Diversity of Life Portfolio
For each Kingdom of Life, and any subgroups listed describe the major features that define this group and make it distinct from the others. Be sure to include the common names of organisms. You will have to research to get your information. Use a table of contents to organize your information and be sure to keep a bibliography of your resources, including any websites used. You need to include labeled images-these can be from labs, the internet, digital pictures or drawings. Think of this as a scrapbook page for each major group with the classification, key information and labeled images. See the sample from the Kingdom Fungi as a reference.
The Domains, Kingdoms and Groups to study for the project!
Domain Bacteria-Chapter 27
Kingdom Monera-proteobacteria, Chlamydias, spirochetes, gram-positive bacteria, cyanobacteria
Domain Archaea-methanogens, extreme halophiles, extreme thermopiles
Domain Eukaryae (Chapters 28-34)
Kingdom Protista-Diplomonadida, Parabasala, Euglenozoa, Alveolata, Stramenopila, Rhodophyta, Viridiplantae/Chlorophyta, Mycetozoa
Kingdom Fungi-.Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota
Kingdom Plantae- Heptophyta, Antherophyta, Bryophyta, Lycophyta, Pterophyta, Ginkophyta, Cycadophyta, Gnetophyta, Coniferophyta, Anthophyta
Kingdom Animalia-Porifera, Cnidaria (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthzoa) , Platyhelminthes (Turbellaria, Monogenea, Trematoda, Cestoidea) , Mollusca (Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda) , Annellida (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Polychaeta) , Nematoda, Arthropoda (Arachnida, diplopoda, chilopoda, insecta, crustacea), echinoderm (Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Crinoidea, Hologhuroidea), Chordata (fish , amphibia, reptilia, mammalia, aves)
Rubric for Diversity of Life Portfolio
Domain Bacteria-1 page overview of the Domain Bacteria 5pts
Kingdom Monera-1 page with general characteristics of the Monera5 pts
-5 pages with general characteristics, classification and images 25 pts (5 pts per page)
-Special Assignment (15 pts): Write a report on 3 major bacterial diseases, including their cause, symptoms and treatments
Domain Archaea-1 page with general characteristics of the Archaea 5pts
-3 pages with the general characteristics, classification and images of each group 15 pts
-Special Assignment Report (15 pts) Write a report on the extreme thermophiles and their significance to Yellowstone National Park.
Study Guide to the Domain Bacteria-15 pts
100 pts total
Due Date #1: Friday, March 4th
5 points will be taken from this section every day it is late (including weekends).
Domain Eukaryae- -1 page overview of the Domain Eukaryae 5 pts
Kingdom Protista-1 page general Characteristics of the Protista 5 pts
-8 pages for the characteristics, classification and images of each group-40 pts
-Special Assignment Protista Lab 20 pts
-Kingdom Protista study guide/chart 20 pts
100pts total
Due Date #2: Thursday, March 17th
5 points will be taken from this section every day it is late (including Spring Break and Weekends!)
Kingdom Fungi-1 page overview of general characteristics of the Fungi 5pts
-4 pages of the characteristics, classification and images of each group 20 pts
Special Assignment: Collect/photograph 5 fungi found in the Yamhill County area (including at the grocery store!). Label them with their common name, scientific name and phylum name
25 pts.
Kingdom Fungi studyguide/chart 20 pts
70 pts
Due Tuesday, March 29th
5 pts subtracted for each day late, including weekends.
Kingdom Plantae-1 page overview of the Kingdom Plantae 5 pts
-10 pages of the characteristics, classification and images of each group 50 pts
-Special Assignment: Collect/photograph and identify 10 plants in McMinnville. Make a map of where you found them. 30 pts
Study Guide on the Kingdom Plantae 15 pts
100 pts total
Due Date: April 15th
5 points off for each day late
Kingdom Animalia -1page overview of the Kingdom Animalia 5 pts
-9 pages of the characteristics, classification and images of each group 45pts
Special Assignment: The Diversity of Life Lab 20 pts
Special Assignment: Insect Diversity 10 pts
Special Assignment: Mammal Diversity 10 pts
Study Guide on the Kingdom Animalia 10
100 pts Total
Due Date April 25th
5 points off for each day late
Phylogenetic tree-labeled illustration of the evolutionary relationships of all the groups of living things 10 pts
Accurate Bibliography5 pts
Grammar and Spelling Conventions Followed 5pts
All Deadlines met 5 pts
Eye catching/visually appealing 5 pts
500 pts total
Final due date: April 29th
5 points off for every day late, including weekends
Extra Credit points may be earned by taking an AP style exam of the Diversity of Life