industry.

12.1Identify the need for self-discipline and time management in technical industries.

12.2Communicate and function effectively as a member of a team.

Evaluation Criteria/Policies:

Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:

92 / – / 100 / = / A
83 / – / 91 / = / B
75 / – / 82 / = / C
0 / – / 74 / = / F

Students should refer to the Student Handbook () for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.

Core Curriculum Competencies(CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.

Program Graduate Competencies (PGCs are the competencies every graduate will develop specific to his or her major):


  1. Apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and applicable tools of the discipline to engineering activities, including but not limited to site development, hydraulics and hydrology, grading, and structural systems.
  2. Conduct standardized field and laboratory testing on civil engineering project materials.
  3. Select appropriate materials and estimate material quantities for technical projects.
  4. Use graphic techniques and productivity software to produce engineering documents.
  5. Demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, professional development, and continuous improvement.


  1. Apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and applicable tools of the discipline to engineering and surveying activities, including but not limited to site development, hydraulics and hydrology, grading, and structural systems.
  2. Conduct standardized field and laboratory testing on civil engineering project materials.
  3. Select appropriate materials and estimate material quantities for technical projects.
  4. Use graphic techniques and productivity software to produce engineering documents.
  5. Integrate appropriate surveying methods for land measurement and/or construction layout and the acquisition of spatial data in accordance with the laws and regulations pertaining to Professional Land Surveying.
  6. Demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, professional development, and continuous improvement.

Disabilities Support Statement

The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.