Function: The Executive Officer will assist the Squadron Commander in the discharge of all

duties, and in the absence of the Squadron Commander will perform such duties and exercise

appropriate powers as listed in the Squadron Commander’s job description.


1. Ensure that the files of the previous Squadron Executive Officer are received and that

the duties of the office are fully reviewed with the previous Squadron Executive Officer

and the Squadron Commander.

2. Review the Squadron Regulations thoroughly, so as to be fully aware not only of the

duties of the Squadron Executive Officer, but also of the duties of the other Officers of

the Squadron.

3. Assist the Commander in every way possible, and be fully aware of all the affairs of the

Squadron, so that, should the Commander be absent, be capable of assuming the

responsibility of running the Squadron. Be involved directly in the day-to-day operation of

the Squadron as delegated by the Commander.

4. Take the chair at meetings in the absence of the Commander, and appear on behalf of

the Commander at functions when the Commander cannot be present.

5. Might coordinate or chair such committees as are established by the Commander or the

Executive Committee, such as social activities, administration, programmes and events,


6. Perform such other duties as assigned by the Squadron Executive.