Grant Application and Guidelines
Application Deadline ~ February 20, 2012
This application should be submitted to Michelle Wells at the NC Recreation & Park Association by 5pm on February 20, 2012. Please type your information in the form below, save the file to your system, and send as an email attachment to . You will receive confirmation of your application being received. Note: There are 2 additional attachments noted below that are required for your application to be considered complete.
County: Hertford
Park & Recreation Agency Name: Town of Ahoskie
Director’s Name: Tina L. Pritchard
Garden Manager who is responsible for reporting to Nourishing NC
Name: Tina L. Pritchard
Agency (if applicable): Ahoskie P&R
Phone (include area code): 252- 332-2064
Garden Information:
Name of Park where Nourishing NC Garden will be: Ahoskie Community Garden
Street Address of Park: Corners of Maple/Sunset and South Streets
City: Ahoskie State: NC Zip: 287910
This garden location is on public land? Yes No If No, your garden is not eligible for funding.
If your garden will not be located on park property, please give name/location of requested site and a brief description of why it is not being located on park property:
Corners of Maple, Sunset and South Streets. We chose this location to better serve our citizens. It is close to may homes and our public works buildings and new fire station. We felt this would help with both visablity and safety.
Is this a new or existing garden? New
If existing, how long has it been a working garden?
If this is a garden to be revived, how long has the garden been non-working?
Does this garden location have access to water? Yes No
Please tell us about the population this garden will serve. Does this garden target one or more of the potentially underserved/at-risk-populations? Ahoskie residents will have priority. However, Hertford County residents may apply for space if available. Ahoskie has a large number of older adults and we are working with the schools to reach our kids who need a positive outlet.
Funding Needs:
What are the funding needs for this garden? Be specific with how the funding will be used:
Item / Amount of Funding RequestedFencing / $2,150
Rotary Tiller / 550
Composter / 300
Total amount of funding requested (max $3000): $3,000
Any comments regarding your funding request you would like to share?
The town has just purchased a rotary tiller for our tractor at a cost of $2,799 for this project. We are also installing multi-water stations throughout the garden area.
Community Partners: List community partners and the role they will play in supporting the NNC garden. (Information will be verified with the contacts listed below)
Cooperative Extension Contact Name: Wendy Drake
Phone: 252-358-7822 Email:
What role will they play? Planning process, advising gardeners, providing training to
garden participants.
Health Department Contact Name: TBN(Health Promotion Services)
Phone: 252-358-7833 Email:
What role will they play? Assist gardeners in healthy eating/proper lifting,careful work
Have you made contact with your local Master Gardeners? Yes No
If yes, please list the contact person: Wendy Drake
Phone: 252-358-7822 Email:
What role will they play? Assist gardeners and help with trainings.
Additional Community Partners:
Agency Name: Hertford County Schools; Ahoskie Elementary
Contact Name: Stan Warren; Principal
Phone: 252-332-2588 Email:
What role will they play? provide a class to work on school/town garden and nature programs at school plot.
Agency Name: Hertford County Dept. of Aging
Contact Name: Linda Blackburn; Director
Phone: 252-358-7856 Email:
What role will they play? Coordinate with older adults taking part in the garden program.
Agency Name: Hertford County Cooperative Ext.
Contact Name: Stephanie Parker-Helmkamp; Family Consumers/Science Agent
Phone: 252-358-1400 Email:
What role will they play? Assist with trainings and advising gardeners.
Agency Name: Hertford County Cooperative Ext.
Contact Name: Gina-Bonsu;Nutrition Program Asst.
Phone: 252-358-7822 Email:
What role will they play? Assist gardeners with nutrition information and teach healthy cooking skills.
Agency Name:
Contact Name:
Phone: Email:
What role will they play?
Agency Name:
Contact Name:
Phone: Email:
What role will they play?
(If additional space is needed to list community partners, please check here and list on a separate page.
