Lakeview Community Schools
Board of Education
Record of Minutes: Page 1 of 4
Date: October 11, 2010 Attachments: No
The regular meeting was called to order by President Jonaitis at 7:00 p.m., Bright Start Elementary Board Room/Media Center.
Present: Tim Reed, Jack Jeppesen, Jeff Davis, Tim Rasmussen, Dave England and Ed Jonaitis
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Reed to approve the agenda as amended.
All yes, motion carried 6-0.
New Board of Education Member, Daryl Johnson, was sworn in.
Citizen Participation/Communication:
Dean Gilbert, Lakeview Schools Band Director, announced that the MSBOA District Marching Festival will be held at Lakeview Community Schools again this year on October 20th. He invited everyone to come and listen to some great marching bands from 4:00 to 8:00 pm and to support our very own Marching Wildcats.
Ed Jonaitis, School Board President, congratulated Jack Jeppesen on receiving Coordinator-of-the-Year.
As a Point of Pride, Dr. Pope thanked Diane Zehnder and Kim Tompsett for their dedication and hard work on the K-12 Math Focus Program, and Gary Jensen commented on the effort and pride in the staff as they have been asked to present Math Focus at the State Level.
Ed Jonaitis congratulated Kylie Stewart on her State Qualification for Women’s Golf.
Dr. Pope thanked the following people for their donation of school supplies and student clothing to Lakeview Community Schools.
Nancy Lincoln – donation of knitted hats
Richard And Elaine Lehnert – donation of clothing
Gene and Janet Hashley – donation of school supplies and clothing
Dr. Pope thanked the PTO for their ongoing efforts and their donation of Playground Equipment to Lakeview Community Schools.
Dr. Pope thanked the following people for their donations made for the Press Box.
Pride Custom Homes, Eric Willard
Rod Carlson Masonry
Dan Petersheim Concrete Construction
Mission Lumber, Mike Lindsey and Mark Lehman
Griffith Builders
High Grade Materials, Six Lakes
Paul Main Farms
Dr. Pope thanked the following organizations and people who helped to make Lakeview Homecoming week a success.
Student Leadership Class and Mrs. Katharine Andersen
Personnel/Finance Committee Report: Chairman Jeppesen reported that the committee met on October 4th. He stated that the committee reviewed and recommends paying all bills submitted and accepting new staff hires. He also stated that the committee recommends approval to refinance the bond in November and that the Ad Hoc committee be appointed by President Jonaitis.
Record of Minutes: Page 2 of 4
Date: October 11, 2010 Attachments: No
Building & Grounds/Transportation: Chairman Rasmussen reported that the committee met on October 4th. The committee discussed the use of the athletic field by the Youth Football Organization. He stated that the damage occurred by the power outage on September 22nd is being turned over to the insurance company. Rasmussen also stated that the bus heater hookups that are being installed at Lakeview Community Schools are being paid for by the MAISD.
Administrative Reports: No questions were presented.
Superintendent’s update was differed to the 92 PLA Steering Committee, presented by Katharine Anderson.
Katharine Anderson presented past and present needs for the Lakeview High School. She spoke on the PLA transition plan, and thanked the staff and Ron Pincumbe for their hard work and asked the Board for their support.
Dr. Pope introduced Stephen Blann and Kristen Saper from Rehman Auditing Firm. Mr. Blann presented the board with both the Financial Statement Audit and the Single Audit. Mr. Blann reported that Lakeview Community Schools audit is unqualified.
Approval of Minutes
September 13, 2010, Regular Minutes
Approval of General Fund Claims
General Fund Check Numbers #68194-68302 in the amount of $341,337.74
Food Service Check Numbers # 10013-10017 in the amount of $1,284.58
Athletic Check Numbers #6590-6608 in the amount of $14,074.86
Approval of Personnel
Randy Snyder, Varsity Softball Coach, continuing from last year
Holly Poll, Middle School Game Manager, continuing from last year
Denise Kurtze, Lakeview Elementary Recess Paraprofessional, new to the position, effective 9-13-2010
Lisa Gallinger, Middle School Council Advisor, continuing from last year
Robin McCoy, 8 hour Preschool Paraprofessional for GSRP, new to the position
Jill Tanner, 8 hour Preschool Paraprofessional for 31a, new to the position
Recall and Placements (One Year Positions)
Sarah Hicks, .5 Kindergarten Teacher at Bright Start Elementary School, effective 10-4-10
Ben McLouth, Middle School Resource Room Teacher, effective 10-18-10
Jessica Orr, 5th Grade Teacher, effective 10-18-10 (Position starts 10-4-10 with a sub and Jessica starts 10-18-10)
Rachel Bucholtz, Third Grade Teacher, effective 10-4-10
Pam Burtch, Elementary MiCi Teacher, effective 9-16-10
Dave England requested the separation of Approval of Minutes from Approval of other consent Items.
Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Reed to approve consent items excluding September 13, 2010 Regular Minutes. All yes, motion carried 7-0.
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Davis to accept September 13, 2010 Regular Minutes with the following changes requested by Dave England: September 13, 2010 minutes to reflect under Building and Grounds report to show that the committee recommended the turf to be purchased.
September 13, 2010 minutes to reflect the price of the zero turn mower at $6,200.00.
Johnson abstained
Record of Minutes: Page 3 of 4
Date: October 11, 2010 Attachments: No
Motion carried 6-0.
Dr. Pope asked the board to approve summer collection for all school taxes as it helps the school with cash flow.
Dr. Pope asked the Board of Education to set a meeting for November 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of refinance on the 2001 bond.
Dr. Pope stated that the Ad Hoc committee would consist of four community members to oversee the 92 PLA process and that it would be a three year commitment. The committee would also include 3 executive members, the superintendent, and the Director of Instruction. The committee will meet quarterly and monitor the plan implementation and school turnaround.
Mr. Hamlin would like to recommend Ryan and Jennifer Wood be appointed to the parent advisory committee.
Dr. Pope spoke on realignment of all administrative positions, and the need for a food service representative who would work on average of 10 hours a week to process free and reduced lunches.
Dr. Pope stated that two High School ELA teachers are needed in order to meet the needs of the current High School students. She also stated that a Food service secretary up to 10 hours, a .5 Middle School Clerical Assistant, a .5 Lakeview Elementary Clerical assistant, and an additional 1 hour Specials teacher at Bright Start, are needed at this time. She spoke on the need to have an athletic director/homeless/disciplinarian position to include up to 2000 hours a year at the High School adjusting those hours as the school year is already in session.
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Jeppesen to move the Re-alignment of Administration and the hiring of Additional Staff to an action item f. All yes, motion carried 7-0
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Reed to approve the Summer Tax collection. All yes, motion carried 7-0.
Establish Election Date – Tabled
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by England to accept November 17, 2010 as the date for the Refinancing Bond Award. All yes, motion carried 7-0.
Moved by Reed and supported by Jeppesen to appoint Ryan and Jennifer Wood to the Parent Advisory committee. All yes, motion carried 7-0.
Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Davis to adopt the following policies as presented.
Johnson abstained
Motion carried 6-0.
Policy 0167.3 Public Participation at Board Meetings
Policy 0168.3 Committee Meetings
Policy 2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity
Record of Minutes: Page 4 of 4
Date: October 11, 2010 Attachments: No
Policy 2260.01 Prohibition Against discrimination based on Disability
Policy 2623 Student Assessment
Policy 3122.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee for Certified Staff
Policy 3160 Physical Examination for Certified Staff
Policy 3362 Anti-Harassment for Certified Staff
Policy 3419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans for Certified Staff
Policy 3430.01 Family & Medical Leaves of Absence (“FMLA”) for Certified Staff
Policy 4122.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee for Support Staff
Policy 4140 Termination and Resignation for Support Staff
Policy 4160 Health Examination for Support Staff
Policy 4362 Anti-Harassment for Support Staff
Policy 4419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans for Support Staff
Policy 4430.01 Family & Medical Leaves of Absence (“FMLA”) for Support Staff
Policy 5136 Wireless Communication Devices
Policy 5517 Anti-Harassment
Policy 6144 Investments
Policy 9160 Public Attendance at School Events
Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Jeppesen to accept realignment of duties and to hire staff as presented.
Johnson abstained
Motion carried 6-0.
President Jonaitis read the following Announcements:
October 12-29 MEAP Days
20 MSBOA District 7 Marching Festival
21 HS Parent Teacher Conferences
(3:30-5:30, 6:00-7:30)
21 Parent/Teacher Organization Meeting
Motioned by Rasmussen and supported by Jeppesen to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. All yes, motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Rasmussen, Secretary
Minutes recorded by Sue Pitcher