Curriculum Vita

Helai Azam Nikzad

Email: Tel: 798227755

Personal Information

Name: Helai Azam

Date of Birth:24 Jun 1972

Place of Birth:Kabul

Nationality: Afghan

Marital status: Married

Contact No: 0798227755



I have graduated from KabulUniversity

Faculty of Literature

I have studied the school from 9-12 in AyenoHigh School


And primary school in Allaee Primary School Jalalabad

Work experience


Media Advisor in High Feb 2010 Apr 2010

Office of Overside & anti


Communication Technical Jan .2008 Mar .2009

Advisor and Education Advisor

Mobile Communication20 Nov.200730 Das . 2007

Outreach coordinator

Communication Department

Ministry of Education


Member of Press OfficeJune 200619 Nov.2007

Ministry of Education

Deputy Director20032004

Shamshad TV, Kabul

Senior Producer19902002

RTA, Kabul and news brocaster

(Part Time)Senior

Producer and Presenter20012003


Director of Education Radio and also (Part Time) Reporter

BBC Radio

Production Skill

Producer of Maine awareness programs and clips for OMAR, (organization for Mine awareness rehabilitation)

Producing and presenting several Radio and TV programs during the past 15 years.

Producer of Maine awareness program, Funded by AAR, Japan.

Writing the scripts for more than20 education spots.

AZ Dorbin Chadari (Undercover TV Lens) directed by me become very popular and the documentary has been copied and sent it to UNESCO head quarter to France.

Directed and produced a documentary on Tuberculosis, sponsored by WHO,Kabul

Directed and produced two short films in Dari and Pashto (Chaderi & Peshayman) These film are a bout the situation of women .

Management Skill

Organizing and setup the Shamshad TV office. Written the TORs for producers and Administration office take care of it recruitment process.

Written proposal for several TV projects including tuberculosis awareness sponsored by WHO.

Worked as reporter in BBC

TOR for Communication department, MOE.

Conducting the Survey for Communication Department, MOE

For 3 months, I was TechnicalAdviser in CNTF Project communication department MOE and Education Advisor and also worked as Media Advisor in High Office of Overside anti corruption

Now I have worked as Director of Public Relation and Gender Advocacy in Ministry of Women Affair (MoWA )

Seminar and Skill courses

Course nameOrganizerDuration

Teacher training seminar COAR one month

Journalistic tacticsBBC 3 months

Programming SkillBBCOne month

Election CourageBBCOne Month

Script WritingIndia Gov 3 months

Computer Skill

Windows, Internet, Video Camera,cooledit pro, Outlook





English Very GoodVery GoodGood