Global Impact Indicator Categories
With Outcome Indicators
Category / MDI Impact Indicator / Associated Outcome Indicator1. Income Poverty Reduction /
- Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per day
- % people whose net income generated within target value chains has increased, by sex
- % households with access to secure land tenure, by sex of the head of household
- % households that do not rely solely on agriculture for their livelihood
- % households with capacity to cope with environmental shocks without depleting assets
2. Food Security /
- Prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age
- Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption
- % change in dietary diversity, by sex
- % children 0-23 months who are underweight (weight for age), by sex
- % households with food reserves
3. Education /
- Net enrolment ratio in primary education
- Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary school
- Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds, women and men
- Primary school completion rates by formal (gov’t funded)/non-formal schools, by sex
- Primary education programs gross enrollment ratesbyformal (gov’t funded)/non-formal schools, by sex
- Student-to-teacher ratiosby formal (gov’t funded)/non-formal primary schools
4. Women’s Empowerment
Mandatory for all programs /
- Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education
- Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
- Change in women’s self-efficacy
- % men and women reporting meaningful participation of women in decision-making at the household level in a domain previously reserved for men (domain:______)
- % men and women reporting meaningful participation of women in the public sphere (domain: ______)
- % men and women withchanged attitudes toward gender-based violence
- % couples making informed joint decisions regarding sexual and reproductive health
- % men and women reporting ability of women to effectively control productive assets
- % women reporting an improvement in their psychosocial wellbeing
- Average number of hours per day spent on house work, and in relation to the duration of the working day, by sex
5. Child Health and Nutrition /
- Under-five mortality rate
- Infant mortality rate
- % children exclusively breast-fed within the first 1 hour after birth and up to age 6 months
- Proportion of 1-year-old children immunized against measles
- % children age 0-23 months who slept under an insecticide-treated bed net in the previous 2 weeks
6. Maternal Health /
- Maternal mortality ratio
- Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel either at home or at a health facility
- ANC and PNC (at least 1 visit and at least 4 visits)
- % women with met need for emergency obstetric care
- % women attending 4 ANC visits at a health facility
- % women reporting satisfaction with the quality of care received
7. Sexual and Reproductive Health /
- Contraceptive prevalence rate
- Adolescent birth rate
- Unmet need for family planning
- % people whose need for family planning services is met, by sex
- % people making informed decisions about their contraceptive use, by sex
- % adolescents with access to contraceptive methods, by sex
- HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years
- Condom use at last high-risk sex
- Proportion of population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS
- %people with correct knowledge of the 2 major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS, by sex
- % adults with more than one partner in the past 12 months reporting the use of a condom during last sexual intercourse, by sex
- % people with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral combination therapy, by sex
- % people utilizing HIV-associated clinical services such as VCT, STI, TB, by sex
9. Environment Sustainability /
- Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source
- Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility
- % local actors with meaningful participation in productive natural resource management at community level, by sex
- % of population using an improved drinking water source
- % of population using an improved sanitation facility
- % of population with access to emergency warnings
- % of population using improved fuel sources
10. Governance
Mandatory for all programs / Section under construction – Indicators to be developed by CARE-UK and CARE-USA in FY10
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