Treacherous Transport Tabletop Exercise

Consolidated – Exercise Evaluation Guide

Exercise Evaluation Guide Submittal

As the evaluator you will need to submit your Observations, Recommendations and Performance Ratings into the ONX System following the completion of the exercise.

Following the exercise, access then login using your USER NAME and PASSWORD. Once you have logged in click on the Treacherous Transport Exercise listed under the header “Your Exercises” in the upper left hand corner. You will then be able to access an electronic version of the six components of this Exercise Evaluation Guide to submit your observations, recommendations and performance ratings.

Capability Description: Communications is the fundamental capability within disciplines and jurisdictions that practitioners need to perform the most routine and basic elements of their job functions. Agencies must be operable, meaning they possess sufficient wireless communications capabilities to meet their daily internal and emergency communication requirements before they focus on interoperability.
Capability Outcome: A continuous flow of critical information is maintained as needed among multi-jurisdictional and multi-disciplinary emergency responders, command posts, agencies, and governmental officials for the duration of the emergency response operation in compliance with National Incident Management System (NIMS). To accomplish this, the jurisdiction has a continuity of operations plan for public safety communications to include the consideration of critical components, networks, support systems, personnel, and an appropriate level of redundant communications systems in the event of an emergency.
Activity 1: Initial Incident Communication
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#003 / Have understanding of response agency notifications.
·  Given the situation staff understand the likely agency notifications that will take place in initial processes. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#004 / Communications between the field and the hospital.
·  Protocols are in place to notify the hospital when an incident is likely to affect the hospital. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 2: Hospital Command Center Activation and Management
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#008 / Established protocols for activating the Hospital Command Center.
·  Staff know trigger points for activation
·  Notification procedures are clear / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#009 / Hospital Command Center is adequately staffed. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#010 / Hospital Command Center is able to receive requests for resources/information and dispatch accordingly. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#011 / Significant events or developments are communicated to the HCC in a timely fashion. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 3: Notification and Coordination with Outside Partners
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#012 / Maintain communications with outside partner agencies.
·  Understand trigger points for notification
·  Conduct actions based on plans and protocols
·  Staff are familiar with communication methods used to communicate outside partners / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 4: Return to Normal Operations
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#017 / Communicate return of normal operations to all parties involved. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
HazMat Response and Decontamination
Capability Description: Hazardous Materials Response and Decontamination is the capability to assess and manage the consequences of a hazardous materials release, either accidental or as part of a terrorist attack. It includes testing and identifying all likely hazardous substances onsite; ensuring that responders have protective clothing and equipment; conducting rescue operations to remove affected victims from the hazardous environment; conducting geographical survey searches of suspected sources or contamination spreads and establishing isolation perimeters; mitigating the effects of hazardous materials, decontaminating on-site victims, responders, and equipment; coordinating off-site decontamination with relevant agencies, and notifying environmental, health, and law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction for the incident to begin implementation of their standard evidence collection and investigation procedures.
Activity 1: Limiting Access to Hospital
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#004 / Hospital understands and has ability to implement a limited access / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 2: Decontamination
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#005 / Understanding of capabilities to decon patients during a hazardous materials incident / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#006 / Determine appropriate decon procedures based on chemical identified. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Evacuation and Shelter-In-Place
Capability Description: Evacuation and shelter-in-place is the capability to prepare for, ensure communication of, and immediately execute the safe and effective sheltering-in-place of an at-risk population, and/or the organized and managed evacuation of the at-risk population to areas of safe refuge in response to a potentially or actually dangerous environment. In addition, this capability involves the safe reentry of the population where feasible.
Capability Outcome: Affected and at-risk populations are safely sheltered-in-place and/or evacuated to safe refuge areas in order to obtain access to medical care, physical assistance, shelter, and other essential services, and effectively and safely reentered into the affected area, if appropriate.
Activity 1: Evacuate Patients in Affected Area of Facility
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#013 / Review established evacuation plan.
·  Written plan exists for the facility for partial and full evacuation
·  Staff understand plan and have been trained on components
·  Plan includes: access routes, staffing, staging, tracking, and prioritization / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#013 / Determine need for outside assistance in evacuation.
·  Plan outlines need for outside resources
·  Plan reflects staffing changes for different times of day / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Activity 2: Continue Patient Care
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#016 / Procedures are established for alternative care for patients arriving at the ED. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
#015 / Hospital directs patients seeking care to adequate community resources or alternatives. / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:
Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements
Capability Description: Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements are integral to the success of integrated response between agencies. This section focuses on evaluating the existing agreements and determining the need for revision and expansion of formal agreements
Activity 1: Review Current Agreements with Outside Agencies
Task / Observation Keys / Performance
#018 / Review current agreements.
·  Agreements exist to provide use of facilities, additional personnel, equipment and supplies.
·  Agreements have been reviewed recently and are updated regularly
·  Agreements are formal written documents which identify repayment schedule, liabilities, and responsibilities of the assisting agency and the requesting agency / Strong Adequate Weak
Unsure Non-Existent
Not Applicable
Improvement Recommendations:

HSEEP Exercise Evaluation Guide: Consolidated 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –