Intro to the Structure and Function of the Body
- Intro to the Structure and Function of the Body
- Anatomical positions & directions
- Anatomy – “the study of the structure of an organism”
- Physiology – “the study of the function of an organism”
- Superior v. Inferior
- top v. bottom
- Anterior v. Posterior
- front v. back
- Medial v. Lateral
- middle v. outside/sides
- Proximal v. Distal
- close to trunk v. away from the trunk or point of origin
- Superficial v. Deep
- surface v. inside
- Regions of the Body
- Axial region
- cephalic head
- cranialskull
- temporalsides of the head
- facialface
- frontalforehead
- orbitaleyes
- nasalnose
- zygomaticupper cheeks/cheekbones
- buccalcheeks
- oralmouth
- cervicalneck
- supraclaviculararea above the collarbone
- abdominalabdomen
- thoracicchest
- axillaryarmpit
- mammarybreast
- umbilicalbelly button!
- pelvicpelvis
- occipitalback of the lower skull
- dorsalback
- lumbarlower back between ribs & pelvis
- Appendicular Region
- Brachialarm
- Antebrachialforearm
- Cubitalelbow
- Olecranalback of elbow
- Antecubitalfront of elbow
- Carpalwrist
- Digitalfingers and toes
- Palmarpalm of hand
- Femoralthigh
- Crurallower leg
- Tarsalankle
- Pedalfoot
- Plantarbottom of foot
- Glutealbuttocks
- Poplitealback of knee
- Sections of the Body (body planes)
- Sagittal
- lengthwise plane
- runs from front to back
- divides the body into RIGHT and LEFT sides
- Midsagittal
- Divides the body into EQUAL right & left sides
- Transverse
- horizontal or crosswise plane
- divides the body into UPPER & LOWER sections
- The midsagittal & transverse planes meet at the belly button (approximately)
- Frontal
- lengthwise plane running side to side
- divides the body into front (anterior) & back (posterior) sections
- Body Cavities
- 2 Major
- Dorsal
- Cranial – brain
- Spinal – spinal cord
- Ventral
- Thoracic
- Trachea, heart, lungs, major blood vessels
- Abdominopelvic
- Abdominal cavity
- liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, part of lower/ large intestine
- Pelvic cavity
- lower colon, rectum, urinary bladder, reproductive organs
- Nine regions
- Upper
- Left hypochondriac
- Epigastric
- Right hypochondriac
- Middle
- Left lumbar
- Umbilical
- Right lumbar
- Lower
- Left iliac
- Hypogastric
- Right iliac
- this region can also be divided into four quadrants
- right & left upper
- right & left lower
- Why do we try to identify body regions?
- helps doctors/ nurses/ trainers to identify pain/injuries
- object recognition
- individual characteristics make us unique
- specific body areas
- especially the face
- Whole body has 2 descriptive components:
- axial region
- head
- neck
- trunk
- appendicular region
- upper extremities (arms)
- lower extremities (legs)