RR 5 Site 26 Comp 21

Prince Albert SK S6V 5R3

Phone (306) 764- 0991



To provide undergraduate scholarships in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars (500.00) to first year students at accredited Canadian universities, colleges and technical schools. The scholarship money is to be used exclusively for tuition and books.


1. (a)The applicant must be the child or grandchild of a G.M.F.C. member who has been in good standing for at least five (5) years immediately preceding the date of scholarship application or

1. (b)had been a member ingood standing for at least five (5) years prior to the date of death and died within the preceding five (5) years.

1. (c) Any member in good standing for at least five (5) preceding, consecutive years may apply for a scholarship.

2.The applicant must be in the process of graduating (or have graduated) from a secondary school which is accredited by the provincial Department of Education in the province where the applicant resides.

3.The applicant must be accepted as a full-time, first year student at an accredited Canadian university, college or technical school.

4.A resume must be submitted with the application.

5.The application form must be obtained from the Club to which the applicant, parent or grandparent belongs (or belonged).

6.The applicant can qualify under section 1. (a), 1. (b) or 1. (c). All other sections apply to all applicants.

7.Prior to being forwarded to the G.M.F.C., the application must be signed by the President of the local Club.


Scholarship Application Form

(For students who are starting their first year of secondary education.)

Please Print

Name Surname Full given names


Town or City Province Postal Code

Phone Birth Date S.I.N.

School attended


Institution to be attended

Location Faculty

Degree, Diploma or Certification sought

Attach Official High School Transcript of your marks.

(Consult the Eligibility listed on the back of application prior to answering the next questions.)

Are you Your parent(s) Your grandparent(s) Current members of a Club affiliated with G.M.F.C.?

Name of member Name of Club Has the person indicated above been a member in good standing for five (5) consecutive years immediately preceding the date of this application? Dates of membership To

If the person named died within the past five (5) years, give the date of death And dates of his/her membership for five (5) consecutive years immediately preceding his/her death. to

Attach a Resume which should include any extra-curricular activities, community activities, work experienceand any hobbies.

Date of application Applicants signature

To be completed by the G.M.F.C. Affiliated Club.

Do you verify the Club affiliation of the applicant? Do you endorsethis application?

I hereby certify that the answers given to the eligibility of the applicant are true to the best of my knowledge.




Signature of President

Application must be submitted by July 31st to the address listed on the back page.