Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS): a survey for Victorian hospitals
The following survey aims to explore hospital activities relating to AMS in Victorian hospitals. Information provided in the survey will facilitate a gap analysis and guide the development of state and national AMS strategies.
For further information on AMS, refer to "Antimicrobial Stewardship in Australian Hospitals 2011", edited by M Duguid and M Cruickshank, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, Sydney. Available online at
The symbol indicates required information.
Your Details
Name of health service /Hospital campus (if applicable) /
Name of person completing survey /
Contact phone number /
Email address /
Hospital Demographics
1) Describe your hospital / Public Private Other2) Hospital location / Metropolitan Regional Rural
3) Number of acute care beds 4) Number of sub-acute care beds
5) Do you have any of the following specialties at your hospital?
Cardiothoracics / Haematology/Oncology / Haemodialysis / NeurosurgeryObstetrics & Gynaecology / Paediatrics / Transplant / None of these
6) Does your hospital have an intensive care unit (ICU)? / Yes No
If yes, how many beds?
7) Does your hospital have a high dependency unit (HDU)? / Yes NoIf yes, how many beds?
8) Do you have access to the following resources?
Infectious diseases consultant / Infectious diseases registrarClinical microbiologist / Clinical microbiology registrar
Infectious diseases/antimicrobial specialist pharmacist / Quality use of medicines/Drug usage evaluation pharmacist
Infection control practitioner / None of these
Guidelines and Education
9) The Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic, version 14, 2010, is available at your hospital as:
paper-based copies on ward intranet access not available
10) How are antimicrobial prescribing guidelines promoted?
Specifically mentioned in hospital antimicrobial policy / Yes No NOT APPLICABLESpecifically discussed in orientation program for all new clinical staff / Yes No
Part of routine clinical activities / Yes No
Other, please specify
11) Does your hospital conduct in-house education on best practice in antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial resistance with:
Senior medical staff / Junior medical staffPharmacy / Nursing
Other / None of these (no education provided)
Specify 'other'
Antimicrobial Prescribing Policy, Formulary and Approval System
12) Does your hospital have an antimicrobial prescribing policy? / Yes No13) In which year was it last reviewed?
14) Does your hospital have a formulary that covers antimicrobials? / Yes No15) If yes, does it specify restrictions on the use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials? / Yes No NOT APPLICABLE
16) If yes, is there an approval system for these restricted antimicrobials?
Yes - an electronic approval system / Yes - a phone-based systemYes - a fax-based system / Other - please specify below
Describe 'other' approval system
17) Who has authority to provide approval for restricted antimicrobials?
In-house infectious diseases (ID) clinicians / In-house clinical microbiologistsOff-site ID clinicians / Off-site clinical microbiologists
Consultant physicians (non-ID) / Senior pharmacists
Other - specify below / NOT APPLICABLE
Specify other
18) For those with off-site arrangements for receiving antimicrobial prescribing advice/approval, are these arrangements:
Contracted - remunerated (specific agreement for provision of specialist service exists)Contracted - as part of hospital network
Informal - a single nominated hospital is usually contacted but no formal agreement exists
Ad hoc - no specific site - advice could be sought from several possible hospitals
Other please specify
NOT APPLICABLE - no off-site arrangements necessary/ none in place
Specify 'other' off-site arrangements
Post Prescription Review
19) Does your hospital have an antimicrobial management team (AMT, dedicated multidisciplinary team involving at least one pharmacist and one medically trained staff member)?
Yes No
20) Are antimicrobial prescriptions regularly reviewed with point of care intervention and direct feedback to prescribers?
Always Mostly Occasionally Never
21) If reviewed, where does this occur?
Intensive Care UnitGeneral wards
Specialised units (e.g. haematology/transplant)
22) If reviewed, who performs this review?
Antimicrobial management team / Infectious diseases specialistClinical microbiologist / Specialised antimicrobial pharmacist
Ward pharmacist / Infection control practitioner
Other please specify / NOT APPLICABLE
Specify 'other' reviewer
23) If reviewed, following the review is individual feedback provided to the prescriber?
24) If yes, does the individual feedback involve review of the following?
Empiric choice of antimicrobial drugDose optimisation
De-escalation (use of narrower spectrum antibiotics where possible based on micro results)
Intravenous to oral switch
25) Does your hospital conduct regular audits of antimicrobial prescribing?
Yes No
26) If yes, please nominate methods used:
Antimicrobial costAntimicrobial consumption
Adherence to formulary restriction
Appropriateness of prescribing
Dedicated audits of specific drugs
Dedicated audits of specific clinical conditions
Dedicated audits of specific units/wards
Use of quality use of medicines indicators
Specify 'other' audit methods
27) Does your hospital provide regular feedback to prescribers about the outcomes of audits on antimicrobial prescribing practices?
Yes No
28) If yes, how is feedback given?
Email/letters to heads of unitsEmail/letters to individual prescribers
Presentations at ward or unit meetings
Presentations at grand rounds and/or quality committee meetings
Other please specify
Specify 'other' types of feedback
29) Does your hospital's microbiology service selectively report antimicrobial sensitivities?
Yes No Don't know
30) Does your hospital's microbiology service provide antibiograms (summaries of the sensitivity patterns of local bacteria in your institution over time)?
Yes No Don't know
31) Does your hospital have a Quality Use of Medicines/Drug Usage Evaluation pharmacist?
Yes No
32) Is there dedicated funding for an antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist?
Yes No
33) Is there dedicated funding for medical staff to oversee antimicrobial stewardship?
Yes No
34) Does your hospital have a dedicated committee to oversee antimicrobial stewardship?
Yes No
35) If yes, who does this committee have lines of accountability to?
Drug and Therapeutics CommitteeClinical Governance Committee
Medication Safety Commitee
Quality & Risk Management Committee
Infection Prevention Committee
Executive Office
Other please specify
Specify 'other'
36) Which of the following barriers to AMS have you encountered at your hospital?
Lack of training and education in antimicrobial use provided to cliniciansLack of leadership to promote AMS at the hospital
Lack of support from senior clinicians at the hospital
Lack of ID/micro services
Lack of pharmacy resources
Lack of willingness from doctors to change their prescribing practices
Lack of enforcement by hospital management
High level of transient/seconded staff
Other please specify
Specify 'other' barriers
37) If an AMS program is present in your hospital, how could it be improved?
38) If an AMS program is absent in your hospital, what is preventing one from being initiated?
Thank you for your assistance in completing the AMS survey.
This survey was developed by the Victorian Department of Health in conjunction with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded initiative “Antimicrobial Stewardship: Establishing effective programs for Australian hospitals”.