The present License agreement is concluded between you (either a legal entity or home user) and Doctor Web (“the right holder”), that possesses intellectual property rights with regard to usage of Dr.Web® software (“software”) including usage of technologies and software from other vendors where corresponding rights are acquired under law of the Russian Federation and International Law, as follows:
1. All terms and conditions provided herein regulate usage of the software which is an object of the intellectual property rights of the right holder. If you do not agree with at least one term or condition stipulated herein, do not use the software. Violation of the terms of the present License agreement is considered an unauthorized use of the software and entails civil, administrative and criminal responsibility.
2. If you are a legal owner of the Software's copy, you receive the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the software in any part of the world limited to installing the software , launching and loading it into the memory of a computer.Your legally obtained sixteen-character alphanumeric code (serial number) is used to register and acquire a license key file required to maintain operation of the Software in the protected system (workstation, server, etc.).A serial number) is registered on a corresponding web-page of the right holder’s web-site ( ) or by means of the automatic renewal and registration utility during installation of the Software (connection to the Internet is required).By completing the registration of your serial number of the software copy or installation of the Software you agree with all terms and conditions of the present License agreement. A license key file that activates the software and ensures its operation within the scope of your usage rights is generated automatically upon completion of registration of your serial number.
3. You can use the software only in full compliance with terms of the present Agreement.
3.1. The software can only be used within a specified period of time under a defined operating system and with the number of protected objects (workstations, servers, etc.) as defined in the license key file.
3.2. You are entitled to create as many copies of the key file as required to install the software on the number of computers (workstations, servers, etc.) defined in the key file. In addition you can store no more than two copies of the license key file.You may not give these copies to a third party or place them on tangible media accessible to a third party or make the files accessible to the public over the Internet or by any other means. If necessary you can specify your legally acquired Software serial number on the right holder’s web-site in order to obtain a license key file.The number of such retrieval requests is limited by the Right-holder.
3.3. During the Software usage period you may receive virus databases updates as such updates are made available by the right holder and, updates of software components. All software updates are its integral part and are used exclusively with the software under terms of the present License agreement unless other conditions are set forth by the right holder at the moment when you make the agreement with the Right-holder or later.
3.4. During the software use period you are entitled to use the Technical support service of the right holder or of its reseller that concluded a corresponding agreement with the Right-holder. The Right holder guarantees to reply to messages from users with their registration data specified, received through the support system accessible on the right holder’s web-site.Hereby you agree that your personal information acquired by the right holder in the course of registration or with support requests can be used by the Right holder in its internal procedures.
3.5. You may not distribute the software, in any format and by any means including selling, renting, leasing and importing the software for any of such purposes.
3.6. You may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform any other actions with the software object code aiming to obtain information about algorithms implemented in the software unless you are compelled to perform such actions by the law or have a written permission from the Right-holder to do so. You may not modify the internal protection mechanism of the software. Copying the software with removed or non-operational self-protection and unauthorized usage of such software is illegal.
3.7. The software and related documentation are provided AS IS with no express or implied warranty. The right holder is not liable to you for any problems including but not limited to issues arising during installation, updating, support and maintenance of your software copy including any conflicts with other software products or drives, problems due to your misinterpretation of guidance provided in documentation, failure of the software to meet your expectations.
3.8. {0>Завозможныенегативныепоследствиялюбогохарактера, вызванныенесовместимостьюиликонфликтамиПОсдругимипрограммнымипродуктами, установленныминатомжекомпьютере (рабочейстанции, сервереит.д.), Правообладательответственностиненесет. ЭкземплярПОнепредназначенинеможетбытьиспользованвинформационныхсистемах, обслуживающихсистемыжизнеобеспечения, вкоторыхсбойвработеПОможетсоздатьугрозужизнииздоровьюлюдейиливозникновенияубытков<}99{>In no event shall the right holder be responsible for any direct or consequential damage caused by compatibility issues or conflicts of the software with other software products installed in the same computer (workstation, server, etc.). A software copy is not meant and may not be used in information systems operating in hazardous environment or in life support systems where software failure can endanger health or life of a human being or cause losses.
DoctorWeb 3d street Yamskogo polya 2-12А, 125124, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 789-45-87Fax: +7 (495) 789-45-97 Web-site: E-mail: