DBS Vocational Rehabilitation Manual Chapter 36: Vocational Diagnostic Unit

Revised May 2014

  • 36.1 Vocational Assessment Services
  • 36.1.1 Introduction
  • 36.1.2 Purpose
  • 36.1.3 Assessment Methods
  • 36.2 When Are Vocational Diagnostic Services Appropriate?
  • 36.3 Eligibility Criteria
  • 36.4 Referral Procedure
  • 36.5 Making Arrangements for Evaluation
  • 36.6 Evaluation Outcome
  • 36.7 Psychological Services

36.8 Cooperative Agreements

36.9 Special Arrangements

  • 36.810 Counselor Responsibilities

36.1 Vocational Assessment Services

36.1.1 Introduction

The Vocational Diagnostic Unit (VDU) conducts comprehensive vocational and psychological assessments of all factors relating to employment potential for adult and transition- age consumers who are visually impaired or blind.

36.1.2 Purpose

The VDUunit assists helps the VRC or /Ttransition counselorsin determineinghowthe nature and scope of VR services can benefitwhich individuals may benefit from by assessing theirindividuals’ abilities in

  • verbal and/or cognitive skills,
  • sensory and/or motor skills,
  • independent living skills,
  • academic skills,
  • social skills, and
  • vocational skills and interests.

36.1.3 Assessment Methods

This skills assessment of skillsmay beis accomplished by usingthrough the use of:

  • standardized instruments such as:
  • IQ and cognitive tests,
  • sensory tests,
  • neuromuscular tests,
  • adaptive behavior tests,
  • academic achievement tests,
  • personality tests, and
  • vocational interest tests;,
  • observations;,
  • case folder review;,
  • clinical interviews with consumers;, and
  • may include interviews with the consumer's teachers, counselors, and family members.

36.2 When Are Vocational Diagnostic Services Appropriate?

VDUVocational Diagnostic Unit services are used when a VRCor /Ttransition counselor needs information

  • tofor determineing a consumer's level of vocational potential, ;
  • of a diagnostic nature, especially in the VR planning stage, as well as throughout the rehabilitation process;,
  • regarding VR program planning and placement;,
  • toin identifying specific training or programs needs at CCRC tothat wouldhelpbenefit the consumer in achieveing independent living and vocational goals;,
  • for higher academic pursuit considerations;, and
  • regarding the consumer’s progress when he or she showsthere are significant changes in condition and/or functioning since initial evaluation.

36.3 Eligibility Criteria

VR and Ttransition referrals to the VDUVocational Diagnostic Unit must

  • be VR consumers or applicantsfor VR services,(active statuses), or VR applicants (Status 02)
  • have a visual disability,
  • be at least 14 years old, and
  • be referred by a VRC or Ttransition counselor.

Exceptions: For non-VR consumers see "special arrangements"

36.4 Referral Procedure

The following steps must be taken by tThe VRC or Ttransition counselor must take the following steps when referring a consumer to the VDUVocational Diagnostic Unit:.

  1. Contact theVocational Diagnostic Unit(VDU) to discuss the consumer’s needs.
  2. Create a service record in ReHabWorks and delegate the service to the VDU vocational diagnostician.

3.Complete the Vocational Diagnostic Unit Referral Information in ReHabWorks.

  1. Discuss evaluation schedule and arrangements with the VDU vocational diagnostician.

For more detailed information, pleaseseerefer tothe ReHabWorks User’s Guide (RUG)Chapter 16: Case Service Record, Creating, Updating, and Canceling Line Items for In-House Services.

36.5 Making Arrangements for Evaluation

If the evaluation willis to be done in the field, the VRC or /Ttransition counselor must make prior arrangements for:

  • a quiet, private room,
  • a table and two chairs,
  • scheduling (allow six6 to-7eight8 hours per evaluation), and
  • consumer transportation.

If the evaluation is towill be done at the VDU office in Austin, the VDU staff must make priorVocational Diagnostic Unit is responsible for making arrangements for a noon meals and rooms for consumer and accompanying person at CCRC. (When room and board at CCRC are desired, the VR/Transition counselor needs to determine if the consumer will need someone to accompany him, as current staff at both CCRC and Vocational Diagnostic Unit are unable to meet additional needs of visiting consumers.)

36.6 Evaluation Outcome

AnAcomprehensive evaluation report will be sent to the referring VRC or /Ttransition counselor.If referral is recommended to DBS internal programs, that is, CCRC, CGP, EAS, DBU, BET, a copy of the recommendations section of the report will also be sent to the recommended program for the purpose of potential referral information. It is the responsibility of t The counselor mustto make a formal referral to any program after consultation and agreement by the consumer.VDU staff will enter a summary and recommendations into ReHabWorks Case Notes.

36.7 Psychological Services

In order to provide psychological assessment services for consumers, a VDU vocational diagnostician must maintain active licensure by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists as a licensed psychologist, provisionally licensed psychologist, licensed psychological associate, or licensed specialist in school psychology; or licensure by the Texas State Board of Professional Counselors as a Licensed Professional Counselor. All staff are licensed psychologists or psychological associates or school psychologists in order to provide psychological assessment services for consumers The vocational diagnostician may conduct the psychological evaluation in conjunction with vocational assessments, especially for those consumers who are unable to obtain these types of services in their home communities.

When creating a service record request, a VRC or /Ttransition counselors can request psychological services in addition to aalong with vocational assessment services, or separatelyas a separate service. The Pprocedures are the same as for vocational assessment services.

36.8 Cooperative Agreements

DBS and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) maintain a cooperative agreement for transition services which agrees that the Vocational Diagnostic Unit will provide evaluation services for specifically identified students at TSBVI during the school year. Results of assessment findings are forwarded to TSBVI for program planning. In the event a TSBVI student is a VR or Transition consumer, a copy of the report will also be sent to the appropriate VR/Transition counselor in the field.

36.9 Special Arrangements

Occasionally the Vocational Diagnostic Unit provides evaluations to non-VR consumers. Each case is considered on an individual basis, as well as, Vocational Diagnostic Unit staff availability. Such cases include but are not limited to:

Children's Program consumers, and

IL consumers when VR potential is suspected.

Referral procedures to Vocational Diagnostic Unit by a Children's specialist or IL worker are the same as VR.

36.810 Counselor Responsibilities

The VRC or transition counselors should thoroughly read the reports from VDUreview the VDU reports thoroughly and discuss the recommendations made in the report with the consumer. If the consumer agrees in following the recommendations, they should be incorporated into the IPE.The VRC should incorporate the recommendations into the IPE if the consumer agrees to follow them.

VDU vocational diagnosticians can provide consultation and report interpretation. The VRC can contact the designated vocational diagnostician to schedule consultation services.

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