Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 1:Oversee and encourage balance in each district, cluster, cooperative, and shared services arrangement.

Outcome:Students with visual impairments or deafblindness in the region receive appropriate instructional services

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Analyze present cluster and single district arrangements to determine needs for revisions in regional service delivery patterns.
  1. Conference with individual districts to discuss continuing services to students.
  1. Provide comprehensive, quality instructional programs for students with visual impairments with emphasis on the VI expanded core curriculum.
/ February – March annually
April – May annually as needed
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
VI Regional Advisory Committee
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist, LEA Directors of Special Education, LEA lead VI staff as appropriate

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 2:Each district/cooperative/SSA will enhance service delivery to students with visual impairments and/or deafblindness through assistance in personnel searches, staff development, and on-site program development assistance from ESC-20.

Outcome:Local capacity to appropriately meet the instructional needs of students with visual impairments is enhanced and supported through regional services and local planning activities.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Conduct personnel searches for districts as needed/requested. Encourage LEAs to offer incentives to recruit staff (stipends, flexible pay scale, extended contracts, etc.)
  1. Support LEA activities related to increasing numbers of certified TVI’s and COMS (e.g., providing textbooks for university certification classes when funds are available, mentoring newly certified teachers, etc.).
  1. Increase public awareness of VI personnel preparation programs and becoming a TVI or COMS (e.g., participate in university job fairs, set up info tables at conferences, send info via email to various groups, etc.). Encourage and assist TVIs/COMS in presenting to local university classes.
  1. Provide staff development activities targeted to meet personnel training needs for fully qualified staff throughout Region 20.
  1. Provide on-site program development to LEA administrators and staff to support local activities to enhance the quality, scope, and impact of services to students with visual impairments.
/ On-going
On-going as needed
On-going (need driven and provided/funded after looking at data from needs survey, RSPI and/or TAKS data, and the Quality Indicator Profiles)
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist, contracted consultants, statewide conference presenters in relevant fields
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 3:Provide leadership and support for regional planning activities, coordinate with state policy makers regarding VI programs and provide effective communication to stakeholders.

Outcome:Consistent, current information regarding VI services, rules, regulations and resources is available to all LEAs.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Attend statewide VI functions (SLSBVI) meetings and activities, including the Texas Focus conferences.
  1. Facilitate support groups/network meetings for LEA TVIs and COMS in the Region 20 service area.
  1. Disseminate current information to LEA VI staff and administrators.
/ On-going (as determined by the SLSBVI calendar)
Minimum of three times annually
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 4:Use Profile of Quality Indicators for VI Services to guide regional data collection and analysis regarding current and future VI program priorities.

Outcome:A data-driven planning model that provides direction to district and regional planners.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Provide Profile of Quality Indicators to all LEAs to use as a needs assessment or program evaluation instrument.
  1. Access relevant data sources to identify district and regional planning needs.
/ Annually along with the SSVI flow-through funds contracts
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 5:Collect and analyze student impact data to guide regional planning for student services and staff development.

Outcome:Increased focus on student outcomes when program decisions are reached.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Assist LEA VI programs in the region with collecting and analyzing data using the Regional Student Performance Indicators (RSPI).
  1. Explore methods for documenting student progress as needed.
  1. Assist LEAs in identifying other appropriate systems for documenting student progress as needed.
/ Every three years
On-going as needed or requested by LEA / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist and VI Regional Advisory Committee
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 6:Coordinate on-going planning efforts with regional and state level agencies that provide services to children who are visually impaired and/or deafblind.

Outcome:Existing resources for students and families are used cost-effectively and services are not duplicated or absent.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Facilitate interagency coordination and LEA representation through regional planning, network/support group meetings, collaborative activities such as conferences, summer and weekend programs, etc.
  1. Inform LEAs, parents and students of other agency services as appropriate.
  1. Encourage communication and collaboration between LEAs, parents and agencies that provide services to VI students.
/ On-going
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
LEA TVIs/COMS and administrators
Agencies (DARS/DBS, Lighthouse, TSBVI, local colleges and universities, DARS/ECI, low vision clinics, etc.)

Regional VI Goals 2009-2010

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 7:Maintain a diverse VI Regional Advisory Committee membership.

Outcome:Regional goals and services will be overseen by a representative and effective planning body.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Solicit recommendations for revised structure and membership from diverse group including special education administrators, parents, teachers, and other ESCs engaged in similar processes.
  1. Invite new members and revise committee makeup per recommendations prior to convening annual committee meetings.
/ Annually along with the SSVI flow-through funds contracts
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
VI Regional Advisory Committee
LEA administrators/ESC administrators
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Regional VI Goals 2010-2011

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20 EducationServiceCenter

Goal 8:The Regional planning process is continually revisited and refined to ensure that the outcomes realized for VI students are forward-thinking and are compatible with regional characteristics and priorities.

Outcome:Research based practices in the expanded core curriculum are considered in regional planning at the regional level and the local level.

Activity / Target Date(s) / Persons Responsible
  1. Visit with and/or survey each LEA to find out how they plan for services and allocation of resources for students with visual impairments.
  1. Collaborate with LEA administrators/staff, TSBVI, Texas ESCs, and other national entities to gather information and resources on research based practices in the expanded core curriculum for VI.
/ Annually along with the SSVI flow-through funds contracts
On-going / ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist
ESC-20 VI Educational Specialist

Updated 4-1-11 D. Thompson