Submit this additional page as an attachment with your emailed application)
Produce Partner(s): The agency, organization, homeless shelter, food pantry, food rescue organization, etc. that our garden will donate at least 10% of our produce to:
Name of Agency/Group: Ahoskie Food Pantry
Contact Person:
Address: 701 East Church Street
City: Ahoskie State: NC Zip: 27910
Email: Phone: 252-332-3192
Name of Agency/Group: Inter Church Council
Contact Person: Rev. Jeff Douglas
Address: 424 W Church Street
City: Ahoskie State: NC Zip: 27910
Email: Phone: 252-332-3263
Name of Agency/Group:
Contact Person:
City: State: Zip:
Email: Phone:
Garden Team: Please list at least ten individuals who will have an active role in garden work and who make up the garden team; list their organizational affiliation if applicable and the role they will play.
1. Name: Tina L. Pritchard Organization (if applicable): Town of Ahoskie
Their role: Garden Manager
2. Name: Wendy Drake Organization (if applicable): Hertford County Cooperative Ext.
Their role: Training and Advisor
3. Name: Amanda Dodson Organization (if applicable): Town of Ahoskie
Their role: Events Crew
4. Name: Terry Taylor Organization (if applicable): Town of Ahoskie
Their role: General worker
5. Name: Gina Bonsua Organization (if applicable): Hertford County Cooperative Ext
Their role: Nutrition Program Asst.
6. Name: Elaine Simmons Organization (if applicable):
Their role: General Garden Supervisor
7. Name: Janet Vick Organization (if applicable):
Their role: Surplus Crew
8. Name: Randy Miller Organization (if applicable): Town of Ahoskie
Their role: Supply Crew
9. Name: Jeff Douglas Organization (if applicable): St Thomas Church
Their role: Surplus Creww
10. Name: Kirk Rogers Organization (if applicable): Town of Ahoskie
Their role: Supply Crew
Narrative: For questions with character limits, MS Word can provide you this information by using the Word Count function
Please provide a brief narrative of your community garden project and needs: Include strategy and evidence that your approach can be effective in achieving the goals of the Nourishing NC project. You can find the goals online at
Max of 2000 characters including spaces:
Ahoskie made a decision two years ago to create a community garden program for our citizens. During this time the Parks and Recreation Director presented the idea to a number of community groups and clubs. We received very positive feedback which has lead to the beginning of this program. The town has already purchased a pull behind rotary tiller at a cost of $2,799 and also many other need supplies. The town allowed us to select any site within the town and has said we can select other sites as needed due to growth assuring the continued growth of this program.
How do you plan to create a garden that will have a long and vibrant role in the community? Max of 2000 characters including spaces
Again as stated above we have spend two years promoting this program to clubs and other organizations in the community. The support the program is receiving from our citizens and government local and countywide will ensure the continued success of this program, The partnerships we have developed to offer this program has provides a board base of support and knowledge that will greatly assist our garden participants. We have set-up a series of trainings to make sure the garden is successful as well as the gardeners being successful. Our school component helps us achive two goals one to teach our youth the value of gardening and second to keep them active in non traditional ways.
Does your agency have any other community gardens? If yes, tell us about the location of these gardens, the age of the gardens and who is utilizing them.
No other at this time
Required Attachments: Send these two attachments with your application.
- In one document, include a visual representation of the garden: plot description, either a drawn site plan or photographs along with measurements and compass orientation (N/S/E/W).
- A written plan with timeline on the steps the team will take to implement their garden project
Fiscal Agent: Please list the name and address of the agency that should receive the funds and will be responsible for paying the bills
Agency Name: Town of Ahoskie Parks and Recreation Contact: Tina L. Pritchard
Address: PO Box 767
City: Ahoskie State: NC Zip: 27910
By submitting this application, we agree to adhere to the guidelines and requirements outlined in this application if selected and funded as a Nourishing NC garden. Typing your name below and submitting this application is equivalent to your electronic signature.
Park & Recreation Director: Tina L. Pritchard
Garden Manager: Tina L. Pritchard
Nourishing North Carolina (NNC) Grant Application & Guidelines Page 6 of 7
January 2012